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Everything posted by hank75

  1. hank75

    Tipping at a bar

    You will find these links useful
  2. I don’t have any more updates on this I’m afraid, as my friend said it was a sensitive topic and didn’t want to pry further. But I assume the mamasans can still help to call Nicky if you want to off him.
  3. I don’t think it was about recouping the compensation but rather a stern warning to all the boys not to drink and drive (if he was indeed under the influence - that was what I inferred but can not confirm so would not wish to wrongly accuse Nicky) OR in any way put the customer’s safety at risk. Which, given many of us here are Moonlight customers, actually works to our benefit. Also a timely reminder to us not to buy boys alcoholic drinks in the bar and then be silly enough to get into their car or on the back of their motorcycles.
  4. I believe that was the case. Let’s see if this suspension is really enforced or is just a disciplinary threat (and to appease customer)
  5. My friend was at RCA and guess who showed up there - Arm! He spent quite alot of time at their table so my friend thinks it was his night off rather than with a customer. Apparently Arm is lots of fun even outside Jupiter. He enjoys drinking and flirting with both men and women.
  6. Apparently Nicky has been suspended from work. Around 1 month. He smashed his car into another car with a customer on board, and the customer went back to Moonlight for compensation.
  7. Well...Songkran is coming! Fantasise away!
  8. I prefer shower show. The fountain would be much improved by a few boys in it.
  9. Knowing the quality of report we can expect after, I for one would contribute!
  10. This is confusing though, because it would then suggest Soi 4 is not closing.
  11. The question is, does Babe suck or only is sucked?
  12. Super like. Finally someone has solved the mystery of Babe’s offability. Congratulations Paul1981 on being the lucky member to notch Babe on your bedpost.
  13. If you have already been diagnosed with cancerous cells in prostate (even if no immediate treatment needed) do not take testosterone just for libido. God forbid, but if you need radiation treatment at a later stage this will be combined with hormone therapy and best to let doctors start on a clean slate.
  14. Yes I thought some of their recruitment choices for models were poor. To my surprise though mamasan said these new models were popular with farang customers, especially the dark tattooed ones. Would like to see more promotion of the regular boys, some are very cute.
  15. Jasper do you know if they will be closed while the move is happening? I have a trip planned in very close proximity to those dates, might adjust if there is a full closure of the bar.
  16. Mr Tam has inherited Babe’s “She Bangs” routine. While he is not a natural mover like Babe, he is certainly competent enough as a solo act to demonstrate why he was such a draw during his Jupiter heyday. Lots of rippling muscle on display. But sadly the routine still calls for the ridiculous humping of a headless female mannequin...poor guy
  17. The opposite, I got very slightly hairier with prolonged use. Back to normal after stopping for a couple of months.
  18. I would not recommend taking testosterone without medical supervision. But for any members who suspect they are low, do not delay and get some. It could be one of the best things you do for yourself. Apart from the bedroom boost, I had much more energy and felt more like “me” than I had in a long time. I was on a very moderate dose and it was a special compound made up for me by my doctor. edit: it also helped me with muscle building, improved metabolism and weight loss though that wasn’t my main reason for going on it.
  19. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Absolutely, but it wasn’t a “correction” per se I was just trying to remember which member who mentioned it before. So maybe I should have phrased my comment more appropriately that it was a response rather than a rebuttal. My apologies for that.
  20. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Yes (to any new member reading this) you are by no means obligated to only off the same boy. Two or even three offs in a row do not entitle a boy to claim exclusivity on you unless you choose to make it so. But definitely be prepared that no off is a secret, particularly when you move on to the next boy....Boy #1 WILL hear about it
  21. hank75

    BKK newbie

    One of the other threads (or perhaps this one) I forget, someone said Thai boys never say bad things about their customers. Perhaps it was someone else. We’ve had a lot of posts on the board lately so I can’t recall exactly.
  22. hank75

    BKK newbie

    It seems timely to repost a link to Bangkok Bois’ excellent first timer’s guide to Gogo Bars. Read all the chapters in order. Then proceed on to the “I Fell In Love with a Bar Boy” essays. https://bangkokbois.sawatdeenetwork.com/?p=176
  23. hank75

    BKK newbie

    Exactly, I find this to be true. Among themselves they might swap information on tips or where the customer brought them (if invited to dinner/drinks). They discuss bedroom activities far less than you might imagine, they are actually quite circumspect or outright shy even among friends. No boy is going to give friends details of exactly how you liked to be sa-moked unless it turns out you are a butterfly and offing his friend, then it becomes practical advice, with an expectation of return of similar intelligence when they are offed by a customer their friends have already had. As a customer with a couple of regular boys (and hearing from friends, with their own regulars) when the boys feel comfortable opening up, what you will hear most often are stories of awe “My friend so-and-so had this customer from [country] who tipped him this much for 2 days” or “My friend no work bar now, stop for customer because paid [this much]”. And there isn’t an expectation for you to pay the same, they are simply sharing I industry stories. On occasion I have heard a few disparaging remarks “I don’t like customers like this, outside beautiful inside bad heart” (about some late 40s well dressed women going around hanging money garlands) or customers who think they own the boys body and soul, just because they have some cash. I believe it was DivineMadman who said you do not hear Thai boys saying bad things about customers- well I definitely have, perhaps not about specific individuals but commentary on past customers who have rubbed them the wrong way. On one occasion a boy took a particular dislike to my friend and it took some gentle prying, until finally several months later my boy told me what the issue was, indicating they did already have this conversation between themselves (they were offed together)
  24. Isn’t there universal sign language for situations like this? I find the appropriate hand gestures are usually sufficient. LOL
  25. In principle I would agree with you, but there are occasions when we can offer boy (or friend, or family member) an unsolicited, possibly unwanted, gift, yet it turned out to benefit them immensely.
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