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Everything posted by hank75

  1. For a young guy like Fluke, probably working in a large and popular club venue geared towards a local audience is more exciting than Moonlight. It is a pity about the shower show though...now it seems only Babe does a decent one?
  2. Well I am very pleased for him, he is a very nice boy. Makes me 500 tip seem very paltry! Woman customer too? He must have made her very “happy” I wonder why I never see these money garlands at Moonlight. Maybe the customers there are too cheap? LOL
  3. Thanks to Jasper for catching this, not me lol. But unless you are there very soon, Nicky may already be back at Moonlight.
  4. So he was 8k without transport and you paid additional for his taxi? No judgement at all, it was very considerate of you to give him a comfortable ride.
  5. To give him the benefit of the doubt, I imagine he knew Michael gave him that fee with the expectation that he would take a taxi at least one way into Bangkok so he would not miss the appointment. Probably he took a bus return. And Thai boys are conscious about cleanliness, another way of ensuring he arrived looking (and smelling) presentable to the customer.
  6. If you click on it you will see it is a phone screen capture with the telco and battery life still visible. I suspect it is Nicky himself who sent it out and isn’t terribly tech savvy. LOL
  7. Very interesting news. I’ve heard of this venue but seems to be more local. Some of the talent looks attractive but Nicky will definitely be a stand out. I also found this post. Monday was the day right after the big photo shoot for the models, where he was included in one group photo to promote the April 7 but not in the 8 sons of Artemis.
  8. Well this made me LOL. Isn’t Greek mythology a bit of a stretch for a Thai gogo bar? Maybe the fancy dress shop was letting these go at a bargain.
  9. Google “Jack Maitree” I guarantee you’ll find something you’ll like
  10. I’m the model right there behind Babe. Wait, who photoshopped me out?
  11. Although I’d like to be getting all the tips and attention for a change, I’m quite sure you mean Mr Lucky Thanks for reminder I forgot he also does that wet dream routine.
  12. You did not send me a photo of your dead buffalo.
  13. Name seems to be “Koon”
  14. Well I just put through a payment on Transferwise on a credit card. Will update if any unexpected fees show up.
  15. Could not be more pleased for you Michael. What a guy, came all the way from Pattaya, arrived on time, delivered good sex x2, and seems the liking was mutual with the offer of long-long time. Do we foresee the makings of a regular?
  16. This should be the official motto of our forum. Delighted for you that you are having one wish granted.
  17. Correction: I can answer this. He is gay. LOL. And likely a top. I asked a friend who knew the answer.
  18. I didn’t speak with him in person as the night I saw him, he was already receiving quite a lot of interest from the other customers in the bar. And had an advance booking that he rushed off for after show was done. By the way his frame is very lean and lanky compared to the other muscle boys. If you have FB, he’s been in most of the recent videos.
  19. He photographed extremely well here. He’s appeared in some of the videos but didn’t look so impressive in them. Having seen him in person, he definitely looks more appealing in the flesh.
  20. His name is Lucky, joined the model line up recently. As I posted earlier, mamasan says he is becoming popular and has customers requesting for him. He does dance in some of the acts, especially the peekaboo towel routine. Another under the radar model is Mark, seated with tattoo. Not everyone’s cup of tea (not mine) but has acquired a few devoted regulars apparently.
  21. Yes I was just able to get this information off the Transferwise site too. But thank you for giving the exact value for GBP. Very helpful. My question was actually if you would incur additional fees from your credit card provider for this sort of transfer or if would be treated like a regular purchase. And if points/mileage would accumulate- completely understand it varies between banks but interested to hear what others have experienced as my bank seems very non-transparent about this.
  22. Has anyone used a credit card on Transferwise? Are the fees higher with a card? I am wondering if I might get points or air miles. edit: I read online that some card providers treat this as a cash advance (no points) rather than a transaction. Still searching on the internet for more information...
  23. All your posts could not have been more timely. I just received an urgent SOS from a boy last night and though I’ve tried to make it a rule not to send money from overseas, I agreed to send him something to tide him over. So here comes my first, virgin transfer of money to a Thai boy. This, I hope, it’s a one-off but something tells me it probably won’t be! Signing up for my Transferwise account in a few hours. If there is anything else I should bear in mind, please do mention. Out of curiousity, for those of you that send money to regulars, how much do you send?
  24. Michael, what is preventing you from going to Pattaya? The 5K seems better spent on your own transport and hotel stay. And you could have an enjoyable short visit and the chance to sample additional boys.
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