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Everything posted by hank75

  1. Not only Chinese from China but Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are also part of the big spenders’ club. Not all of course, but the recent wave of heavy tippers,garland and gift givers are from the above countries.
  2. Short of a perfect score, what a tragedy Never mind vinapu, true to your intrepid reputation you can be the first forum member to test and review the upcoming new bars...boldly go where no man has gone before
  3. Moonlight has again done a video peek-a-boo on FB, where they upload a non-model parade live show video for a very short while then take it down, If anyone else was (un) fortunate enough to catch this, they debuted a new act “Matador” Which consisted of - you guessed it - Mr Smart dressed up Spanish-style and flourishing a big red cape. And one other boy, I couldn’t recognise from the video but a strapping fellow, wearing a horned helmet and bondage gear prancing around as the ‘bull’. He actually looked more like a Viking caricature. It was somewhere in between cringeworthy and a hoot. Why do I have a feeling the famous new choreographer they talk about so proudly is actually just a naughty gay making the boys act out his fantasies? LOL
  4. Got you. He’s worth it though! Alrhough there are bigger stars who ask less. Perhaps he just didn’t like the customer.
  5. I just need a good angle, like Pong Music Massage. LOL.
  6. Wonderful. I love live music but around Silom, I don’t know where else to go apart from late night Jupiter.
  7. Who is this diva?
  8. HOT. thank you for sharing
  9. Don’t worry you will have Jupiter, Moonlight, Tawan and Screwboys available to you. And Fresh Boys and Dream Boys seem to have confirmed their relocation so likely they will have reopened by time you are there. Gogo bars can’t afford long closures if they want to stay in business. I’ve always preferred hanging out in Soi 4 to Twilight anyway. Add on the massage places, DJ Station and Soi 2...:you’ll still have plenty of action around Surawong.
  10. Yes 100K a month is extraordinarily high. I’m almost tempted to go work massage myself!
  11. My assumption was that massage tips weren’t as generous as gogo offs though? And no drink fees, stage tips etc. So even for popular massage boys it would probably be around the same as gogo?
  12. I have always wondered about this. Do boys really make more money from massage rather than working gogo?
  13. Yes I merely meant that the style of Thai boys I prefer - hunky. Either they make more money or find it more pleasurable working in the local venues.
  14. I have noticed many of the Thai boys I find most attractive have gone to work in local women-only host club or Fake club. I see their pictures on the social media for these venues and bemourn the fact that they are not accessible to me. If a revitalization or creation of brand new gogo venues (or even foreigner and gay friendly host clubs or dance clubs) means they are lured back, this would be only good news as far as I am concerned.
  15. Wow this is significant. New owner = major change in how bar is run? Good news is that new ownership implies bar will remain open, injection of funds to revive what was becoming a very tired venue. I hope they lose the camp lady boys finally!
  16. Sorry to tell you, but that is not exactly how it works. A mamasan friend is not the same as having a free personal pimp. Hahaha.
  17. Some premium boys ask 2500 for short time but anything above 4000 long time is boy’s own hopeful expectation and customer’s goodwill. 2000/3000 should still be the norm in most places. I think I know which forum you mean. It seems the young Chinese have a reputation for being generous so the boys (especially at Jupiter) ask them for higher tips. This is then passed on to other members as “fact”. Only exception I know of are Moonlight models who ask between 3000-6000 short time.
  18. I really think this was circumstantial. I find farangs and Asians equally welcome as first time visitors, and only segregated into “preferred” and “non preferred” once the bar gets a sense of their spending. Like everyone else says, mamasan could see you were there to seriously engage an off, there was the expectation of business for the bar and a tip for boy and him. Perhaps they knew something about the group of farangs that you did not? Many well meaning but clueless holidaymakers come to the bars to drink and have fun, and take up boy’s time because they enjoy chatting to a real “Thai gogo boy” but leave without offing or tipping because they simply are not aware this is where the real money is made. I see this at Jupiter all the time. On mamasans, I have had both good and bad experiences. But some can become good companions once you cut through all the initial flattery and guff. One mamasan I’ve gotten to know well shares with me his career and family anxieties, and not in an effort to lobby for tips either. He doesn’t enjoy mamasan work in Bangkok, finds it boring most days, feels heart stricken when he and fellow mamasans have worked hard all night to chat up customers and they leave with no offs because they don’t like the boys or other reasons. I have offed him to join me for a drink in other bars just to liven up his quieter evenings. I was very touched when he tried to steer me to bars where he has an open bottle so I don’t pay for all the drinks. Now when he knows I’m in town, he hopefully texts “Tonight I can leave by 11.30!”
  19. Really fantastic to have this report so the last days of Twilight are documented. Thank you and looking forward to next instalment.
  20. I find Meji even more attractive than Jack Hope they release more photos soon
  21. Thank you for sharing your memories. Like spoon, I am a relative (though enthusiastic) newbie since I’ve only partaken of the scene for less than a year. Remembering the intoxicating headiness of my first two visits, I can only imagine what it must have been like in the pre-internet years when the gogos were at their peak form. However this could be the start of some exciting times as the old bars reopen in new incarnations? Perhaps even revitalize scene by attracting new boys to work in spanking new premises?
  22. I would because... He obviously made you very happy and was not greedy. I do not know the cost of the phone but I would contribute a reasonable amount and make it clear this is something you never do and prefer not to do, but are making an exception for him. If his birthday is any time soon it can be expressed as a one-off gift. Or surprise him at the end of the trip as a reward for good behavior. I know how desperately these young poor boys yearn for phones and he’s probably been scrimping for months and is short of a certain amount. Alternatively you can deny him the phone but take him shopping at H&M or elsewhere so it is clear gifts are possible but on your terms only.
  23. hank75

    Art Massage

    Seconding the branch opposite Tawan.
  24. It was mentioned he is indeed a real gogo boy at Jupiter...but way too popular for us mere mortals
  25. Well he is quite a hunk! Perhaps that group of boys - who are good friends apparently - all come with a fair bit of attitude?
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