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Everything posted by hank75

  1. hank75


    I haven’t been to Bangkok for Songkran and am curious what it’s like. Is anyone there this week and able to report? Especially around the Silom area. With some inconvenience I may be able to switch my overnight transit stop on 16 April to Bangkok. Is it still worthwhile and will festivities still be ongoing at night in the bars?
  2. But only the models, twinks and big cocks perform during the show though. Some of the regular floor boys like Charlee don’t perform and so no chance to see his body unless he decides to go shirtless that day. And Charlee with clothes off is far more impressive!
  3. I have seen the mamasan’s phones and also seen them in action selling the boys to potential customers, especially when the customers are not expressing any particular interest in the boys immediately on the stage. The tougher nuts to crack get shown Babe’s sexy nude photo shoots and mamasan will zoom into his fully erect cock LOL. They also like to use Charlee’s photos and any of the other boys who pose nude. If there any boys not present they show their pictures and offer to call them.
  4. What a lucky mamasan!
  5. Were the boys at least attractive enough to compensate for hour long drag show? If I were to go at 11 pm, does this sound about right to miss the ladyboys and catch the gogos? Lastly what’s the new cover charge?
  6. More for Mr Tae and Nakki admirers
  7. Not exactly top secret info lol, anyone who has visited Moonlight can share this.
  8. 2000-2500 and bar fine is 500 I believe (forgot exact amount but not model’s 1000)
  9. Before and after the show, the guys get up on stage so everyone can take a good look and request them by number. During the show, they usually sit to the left of the stage or hang around upstairs. They can be requested from the mamasans if not already taken by customers.
  10. I want to off Jo Jo but he’s got such wealthy patrons who spoil him and I’m afraid I may be dismissed!
  11. It is good to hear he has his performing moments. I read the above in the Chinese forum where he had many starstruck fans which soon turned to complaints about his offs and preference for women. My regular boy knows him well and told me that Tam has said more than once he does not like being with other men, to the point of feeling repulsed by some customers (had more details on this but I won’t share here - the no bed comment came from a type of customer he particularly dislikes though so probably he much preferred you). Fortunately after working gogo for so long, he has mastered the “Thai smile” and is a seasoned professional at hiding his thoughts! But he is on my no-off list now I know the difference between the quality of his performance for us, and for his women customers where he does full boyfriend experience. I think you mentioned Fluke and Nicky were both more satisfactory? Currently I believe you still hold the crown for most models offed. How about “public service” for this forum and acquiring the full suite?? LOL
  12. Yes and also the youngest/shortest/cutest one in the big cock show
  13. Talking of regular boys....I always found this boy sexy. One of the big cock performers.
  14. You can still use another profile to view when you login initially? My nieces and nephews use my Netflix account lol
  15. That’s my philosophy too. I visually admire them for their hard earned physiques and slickness of routines (even the non-dancers have obviously put in weeks of practice). They can also be engaging for a drink and chat, at the end of the day they’re nice lads. But I’m not interested in a cold bed companion who’s only up for it when they need rent money and “you come I go”. One complaint I heard of Tam when he was still taking offs is that he refused to even get into the bed! His idea of an off was a standing j.o session while watching straight porn and depart. Moonlight mamasans are not fond of him as he’s alienated customers and cost them their tip. Same for his good friend Mr York who will take offs but is very cold, and honestly couldn’t care less because he has a rich female sponsor. The regular boys of course want to make their tips, but at least put up a good effort at boyfriend experience, pleasing the customer, hoping to catch your eye as you survey the room despite no-smile general rule like Jupiter. Good news for Lucky admirers is that mamasan confirms he is the model exception and is a good performer, happy to take offs and repeat bookings. Ditto Nicky which we know already.
  16. Mr Keaton is exactly my type! Actually they both are. Is there anywhere else to watch this besides Netflix? I shared my password with family and I’d prefer this NOT to show up on my “Viewed”
  17. A couple more photos of Tae in Photos forum
  18. I also heard Mr Smart may take offs depending on his mood but isn’t so keen either. My friend saw customers working up the nerve to approach him after his sexy towel dance. He chatted politely but eventually moved away without trying to secure an off.
  19. Mr Tam, very popular during his Jupiter days but also known for having attitude if he doesn’t like the customer. I heard he isn’t very interested in offs these days, and prefers going to drink with regulars or female customers now. He doesn’t work the bar or try to meet new customers like say Nicky. During Moonlight anniversary he sat with a woman in between acts and left with her and some other models right after the show.
  20. More photos from anniversary party now on FB. I have a funny story about this particular photo. Babe rushed to pose kneeling down before everyone else...because he didn’t want to be shown standing alongside the two very tall guest models Nakki and Rome, as the height difference would be too obvious. Hahaha.
  21. Moonlight has also renovated the exterior and put up new TV screens showing promo videos of the models. It looks exactly the same to me LOL but I was assured by mamasan there has been a facelift.
  22. yes he does but gets bookings from regular customers so try to go early and secure him.
  23. Twink on the right is Q, a very popular boy and made some porn videos. Someone mentioned he used to work in Pattaya.
  24. Nakki and Rome were only at Moonlight as guest models for the anniversary. Not sure if they will return or if they accept offs. My friend saw Nakki posing for photos with customers outside the bar after the show, but didn’t notice if he left with any of them. In fact apart from Lucky and Nicky, he said the other models didn’t want to be offed either, they got dressed and went for dinner post-show. edit: Babe was called to stay on and drink with a group of customers, but my friend didn’t stay to see if he was offed eventually. However he saw some solo customers staring and waiting for Babe, and giving up after a while.
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