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hank75 last won the day on April 17 2019

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  1. What is the closing time for bars now?
  2. Au contraire, gender is unimportant for receptionists as their main job is to make change for my bill. As long as they can count accurately is all that matters. In fact an ugly/female receptionist will save me money from giving them extra tips, which means more budget for the actual specimens on stage.
  3. Also very true for the rentboy market
  4. Telephone Bar in dire straits Chayanggurn Ardam, 54, the owner of Telephone Bar in Silom Soi 4, said he has now reached breaking point. His bar was heavily affected by the "service venue" ban in the first round during which he estimates he lost 90% of his customers, nearly all of whom were foreigners. "When the border closed, everything started to collapse," he said. A shareholder of this 34-year-old bar decided not to carry on, which left him in a vulnerable position. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2064135/round-2-hits-just-as-hard
  5. This is why Pelosi pushed so hard for impeachment. A simple majority of Dems (which they have) can bar Trump from running for office again in 2024. Highly unlikely they can recruit 17 Republicans for the two thirds needed to actually convict.
  6. No evidence either that Sinovac in particularly (reportedly the lowest rate of efficacy among all vaccines bar Sputnik V from Russia) eliminates COVID. I suggest you still travel with extreme care Randomly, in blind trials I assume they would notify you at some stage what you received otherwise placebo recipients would continue to be vulnerable?
  7. Could you share what hotel you were in? Did you get to choose?
  8. Such a pleasure to read a full report. We have been starved all year
  9. I saw this too. How to obtain COVID insurance, have it clearly documented and acceptable to the Thai customs is a mystery to me.
  10. New sign at Moonlight. Doesn’t Babe look...disproportionately large?
  11. There are some hot guys at Prince since my last visit. This one in particular caught my eye
  12. Absolutely, but this is due to the pandemic rather than the desired target audience. My understanding is that there are gay bars for a local audience and before the pandemic the Thai customers mostly steered clear of Silom gogos. The boys themselves told me that Thais rarely come to the bars and they hardly had any Thai customers. Now, all customers are Thai with the exception of expats. My assumption was that the prices were a deterrent but equally possible Thai customers don’t like being in an environment packed with farang and Chinese. I was recently told as well, Thai customers who are drinking in the go go bars get concessions like waived cover charge and bottle discount because often they are friends of mamasan or owners. Regardless I am grateful they are keeping my favorite bars in business
  13. Or are employed by the business
  14. I have always felt very welcomed at hi-so clubs and in fact made aware of how desired foreign dollars are. So I think dual pricing is just an effort to squeeze as much money from foreigners who have limited clubbing options which are easy for English speakers. Even local clubs are welcoming though slightly taken aback if you do not speak Thai at all. Not xenophobia like Japan which is true.
  15. The rub is that go go bars are actually designed for foreign not Thai audiences. The entry fees are priced to deter Thai customers who have other local options that foreigners will not know about. Only the well-off Thais will be willing to pay this entry fee and drink prices which is exorbitant by local standards. And for the truly wealthy gay Thais, well there are on-call options aplenty if you know what I mean. The premium go go boys go go to them. So if they started discounting prices for Thais then it would be warning bells that they no longer considered us foreigners their best source of revenue. And as you know, Thais go to drink with a million friends so pretty soon we would be squeezed out by loud ladyboys en masse. This happened once at Moonlight. It was not pretty. They were fondling some of the boys who hurled themselves at me and my friends in desperation.
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