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Everything posted by Terry4

  1. Well I guess he could of drove off too, but then why did he stop in the first place?
  2. I also paid 100 baht to grope and suck for about 30 seconds each guy.Maybe I paid too much, I didnt feel that way though , but if I was going every night I probably wouldn't pay as much.
  3. You mean the teenagers? One tragically lost his life. Do you think the engineer acted in self defence?
  4. You seem to want to carry this on, This again will be my last post on this. As I keep repeating, and with due respect I know your definetely not the brightest Australian when you qouted that your stories of sexual exploits over in Asia which are posted on every gay forum are read by a "specific audience"ONLY being gay visitors to Thailand . If you think that, thats up to you. You are Australian , unfortanetely whilst everyone else can get the drift of what im saying you cant, so let me spell it out for Sir,there are certain agencies in Melbourne and Sydney and even in Brisbane that monitor Australians who post on forums just like this one. They operate 24 hours a day, no doubt they monitor this forum as do many other agencies. Now again im going to make it easy for you to understand, what could possibly happen to someone if they kept posting on a forum to your "specific audience"as you called them before ,that they are travelling to Asia to have sex with "boys? They the Agency whether that be the Australian Federal Police or other , have no idea unless they studied all your posts that the poster whether it be you or another one means a adult thai male when he posted "boy" ., eg travelled or is travelling to Asia to have sex with .... You see, red flags go up dont they. Some people are arrested at airports on the way out based on intelligence, usually arrested on suspicion based on......what they could of wrote on a forum . How many times have you read that so and so was arrested at at say Brisbane Airport leaving to go to Asia on suspicion based on intelligence repirts they were alleging to commit crimes whilst overseas. Under Australian Law you can be arrested for thise crimes overseas if they have suspicion. It possible isnt it, that you or some other poster would come under notice isnt it, say by the AFP as your an Australian, if you were to use the word boy because they would try to miscontrue it wouldnt they? In other words the said Agency may read more into wouldnt they? in which in all probality I would say with all your posts on every forum you could be in someones favourite poster box by now, not that I can see by your posts that you have done anythibg unlawful. Now im not going to be more simple than that. Now if you think your anomonyous in which case your not think again. Now do you understand why i think its better not to use the word "boy" when describing sex with adult men Sorry to everyone else that understood what I was talking about. Now respectfully I ask you not to continue with this, its not fair on other posters .
  5. No, I didnt say that ,once again my post has been taken out of context, I said when the word “boy” is described in sexual exploits, I actually keep repeating that but I guess some want to take it out if context to belittle me and try to argue,nothing to do with bar names,boyfriends ,old boys clubs etc Again I said my concern was when I see posters write what they do with “boys” ,and to others reading this forum it can be construed in a different way . And I gave a example, please dont try to exaggerate what I am saying,im sure you know what I am talking about. Personally I have no problem in bar names with the word “boy”,although my favourite was Top Man when Michael ran it in Sunee Plaza many years ago BUT I can see Political correctness eventually changing that too in Thailand,whether ones agrees with that is not the point im making here. But just a point,Boystown is not spelt that way it’s Boyztown with a Z ,it was changed a few years ago because I believe once again that the public had misconceptions This will be the last post on write on this topic,but I prefer to be safe and write “guys” rather than “boys” ,Its up to you however, wont say anymore but im shore the majority of you get my drift.
  6. No i simply forgot, I too am trying to avoid using the word “boy”,but as I keep saying over and over in a different context . I admitted my mistake and left the post up , lets leave it at that shall we.
  7. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2018/09/27/man-who-gunned-down-teen-driver-gets-10-years/ May I ask your views on this latest news where a Thai man tragically shot a teenager dead after they approached his vehicle after a road rage incident. I guess you would have to watch the full vid ( second video on the link page ) I think is his dashcam video, to get to the crux of it all. My opinion is the Thai man ( Engineer by profession as they call him ) should not have used the gun,BUT I have empathy for him,because I have no idea what I would of done had a group of irate teenagers approached my vehicle either, i tend to panic and may have done a silly thing too. Its a tragedy and it breaks my heart to watch it. I dont like violence of any kind and the second video did disturb me. I must warn you not to watch it if violence disturbs you.
  8. your right Spoon i did forget and rather than edit my mistake I will leave it so everyone can see im not perfect either,it makes me look like a hypocrite I know ,but I would rather be honest and let everyone know that . ( though I am not using the word “ boy” to describe a sexual exploit which is my main concern )
  9. Following a447 ‘s posts about travelling ,and using the apps to meet guys, May I ask if anyone has travelled into the areas of South Thailand. I have travelled all over Thailand ( except Phuket which I prefer to avoid) and have loved all the areas from the beutiful isaan to the gorgeous Chiang Mai ,Chiang Rai . But I have never ventured South to Pattani etc and down towards the Malaysian border. (I should of probaly posted this in the areas forum,my mistake ,apologies)
  10. I really enjoyed this report. It some ways I want to go back to CM myself , brings back memories, I remember back in 2007 driving from CM to Mae Hong Son with a boy I offed for a week from the old City boys go go in Pattaya. I ended up having a argument with the boy and having to drive back myself to Chiang Mai. Of course there was no Grindr or Romeo back then and I remember stopping in several small towns along the way ,some of them with a friendly muslim community,was it Pai ?
  11. We are only talking about subjects on a forum, even if you dont agree , with due respect you dont have to take part.You can either skip the posts and I also dont click on every post myself. Incidentally i have been following your blog for many years and am a subscriber so am not that “ newish”
  12. Thankyou Vinapu I appreciate your comment.
  13. I have just been messaged by a American member who told me that the word “ boy” is also offensive in the African American Community , I didnt know that . thankyiu for letting me know. Guys rather than be silent if you agree I ask you to post in support.
  14. Hopefully as time goes on and the older Gay generation “die off” and the next gen take over eg guys my age under 50, we can get some sort of moral correctness and stop calling the working guys , “boys” I do find it kind of pedophilliac when postsrs use that word and it can be read the same from others. I would hope soon that the forums mods of the future start to look at this word mentioned in here “ boys” It can be construed the wrong way by straight people reading these forums or even pedophiles. Its a terrible word to describe the working guys in Thailand . Its time to get more moderrn and I would ask the mods to consider educating posters at least for awhile to stop using this word, we are not pedophiles . I realise it has been used for a long time and no doubt these “ old guys” on here past 70 “ get off” on using that term but i am starting to find it offensive and I believe anyone under 40 on here would too. Can I ask others opinions and maybe consideration from the Mods in looking at educating posters not use the words boys when describing their sexual exploits . Can I ask also the other forum owners that read this to also make some consideration of also educsting posters not to use the word “ boys” when describing sexual play I am not asking for a complete ban of the word but it would help if it was monitored and not used when describing sexual exploits. I ask moderators to educate posters because actually we dont know if the poster is actually talking about a legal age when he describes his exploit with a “boy” I especially found it offensive once on another forum when a poster posted “ he went with a small boy “ and started to describe his sexual exploits ,one would have to question that and I did and that post was removed,although the poster most likely could of been describing a 30yo man he went with. I am surprised there isnt more complaints from the do gooder / christian groups out there when they read these forums and what they must be thinking. These are no longer “ boys” that we use for our service and shouldnt be described as that ! Hopefully as i said times change and all for the better in some cases. Please consider mods of all Gay forums , and guys please consider not using the word “boys” too when writing posts., it can only be stopped if you stop doing it . Kudo’s to one prolific poster who describes his sexual exploits with “guys” rather than using boys !, Its as bad using someones Race ,they are not boys we are hiring,they are men . As I said times change and a lot of you dont want change unfortunately and wont change with it.
  15. I did have to laugh at the hypocrisy on here though like so many others . " what about the boys? Says a farang who thinks in his own selfish mind he is helping out some poor straight 18yo thai boy by ramming his cock up his ass wearung a condom to hear him sqeal Oh yes what about the boys? Or even more a hypocrite when a farabg has his uncovered dirty dixk is sucked by a boy sonetines wanting to even blow in his mouth....oh yes what about the boys?
  16. im sorry it saddens you but Prep is new and changing the World in the gay community especially for the young gay guys, I agree some of them will be irresponsible and msybe Prep should even be used with a condom BUT myself as a fully aged adult has the right with another adult to choose what we do it the bedroom. The point is and I do know where most of you are coming from, is now anti hiv medications such as Prep will be marketed to the mostly young gay community as " safe sex when their is still a risk so condoms will be on the way out. I even seen Prep being advertised at a young gay rave party. Now personally not all I had in Thailand were money boys some were older guys well past 40 and 50yo, im sure they can make their own decision regarding using prep and natural sex. Prep is a wonferful thing in some ways but its the future and all adults have the right to use it just as some of us may disagree , some agree.
  17. Very interesting read Interesting also about the fact that some of the older expats dont have insurance when they get sick and expect the embassy to pay their hospital bill !!! Cant believe some people expect that !! As for the travel insurance yes your mad to travel without it; but these days i dont bother with the extras , lost luggage etc; just the hospital emergency is important to me.
  18. My doctor made me get Hiv and other tests before going on it. A lot of you will have to get used to times changing again, I didnt approve prep for sex , I guess the WHO did. It wont be long as more Anti Hiv medicine comes out onto the market , I already see a lot of guys on the apps Grindr etc saying their on Prep. Actually im a botton so im more at risk than the top. Safe sex is hardly wearing a condom that can break? I prefer the medication. Sorry guys but times are changing and many young ones now say " safe sex" is when your on prep. There are many things we dont agree with as we get older but to keep up we need to change with it.
  19. The only side effects I was getting was nausea in the first weeks of taking it. Travellerdave once your on Prep you will never go bsck to the rubber, the feel of the most handsome boy cock penetrating you skin to skin is a pleasure you will never believe and the most sexiest boy cunming inside you As for other diseases you can be vaccinated against Hep B & A , and if your currently not I suggest you did quickfast.
  20. If your taking Prep are you now ditching the condoms? I admit most of my last holiday I had bareback sex and it was my first time in years . All I can describe the feeling is more pleasurable sensation as you can feel the warmness of the cock as its pumping your ass. Most boys didnt blow their load inside me and instead withdrew to blow over my face or chest, Of course their are still risks regardless if your on medication but I love natural and Im not going back to the rubber feel ,not after the pleasure I experienced with bareback cock. Had a 711 guy on one of the apps fuck me bareback , he was hesitant at first but after meeting/hiring him a few times he finally fucked me natural on the third visit asking no extra money.
  21. Melbourne vs South Sydney?
  22. Terry4

    Baan dok mai

    What is it like now Christian? I must say I did like Chris the Aussie guy who owned it before, he worked hard but unfortunately he finished the cafe downstairs and I think thats where many of his problems started.
  23. Boy69, In some ways I enjoyed it even though the guy didnt because he was 100% straight and only got a hard on after I rimmed him, he tried to pretend my tongue up his young 19yo virgin crack wasnt doing anything but i could feel his body shudder as I licked inside his straight boy hole and seeing that penis rise made me even eager to put my face between those smooth brown cheeks and lick !!! It was an experiment I had to have but because he wasnt into it , it wasnt as exciting but I did enjoy tasting his sweet body. Sometimes i wish I was a Top though, and I could just have my perverted way by slamming their virgin butt cheeks and hearing them moan in pleasure or pain knowing im getting my moneys worth and have changed a boy’ virginity. Unfortunately imma Bottom so I need a hard cock and its not easy when a boy is straight.
  24. Sorry Scooby I had no idea where to post this thread as I couldnt see a “ other Countries” forum . Anyway to begin I was quite lucky today, met a gay guy from the USA who also travels the World looking for boy cock. When I told him my interest in Black cock he told me of a place similar to Pattaya called Boca Chica beach in the Dominican Republic. Now I had no idea really where that was until I done a bit research and actually find he is right and have many guys available to entertain the many mostly Gay Americans who go there, although it seems many European also. Can I ask if anyone has been to Boca Chica ?
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