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Everything posted by Terry4

  1. Good post and thanks for your opinion, some would take offence and cry like a baby but I support your right to have a opinion. and it confirms my view that one reason i support massive immigration to Australia (whether that be muslim Arabic or African immigration), ,especially to lower class Country areas is to rid ourselves of the bogan element who i must say ironically.....seem to hate each other anyway.
  2. Unfortunately on this board if you hold a different opinion or view some seem to take it personally and want to attack you for that view rather than discussing it rationally. I was at a Community meeting recently where we were discussing drug users leavng their syringes in the community park, I suggested we write to the local Council to ask them to install a special syringe bin to encourage harm minimisation, the members there just like this board were ignorant to the fact that there are drug users just like there are “barebackers” and “ harm minimisation” is what works,not ignoring what goes on or belittling people who acknowledge it or participate in it. And the same there had the same views similar to here , “oh they shouldnt be drug users there fault, hope they die , etc ,so rather than “ acknowledge “ there are certain people in society that pose in risky behaviour and we cannot stop it so lets “ minmise” it, instead we choose to be ignorant about it. the purpose of my post was to support Prep medication for barebackers just like I support clean syringes for drug users. Unfortunately this couldnt be discussed rationally , as if you disagreed with certain posters on here they took it personally and started using abusive posts instead of discussion. As I said these posters were not teenagers but mature men, some even have the audacity to complain to the moderators “ we shouldnt be discussing this topic etc ,we should be ignoring what goes on “ etc Many living in the past or maybe brought up in cottonwool ?
  3. With due respect Paborn , you cant take anyone disagreeing with you unfortunately, you seem to take anyone not agreeing with you as a insult and you seem take it too personally and to heart, my post is not directed at you “personally” because I dont know you. This is only a message board not something you take personally not something you would take to heart and get huffed about because someone disagreed with your views, everyone has different views and opinions and values in life. You have to accept that. My apologies, but Im not going to agree with you on every topic. You like everyone else have the right to put me on ignore .
  4. Really ?? Why would you say this? Evidence? I doubt very much its a characteristic of every person in the Muslim religion. If yiu have a look at Pattaya Grindr you will see many Muslim guys on there. You have a perception only, just like those people who think every gay person has a limp wrist and talks with a lisp. Its called stereo typing and thats what your doing sadly,just like saying Jewish people are mean with their money etc. Its sad people think that way or have been made I guess to believe that way, its usually the older GEN unfortunately who have these beliefs. I always remember my parents particularly my Father hating African or black skin people,ironically I believe he had never ever met one but he had his perceptions around stereo typing them. And we cant stereo type everyone just because a few bad apples do something.
  5. I wont be bothering starting posts on this board again , I prefer to wait until the “ younger Generation” start posting on here rather than the old fools we have here now with their outdated and often hypocritical views not to mention the racism and prejudices for anyone different from being a Geriatric homosexual, yes I used the word homosexual because some people on this board are still in “ those times” so to speak. Im sure in another 20 years when Im going on 70 we may have some intelligence on these boards,and we have younger members. We dont have many young guys or even gay girls posting on here because its mostly the old fools I see in Jomtien and Sunee hobbling about on their walking sticks and their only in their 60’s some of them,and the funniest thing is they think their young when they ask you “how old do you think I am? I can never work out why the old Homosexuals all seem to be hobbling about about and the straight old timers are mostly looking fit ? Well at least the younger Gen of gays are into fitness so in 20 years when most if you will be pulling up daisies there will be less hobbling old geriatrics around. I wonder if this board will be around when im 70?
  6. I think if you like to chat and meet friendly farangs yiu should try the Aussie bar Cocka2 , th e owner is very friendly, Rob from Australia,then Scottish Zac at home bar is also very friendly and will chat to you,hours of you are buying his drinks im sure. Sunee try Sky Bar,Alain there will chat to you especially if you are buying HIM drinks !!!!! Very friendly guy !!!!
  7. I for one also find the comments regarding terrorists and religion offensive,one should look at who else the media labelled “ terrorists” back in the 80’s snd 90’s. And they were not if the musliim religion in Northern Ireland.
  8. Whilst it may have been a “ interesting “ topic to follow there are unfortunately certain members who take posts on these forums rather too personally .
  9. Not sure if thIs is the hotel your referring to,but I stayed in the Siam Heritage hotel last year in Suringwongse Rd. You have to walk thru a “ arcade laneway” to get to the entrance.,there is a doorman at the front. The actual reception i recall was on another level, cant recall if it was level 3 or 6 not that it matters. Yes it says in there rooms there is a joiner fee 900 b however i just tipped the elderly doormen every night and had no trouble bringing anyone back The only problems I had was their silly card system to get into the hotel rooms ,a few times it failed and i had to go reception I preferred staying down the road in the Tartawan more.
  10. Is this the Siam heritage in Suriwongse Rd?
  11. Correct me if im wrong but I heard this is the only business in Boyztown that isnt Chinese owned. According to the report I saw it appears the owners of the business maybe awaiting a higher offer. The Copa has a hotel plus a go go bar downstairs. I have stayed several times in their hotel and whilst i wouldnt rate it highly it does its job at a reasonable price if you dont mind a darkish room and a lot of noise emitting from outside. Who exactly owns the Copa and is the Go Go owned by the same Hotel owner? I did enjoy their 1030pm show, I loved the costumes although the other farang I was with got bored watching it . I see the once famous Panorama Pub also struggling with customers, I remember years ago it was full of young European guys . Last month I walked around this area nightly to seee how things have changed reminiscent of the past ( I have to stop doing that ) and remember “ street talk” and see Celebrity Ink in the old New Orleans ,how things change so quickly. Even Palmers has gone, a loads of Indian restaurants in that Soi now,mind you the irish bar on the corner ,forget the name opp Celebrity ink is still there after 30 years .
  12. Interesting story on thaivisa about a “ ladyboy” who stole from a Farang. Ironically the “ ladyboy” they refer to is actually a feminine guy not a “ ladyboy” who I also had the pleasure of services from, got him from one of the apps and was quite nice to me,he also works in a nearby massage shop,unfortunately in this particular case he turned out to be a thief allegedly. On my last visit I had a guy ( not this guy in the story) steal from me however it was my fault partly as I had not secured the money. I had taken off my shirt with the pocket full of cash and I guess the guy had spotted that so when i took off my shirt he knew where to look after and after finishing he pretended to sit near my shirt putting his shoes back on. Some how I was distracted . Wasnt a great deal of cash and rather than argue with him i let him keep it. He was actually a “off” from a Go Go. I learnt then to lock everything up,even my wallet on arrival usually when the guy is taking a shower . I must say very very rarely have I had anything go missing over the years, maybe the occasional toothpaste or hotel soaps but not really much. But i learnt no matter how nice the visting guy is temptation is always around . I even remember a story on one of the forums years ago about a very sad farang who had trusted a guy for years and gave him everything only to one day catch him stealing from his personal apartment Safe. This may sound a bit weird but one thing I do when i stay in a hotel is secure the Safe with sticky tape before i go out,that way I know if its been opened or not by cleaners or hotel staff. I believe however if you wanted to ne more secure you can now buy Hotel Safe locking devices online . There is one particular hotel in Boyztown where I had suspicions about cleaners,so now I sticky tape it up. As for the story on Thaivisa Im very surprised that Police took it so seriously with even Senior Police involved.? You’d be lucky in Western Countries to get a Cuntstable out the next day to take a report and then never hear from them again,here in Thailand they seem to take it very serious . Who says the Cops dont care in Thailand??? https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1062010-video-pattaya-police-chief-nabs-lady-boy-who-stole-125000-baht-from-aussie-pensioner/
  13. On my last trip I think I counted 2 bar owners of yesteryear still left. Beer of Nice boys & Alain of Sky Bar,there’s probaly one or two more but many of them have gone . Like many of you I still an reminiscing about the Pattaya i use to know. Not sure whatever came of Thomas & Crabby my favourite bar owners as well as David of Come In Bar. Was it Colin of the Little Mango that was stabbed to death a few years ago by his BF ? I also remember Gary of Come in bar and Michael of Top Man,oh the memories!!
  14. No just be honest and talk back in the microphone, “ omg darling they’re all ugly !!
  15. Lol your right about the many gay unsmiling farangs . I often wonder if many of them are now “ stuck” in Thailand,because u have to remember back in their days some of them wernt getting big retirement funds.
  16. Vinapu you make a very good point. Nowadays with cheap airfares etc do we really need to retire overseas permanently..? Of course one factor for me will be cost of living
  17. I guess all Religions have their problems,there’ s even talk here in Australia to pass a Law that will let Religious schools refuse gay students. At the moment in Australia its quite legal for Religious organisations to discriminate. Whilst i like to be known as non judgmental i really had enough of religious policies hating others because their different in some way,i gave religion away long ago, I prefer people who dont need religion to tell them how to run their live,but lets face it ,some people need that “routine” in their life to get through it.
  18. Thailand to me has become to me far far more expensive. With the Australian dollar down 1,000 baht was $50 AUD at one stage I dont regard it as good value anymore ,with many of the guys in Bangkok wanting 2000 baht or more for short time, I do think there are less gay guys retiring to Thailand than what there were say 10 or 15 years ago, does anyone else think that? If prices get more expensive with even some of these beer bars being greedy then i see less sex mongers arriving Im looking next at the Phillipines .
  19. I see the new immigration chief has announced that the income letter from the British Consulate is no longer valid for British citizens and they want actual proof. I see many on thaivisa website forum saying they regret retiring to Thailand,it seems your not welcome to retire. Makes me continue to think when I eventually retire in 10-15 years that the phillipines may be more attractive. https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1061309-easy-ride-for-pensioners-in-thailand-now-over-says-pattaya-radio
  20. South Korea jails former president Lee Myung-bak for 15 years on corruption charges SEOUL (Reuters) - A Seoul court on Friday jailed former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak for 15 years for corruption, making him the latest in a string of high-profile political and business leaders ensnared by graft charges. Lee, in office from 2008 to 2013, is the fourth former South Korean president to be jailed, with his successor Park Geun-hye imprisoned for her role in a separate corruption scandal that toppled her from power in early 2017 and also led to jail time for Samsung Group heir Jay Y. Lee.
  21. Must say im shocked you never been to Sunee. ......of course its not the old busy Sunee of yesteryear nor the infamous Sunee anymore. Neverless its still has a few attractions going for it before it withers and dies.
  22. I did feel that way ....until a farang sitting near me watching who apparently was a expat said i paid too much ! He said if i paid that then they will expect it all the time.
  23. Londoner thats why i would rather see myself. I may sound like a idiot to some i guess but i would take a few precautions first maybe even see if i can get a local guide etc. Yes i too think this islamaphobia is here tobtry to create fear
  24. Londoner thats why i would rather see myself. I may sound like a idiot to some i guess but i would take a few precautions first
  25. Yes Neddy you maybe right but something still tells me to see myself
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