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Everything posted by Terry4

  1. Same with Me, I love visiting Bangkok but going to Go Go bars there is just too expensive for Me. I usually just head straight to Pattaya. I'm just too poor.
  2. Terry4


    There was a book written years ago by Michael former owner of Top Man Go Go in Sunee Plaza about the history of Pattaya gay scene., can't remember the name though Lol. I find a lot of " gay" Thailand related books up at Canterbury Tales bookshop in Soi Chaiyapoon
  3. I find that a little unbelievable, there is a little of name calling and disrespect to each other etc on that forum.
  4. I didnt think my post was offensive in anyway,merely just replying to the original post. Im disapointed you feel that way and are offended by my comment on the example I gave of the obese gentleman and how I witnessed him being bullied by a gay farang because of his size. It was an example I gave because I felt strongly that no one deserves to be bullied,especially when the bully himself would not like to be bullied or should know what it is like to be treated differently, it certainly wasnt aimed at all gay men . However please feel free to place me on ignore and I will do likewise to you. Sorry, but I did not mention any comment about anyone being 75 or any age similar, you may have my post confused with another post above, however having read that post I didnt find that particular post being age discriminatory in any way either, it seems the poster was just merely giving an example of someone older maybe stared or noticed far more because he was with a younger guy than say someone middleaged. Once again my apologies you were offended.
  5. I used to be concerned about it but as i got older i started now not to care what others think. A remember a few years ago i took a boy 28y ( looked 18) on a flight to Chiang Mai,we went business class and a group hi so thais were pointing and laughing from the other side of the business lounge until i gave them a cold stare. I dont care what others think anymore,im not here to please anyone or make others happy that i must please them. As long as im not hurting anyine else or being disrespectful to others then i like to do what i want. And nor do i judge others or stare at them if they are different ,eg race, disability , etc but the biggest hypocrites have to be gay men i find. I was once in a baht bus and a large very obese man tried to climb in and i heard one of the gay farang guys sitting opposite me say out loud , (so the obese man could hear) , how “ disgusting “ some people are. I was actually very tempted to shout back at this gay man sitting opposite me i felt so angry he could judge others when the large gentleman is not judging him. But no i dont care what others think,there is some on this forum who going by their posts obviously have low self esteem and do care what others think even if they dont know who they are. I used to take my then boyfriend to Sou Bukhao to straight places such as Murphys, and a few other places, and yes unfortunately sometimes you do get the uneducated 2 week tourists bogans/ chavs trying to make a comment but who cares i do what makes me happy, I dont own their problems ,why should i try to please them? But I do think your personally ( correc5 me if im wrong) referring to “ young looking boys” of course of legal age but look young/ boyish which i imagine and understand you would feel uncomfortable being around in a public place, I probaly would too
  6. Wow, love the pics, I recognise a few boys from years gone by. I use to talk to a old farang named Doug years ago and he done the same as you, of course that was a long time ago now when Duc 's bar was open.
  7. Lol..you maybe right, a lot more fatter and I don't dance like I used to !! I don't know if I would enjoy a disco nowadays though, I'm probably turning into a cranky old B , Lol
  8. Was you walking on the street? I guess it can happen anywhere though. Lol...I nearly forgot about the street dogs too, been a few times I was nearly surrounded by the little buggers !
  9. Having coffee with a friend today I mentioned my next trip will be to the Phillipines,immediately he started ranting about street crime etc etc and how safe Thailand is particularly Pattaya compared to most tourist places of the World. And i have to admit he is probably right. I have never really felt threatened in Thailand particularly Pattaya. I have been scared or a little fearful though mostly when walking thru straight farang areas particularly in the early hours. I made the mistake once of walking through Walking street in the very early hours getting a few shoulder hits by drunk farangs walking past wanting to look for a fight ,luckily im a coward and apologised to them before scampering off with my head down. The onky time i was probaly truly scared was a few years ago I was in a situation in a baht bus where 3 young farang hoodlums got on sitting opposite me in the early hours , All shouting out obscenties to passers by walking on the street, and carrying on like pork chops , spitting on the seats etc I had my right foot out a little and one of them thought it would be funny to grab my thong and take it off, and then dared me to get it back and all thought it was funny,i decided to get off minus a thong,as i was getting off and walking to the passenger to pay he threw it at me hitting my head, Only later did i realise how stupid i had been departing at that time up past Mr Macs hotel on the way to jomtien,in was in the midfle of no where and no one around at that time,had i responded to them they may have gotten off and gave me a bashing, but u dont think to exit somewhere like a 711 at the time. . Apart from those incidents never had any fear . I think compared to other places Pattaya is very safe,
  10. I remember the owner of Winner go go telling me the guys get a extra payment if they return to the bar after going off with a customer.
  11. Years ago think 2003/2004 when i was young & stupid I used to take groups of boys to the then Hollywood disco and the various umpteen karaoke s that were around then.including the gay one up at Nirth Pattaya forget the name but its long gone. Mind you things were cheaper then and I didnt have a mortgage to pay . Fast forward to September 2018 and i found the boys a bit less enthusiastic about discos etc than their colleagues 15 years before. I must say I took 2 boys from the Eden bar to karaoke in September and we had a hard time to find a farang song karaoke bar unlike 15 years before where they were every second shop practically.,
  12. Lol...yes thats it, omg he kept screeching it out and it was so loud I could hear it making vibes thru the walls at the Copa where inwas staying,never again even if they give it to me for free !!
  13. I live in a apartment in a busy City but still cant cope with the noise in the early morning hours , especially a farang singing at high volume just outside the street facing second floor window of the Copa . He was actually singing that song forget the name but something about slamming the door and walking out,i just tried to tune out.
  14. I now avoid all the hotels in a Boyztown, granted they are cheap ranging from as little as 800 baht a night but the noise is not worth it.
  15. I said 100 baht for 15 not 30 minutes as you mentioned 15 minutes sitting.
  16. I told you my going rate for the 15 minutes as you asked for that time
  17. I thought you said 15 minutes?
  18. Lol...great post ....Your right ,the older farang generation now should be singing Whitney Houston songs or something.
  19. Usually 100baht , maybe 150 if i felt his balls and cock .
  20. Dont wish to take the thread away from the topic but couldnt resist talking about my favourite food Oh i love mushroom sauce over mashed potatoes along with lots of pepper !! Yum !!
  21. Do we have a list of the latest Gay Thailand blogs ? Some are now outdated, Use to love Xiandarkthorne ‘s blog, hasn’t updated for a few years , I read on another forum he had passed away sadly.
  22. I guess some would argue you maybe driving the prices up by offering more ? Its good if you can afford it and your on a high salary or retired or whatever but I certainly dont expect every farang to be able to afford to overtip sex workers , not everyone has the money , I dont think anyone should feel guilty because they haggled with a sex worker.
  23. Your right , the African guys in BKK were qouting me anything from 6 to 10,000 baht .
  24. I agree, most of the stuff shoes clothing etc I can buy cheaper in Australia, even my favourite Polo shirts. I dont bother buying much in Thailand anymore, went to the Patpong markets in September couldnt believe the prices of t shirts !!! I know they pay huge rent in Patpong but the markets in Australia are cheaper,and usually run by Thais or Chinese. I now do all my clothes shopping before going to Thailand . Even a visit to Home mart in Pattaya to buy curtains and cushions seemed to be more expensive than back home so gave up. Thailand is not cheap anymore unfortunately
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