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Everything posted by Terry4

  1. Of course you have to be clean.....but one thing I love is getting a long tongue up my pussy. ( butthole) Or being “ rimmed” as its known , its actually very popular up in the straight farang areas Soi 6 bar area where of course the best “Rimmers “ are the Ladyboys and thats why they can be popular among the straight farangs who luv their holes being licked & pleasured by a hot tongue lashing. Whilist its not the easiest thing to request in Pattaya unless you go for the feminine ttype boyz , money seems to talk and sometimes im lucky enough to find a hot straight muscle thai boy to lash my pussy with his tongue, The best rimmer I everwas a hot guy in New Zealand ( half maori) only 20yo and the best caramel smooth goowng skin you have seen , he ask me if i wanted Spanish .? Unfortunately I picked him up from the street and he was a junkie , but he was friendly. Spanish ? I said, whats that? Of course I couldnt resist and it cost me a arm and a leg to get him to show me what Spanish was but its a tongue lashing between your butt crack and your balls , he went to town burying his face in between my butt cheeks before tongue teasing directly under my ball bag, , I never had experienced as many orgasms as that in one night ! Ever !!!! Not sure if it was really “ Spanish “ sex as he called it though ? I know “ Greek” is anal sex French is oral Polish is ....African sex is etc If i am mood in Pattaya i always ask a boy on the apps if he will rim my butt , not every boy will,so if your after this fetish best to ask first although it may be a bit embarrassing asking say in a beer bar and the boy not understanding asking the farang owner or something, “ what mean lick ass , this farang want me ““ lick ass “him”
  2. It does.... when i imagine myself to be the woman receiving the tongue in my pussy .
  3. Lol @ the self driving van What about the technology in the Go Go bars themselves ? What ideas do you have for them ? How do we make the Go Go bar more modern using technology Of course we could do the same as supermarkets and do away with mamasans by having a self checkout . What about Customer ipads at every seat ,why not ? Can be done now actually A tipping service via the ipad using electronic banking etc
  4. Anyone else read this ? Omg I couldnt believe it, Tongue happy ending !!!!!! On thaivisa forum under thailandnews if you wish to read the forum #1 Posted 17 hours ago Thai women queuing up for "erotic massage" with a Tongue happy ending! massage.JPG Image: Daily News Thai women queuing up for "erotic massage" with a tongue happy ending! Daily News reported on a conversation with a Thai male masseur who has women as young as 18 begging for his services. One of his special "erotic massages" helps "to relieve tension". Six-pack blessed "Doo" has found a huge amount of interest in his massage service on Line after he was featured on a fan page. The tagline stated: "Now the cool season is here what do you do if you have no one to cuddle and keep you warm. Call a man for that special massage of course - and get relief from stress!" And following the advertisement on the fan page Thai women are doing just that. Doo (an assumed name) has seen a huge upsurge in potential clients on his page from 1000 to 10,000 in a matter of days. And 95 % are opting for the erotic version of his services. The women are mostly aged 18 to 40 he said, though some are older ladies. Some have husbands but he does not do couples. He is not into swinging and doesn't want men watching him while he is doing his thing. He only caters to women and limits his services to just two a day. There are three "courses" on offer: Option 1: Aroma: Massage with hands and Swedish massage for two hours Option 2: Erotic: Two hours of oil massage to get the woman in the mood then private parts given the stress reduction treatment with hands. Option 3: Erotic: Two hours of oil massage by hands to get the woman in the mood followed by "body on body" massage to initiate tension reduction. This is then followed by a shower. Doo can be found on Line. Daily News reported that he has a great six-pack. Source: Daily News
  5. I noticed a lady BJ bar in Soi Buckhao has a webcam on their website. I have turned it in to see a group of ladies sitting outside eating,nothing exciting . However they also have a online ordering and book appointments, profiles pics on their website with acronyms on what they do eg BBBJ , CIM etc Not sure if it would do well at this time in the gay community though, maybe the customer base is different.
  6. Now im getting older and nearly hitting the big 5, I have been going thru this “ phase” of trying to learn Technology,things like that instagram , facebook etc I like change and inlove to try to learn new things . But you younger guys that know about modern technology,( i shouldnt just say young guys ) can you explain how it can be now used in business areas such as Go Go bars . For example using cams in go go bars and then someone sitting in their hotel room etc can look at the guys on stage and order online , I dont suppose thats new ? Im too old lol But what other technology now is the latest that can be used in business? That can be used in a Go Go bar. I guess the question im asking is how do u modernise a go go bar,how do yiu bring this kind of business into the next century......with technology? What does the next Gen want ? I know they are more lazy , maybe even more anti social , they like to have “ friends” online so to speak. They like things done fast ! They like to take pics ,selfies etc things online like stats ? Biggest cock ? Customer ratings . Etc, is that even modern technologies?
  7. Winner Go Go is my favourite bar , of course Eden bar is my best beer bar and Nice boys go go, the rest i can give & take
  8. Certainly doesnt sound very empathetic Christian LOL
  9. I guess its a delicate subject for Airlines, but in this particular case the passenger who is suing described the other passenger as looking like a NZ Rugby league player so its possible just to be “ big” without being obese . I guess for the comfort of other passengers if you are a big person you should consider at least buying 2 seats or alternatively flying Business Class although Thai Airways had some News a few months ago of refusing obese passengers in there Business Class flights. Lets face reality and there are far more “ big” people around nowadays than ever whether they are obese or just heavy built ,even Ambulance Services are now creating emergency vehicles for “ bigger” patients. Airline seats have got smaller , in reality shouldnt they just get bigger seats and maybe just charge a little bit more? Shouldnt they have say a row of XL seats?
  10. Sorry to hear you say that .I just like to give everyone a fair go in life whether regardless of religion, or their culture . I know being gay what its like to be ostracised. Its your right not to agree with me and i support your opinion Anyway i think we are getting away from the topic,but just to retirate i think we are all of mature age and maturity to talk about issues affecting thai lads such as drugs arent we?
  11. Activist? Well I have always loved the history of the Gay Rights movement but havent had the time to really read about it . I really admire the people that get out there and be “ activists” to better our lifestyle and rights I do support the PRIDE movement who are campaigning at the moment to stop Police from marching but im not really involved as a activist as such
  12. Chill out? Hypocrisy at its best , you are wanting topics closed and write negatively in nearly every post. I must admit though I am fascinated by your life, the fact you say you are from New York and you are of mature age you must of lived thru those eras of discrimination and not coming out . I would love to read about those on here and about what it was like for you and your thoughts. I also love gay history “ stonewall” etc , literature about that era , 60’s and 70’s and activism during that period, there must be many here who lived thru that .
  13. No i dont drink alcohol , nor take drugs,nor eat pork, but i still not that much of a hypocrite that i judge people that do. And I have my own beliefs and values in life but that doesnt mean everyone should conform to my expectations.
  14. What a fantastic informative thread and thankyou to Buck for bringing social issues like this out in the open. I applaud you for talking about and what is happening in the “ real world out there. Unfortunately some people in our a Society like to think its not there and should close our eyes to such Issues as Drug taking in the Gay community , depression,Gay Men’s suicide, Prep, Same Sex domestic violence , safe sex , HIV,Drug fuelled dance parties, Discrimination, gay vilification, etc ....oh shouts the do gooders ,we musnt talk about this !!! Being Jewish I changed to a Reform Synagogue where they accept gay people unlike the one I grew up with who liked to close their eyes to such issues and we do way more for the local Community than the others who say you shouldnt do this , Or that, or even talk about it , and this is what went on in these Christian organisations for years where people were told not to see or talk about it , and the great thing its all coming out now , unfortunately too late for a lot of victims. I better stop now I may offend someone talking about modern Gay issues !!! We cant have that now can we , talking about such disgusting topics !! Im old myself and was raised by traditional parents who were strictly against Homosexuality but I can change with the times and accept people the way they wish to lead their life ,doesnt mean I agree with it ( drug taking) but I accept such social issues are part of life and pretending their not there wont make them go away. Some people in here would even be against talking about Gay people if they wernt gay themselves , unless they hide that fact in the real world I guess , and i bet they do ,thats why they have hang ups about talking about issues that Buck brought up ,simply because they’re not happy inside themselves for being Gay, must be torture in their minds pretending not to be gay in that real world . Its only 2018 after all, thankyou again Bucky
  15. There are legal types of drugs that have similar ingredients eg weight loss drug Duromine
  16. Interesting article by Stick, especially like his qoute But what about Patpong and its rich history.? Could it really be demolished? Of course it could! There is no room for sentimentality in business, especially in Thailand.!!! Ironically though his article mentions a Soi 4 restaurant that was just sold last mnth for a cheap million baht even though the new owner is risking his lease not going past December 2019..
  17. Im hoping I find a husband when i go to the Phillipines next year !!
  18. Similar to ice, extra energy can go days without sleep, and can make you aggressive at times or mellow depending on the person,also sex apparently is better ,you dont have to agree with them,but it doesn’t mean you have to turn your back on them either,no one is perfect. If you like the person and want to remain friends then let them know you dont agree with itheir choices and do not want them doing that around you,but its their choice whether they wish to do it privately. its their life and what they want,if it makes them happy or cope with life ,as long as they dont involve you or affecting your life then i dont see a problem. Some people drink alcohol,some gamble , some smoke,some turn to religion, as long as they are adult and not hurting someone then who are we to say stop doing it ? I dont agree with trying to talk someone out of it,they will turn against you, When someone is ready to change they will, whether that be stop drinking, losing weight etc, the time is when they are ready,not for us to say you better stop doing that because i dont like it. and who is to judge if its right or wrong, they enjoy what they do , so as i said as long as it doesnt involve you its not your call how your friend likes to relax ,but make it clear you personally dont agree with it and dont want it around you,theres no reason not to remain friends, Im sure you have friends who use drugs that you have no idea they do ,whether that be anti depressants or others. Ironically i had a tell me they smoked marijuana last week and i judged that person until he said something like , “ he without Sin can cast the first stone only “ And he’s right,who am i to tell someone to stop doing something i dont agree with ,if he is not hurting anyone else then up to them. No one has to agree with everyones lifestyle, and we dont have to involve their lifestyle in our life but does it mean we should turn our back on that person,especially if they are long term friends The simple thing is to make it clear to that person you dont agree with their lifestyle and you dont wish to be involved in that however its their choice and if they wish you can still remain friends and if they ever need you your there when they want support to stop. True friends don't walk away
  19. Cant wait till your report !!!
  20. Last trip i took a guy from the massage place at the back of Tukcom to a short time room at the Baan Dok Mai hotel ( just on corner back of Tukcom) 200 baht max 3 hours ...gay friendly
  21. Personally I try my best not to judge people however nowadays I mostly fly Business Class anyway which ( usually) separates you from the passenger sitting next to you. But I have a work friend who once travelled with me back in 2016 from Bangkok to Phomn Penh. He was too much of a tight ass to buy 2 seats and seats on these aeroplanes were very small, I think it was Nok Air. Anyway he used to tell the booking clerk on checking in that he received many complaints about his size etc ( he knew they would block the seat !) and everytime I flew with him it seems they blocked the seat next to him giving him 2 seats sometimes even the whole 3 seats in a row to himself !! He is enormous and easily takes 2 seats.,but he is a great fun guy just he loves his food Lol Also he was laughing about how they had to get him a special chair on jomtien beach when he went with his girlfriend, but deep down I know it’s embarrassing for him especially when we sent together as a group to those Isaan buffetts and they have the red or blue plastic chairs that he cannot sit on because they break !!! Lol When I go up to Soi Bukkhao and visut many of the British style bars I wonder how many of these farangs have trouble fitting in economy class because of their size,theres some big guys out there !
  22. A tourist who visited Thailand is suing British Airways after claiming he suffered injuries and loss of earnings after being forced to sit next to an obese passenger on a 12 hour flight. ThaiVisa reports that 51 year old Stephen Prosser from Wales told Pontypridd County Court yesterday that cabin crew onboard the Bangkok to London flight ignored his claims that he would be injured if he was forced to sit next to the obese passenger. Mr Prosser, an engineer, told the court the passenger was “extremely large” about 6 foot 4, more than 300 pounds and likened the man to the late New Zealand rugby star Jonah Lomu. “He was that large that he had to force his buttocks between the armrests of the seats,” Mr Prosser explained. During the January 2016 flight, Mr Prosser said he had to sit “with his knees wedged against the seat in front and the rest of his body was over spilling into my seat by some inches.” “I was immediately aware that this was going to be problematic for me and I could feel the weight of his pure bulk putting lateral pressure on my upper body. This forced me into a position of unnatural posture,” the UK’s Press Association reported him as saying. Mr Prosser, who is 5 foot 3, says he suffered nerve damage and a pelvic injury which has resulted in a permanent spasm in his back.
  23. Hi Moses I know you said before that Siam Tours are very “ choosy” and dont just take anyone as a guide. Can I ask how you choose your guides,and how do you interview them? Is it done by Skype?
  24. Terry4


    Does anyone like those ever increasing " jail" books where a ex prisoner writes of their incareceration usualky describing some hellhole. I did read The Damage done & not without my daughter but not my cup of tea
  25. I had a sick day off from work this sunny windy Tuesday and feeling a bit rundown,so have been in bed with my computer. Strangely I received a message on the Facebook messenger,usually I dont answer but this one messaged me with “ when u come back Pattaya? Looking at their Facebook profile I recognised a Thai guy who was my ex BF. I have not replied back to him though. It started in August 2018 when I visited the hamburger s near Tukcom in South Pattaya. Looking forward to my big cheese hamburger they made there I sat down and admired how beutiful and clean inside was. I could see the Waiter approaching me from the corner of my eye but I never like to make eye contact before they arrive as I dont like to appear demanding or authoritian, so I kept pretending to read the menu when I heard simeone say “ omg ! Omg ! Still not looking up but looking out the corner of my eye i could see the Waiter stop dead in his tracks just before my table. Looking up cautiously I could see a face i recall but not remember, you know how you sort of recall someone but their face has changed but your mind sort of remembers some of their facial features, and you still know you knew them from somewhere? You probaly dont know what im talking about lol so let me skip over it lol. So anyway I look up to see a mature aged thai guy with dark tanned worn tired face , almost like a regular sad face,hard leather like skin,wrinkled forehead, and a little bit of a belly sticking out from his belt,he just stopped dead track sort of nervously smiling at me and staring straight into my eyes., arms wrinkled brown with ugly green faded tattoos I lhad all these thoughts going through my mind in like seconds.hard to explain, even guilt like i have done something to this guy,who is he etc He then introduces himself, and to cut a long story short, he was my ex Thai boyfriend on and iff from about 2003 to july 2005 He was probably my first love and he was such a gorgeous gorgeous guy. So smart,enterpreuner , he was always talking business and making himself learn english. I taight him all the swear words ! Bitch , whore slut were my favourite to teach him Dark skin he was from Mae Hon Song in the North past Chiang mai and parents were Burmese I remember i had first me him in the then Lucky 777 go go bar up next to where Cityboys was. After that I was making 4 to 5 trips a year to Thailand to visit him and actually paid him to stay out of the bar i then bought him a big motorbike. He moved back to Mae Hon Song to be with his mother and sister,and I had gone with him a few times,whilst they weren’t exactly dirt poor they were sort middle class with a thai house. His father was in Bang Kwang jail for being involved in importing drugs but had recently been transferred to Chiang Mai jail after serving 10 years so it was only him looking after his sisters and mother,although they had a uncle living just near them who didnt appear to badly off with a pick up truck, nice home, even a gold chain around his neck , however i didnt like him,something about him wasnt quite right,well muscled tattoed and in his 40’s i would say at the time , he just looked like he would stab yiu at a moments notice, i kept telling Chai not to tell the Uncle we are gay,but Chai said he encouraged it ? I had been up to Mae Hong son with him several times and stayed at his familys house but i preferred a motel in the township. We usually travelled by rent a car around and drove regularly around the mountains etc where most of the time we were stopped by friendly soldiers who looked in the boot searched thru clothes etc. I was actually very in love with him ,he was a top and had the biggest black cock and balls i have ever seen and along with his rimming skills and long tongue U couod ask for no guy better than him !! Chai had nice chocolate skin with a athletic body to match and ready to fuck me with a moments notice i was in fantasy land. He always looked good ,well dressed,hair oiled and combed back, nice perfumes even on his large balls!! He use to love putting his erect cock into my ass cheeks in bed and leave it till the morning where i begged him to fuck me.having had that annoying weapon buried at the entrance to my horny hole. On a good day he would rim my ass and tongue pleasure my pussy until iscreamed like a whore on heat. I use to rub his hair as his face went down in between my butt cheeks burying his tongue inside pleasuring my used pussy hole. He made me cry and i mean realky cry sometimes when he said he didnt really love me, of course he would say he was only angry later and kiss me. Once he became angry i sometimes enjoyed being his bitch so to speak and sometimes used to make him angry on purpose so i could get on my knees and suck him off whilst he was calling me a bitch and whore,we once done this in the toilets at the Chiang Mai zoo , whilst seeing the Pandas I remember a group of chinese guys coming in and looking underneath the cubicle to see 4 feet and raving loud in chinese ,cameras around their neck as i saw camera flashes under the door, Sometimes i would have to correct him as i was sucking him ,you F...n Bit , he would say and i would have to stop sucking in his enormous young hard cock to correct him, No its bitch !!! I would say. Getting back to the story though, july 20005 i met him in Pattaya on my return visit about the 5th that year !!! Using my CC of course !! Chai insisted we drive from Chiang Mai to Mae Hon Sing instead of getting a plane , at that time we use to fly from BKK to Chiang mai then to Mae Hon Son but this time ....he wanted to drive? To cut a long story short when me and Chai were in CM we rented a car ,he drove and we met up with a thai guy who used to be the DJ at his old go go bar. I helped them load the boot with bags and we were off,he drove like a maniac around country road bends etc before we got to MHS Of course i was always angry with him but he made it up to me. I always thought it was peculiar that motorbikes would come to our motel in the middle of the night and his friends would pick up their gifts he brought them in green plastic bags,some of them didnt even seem grateful as they looked the farang up and down like i was a madman whilst leaving as i genuinly wished them well with their “ gifts” and smiled and waved.usually leaving with no headlights on ,i thought how strange but never gave it much thought. Of course they turned out to be “ runners” if u get my drift .more on this later. Only later it had occurred to me how lucky we were not to get stopped by the roadside soldiers and searched,he had later bragged to me that if there was a roadblock he had no intention of stopping thats why he was driving at high speeds during the night to Mhs Getting back to Australia in between my visits I had worked out i had probaly spent close to 500,000 baht for him thats buying him a motorbike, clothes,bribes for his father in jail, gifts for his family etc I remember my late Mother asking a lot of questions about why i was going to Thailand all the time I was running up CC debt then to fund the trips , something im still paying off today I decided i wanted him to come to Australia and to cut a long story short i paid a pattaya visa agent a large sum i think even back then it was something like 30,000 baht I had to put money in his bank account etc but i was in love and back then in thise days the telephone calls were expensive,i had to buy international cards so talking to him from Australia became like $30 a day. Anyway we travelled to Australia embassy etc and the visa agent rang me said he was not successful but i had to pay a bit more because he could get it through,being gullible back then and in love i paid the extra 25000 baht and Chai my boyfriend was going to get a tourist visa , 3 months !! Plans were made ........to be continued
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