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Everything posted by Terry4

  1. All i can say is im glad im not fat or obese , i wonder what it would be like to be over 100kg ? I use to know this 80yo dishwasher from Melbourne, he was enormous Mind you i loved Neal the big owner of the go go bar in boyztown , forget the name now . He always wondered why he was so big, then was scoffing down chocolates,ice creams at the beach
  2. Yep, Alain was a great cook , great company ...and ........a great dishwasher !They say some are better at washing dishes than cooking !
  3. Oh why wouldn’t he let boys go down?
  4. Yeah Karaoke has never really taken off in Sunee has it? I dont think its as popular as it used to be say 10 years ago though, Boyz nowadays are more interested in looking at Social media than singing . There have been a few karaoke places started up in Sunee over the years , never all really taken off.
  5. Last September i tipped each boy 100 baht to suck on their pricks for 30 secinds or so. Just called them down from the stage, fondled their knobs & balls , then sucked them for about 30 secinds before tipping 100 baht A old expat sittng next to me on one visit complained to me tha “ i was tipping too much “ but i dont think so personally, maybe thats why the boyz werent looking at him nor paying him attention with his 20 baht notes . My favourite boy had his cock cut into a maple leaf and a ring put thru it
  6. Reading the other forums where they are blaming the apps for the downfall of Sunee Plaza, i disagree !!! Jomtien complex destroyed sunee , the complex when i was there even during the low season was still busy and sometimes i couldnt even get a seat in @ home bar. The Sunee landlord could of promoted it more,offered less rent,longer leases etc, dont blame the apps Remember a lot of expats moved to Jomtien as development started , going all the way to sunee is a pain when they the complex on their doorstep So more expats live in Jomtien now than the past, The Jomtien complex has changed in the last 5 years or so to be a newly created gay area , they seem to be a cohesive group , even the Landlords let them paint the complex into gay colours . Even this was predicted by many 10 years ago, i remember many posters writing this on the sawatdee forum. Years ago who remembers the SPI, the Sunee Plaza Initiative , a group who were trying to promote the plaza As i just said I do blame the Landlord in some way , they could of promoted it more, they could if even had some say in stopping the then weekly police raids It seems the Sunee Landlord gave up on giving people long leases so that was a demise in itself .
  7. I just heard that he has closed ! Omg , im sad Alain was a wonderful host that worked hard nearly every night in his bar to entertain and most times he had a crowd . I guess the lease must of been up because i cant see he would stop trading as high season is approaching. The only negative feedback i got about Alain’ s bar was higher drink prices but hey , it came with Alains jokes & fun and not to forget his hugs , so it was worth paying more !!!! I guess he may retire now . Best of luck Alain, love you ❤️
  8. Yep i agree , not sure if TD has tried them yet .
  9. Alain lovely guy made me dinner one night at least someone wants to be my friend !!
  10. Lol, you may be right Colmx , i have never thought of it that way , maybe they’re all high !! LOL
  11. Thanks Vinapu Yes , or just click on your name above ( in the right hand corner) you will see “ manage ignore pref” , you then apparently put a name in the “ search” box and go from there.
  12. Well stop putting yourself thru all this disgusting content , ,its absolutely disgusting isnt it , there is a ignore button, have you tried using it ? But i bet you wont, because deep down you will come back to read more . I use to have a flatmate who was like that, he was a Christian, wore big thick spectacles name was Nigel,
  13. Me Sir ....You Sir....homosapien too !! I love you Vinapu
  14. One thing I detest is negative type of people. You know those who do nothing but give off negative types of vibes around you , whether its looking doom & gloom or just complaining about everything. Nowadays if im sitting in a beer bar and there are farangs or even Thai guys who are expressing negativity then I move on, I dont want that negative energy of theres to pass over to me, they own it and I dont want it . Last visit I sat in Eden Bar having a wonderful tme before a Farang came in sat opposite me and if they talk to me i will always chat back to them, my parents didnt bring me up to be arrogant , so he started talking to me about small things and we spoke until he started with “ i have never seen so many ugly boys as this low season” , then “ why dont they put the prices down its too expensive “, So, i checkbinned and said my goodbyes to him, i didnt want his negativity,he owns it,not me. And dare I say it even some Thai guys now have it. One of my fetish turn ons is positive type of people and I love Thai boyz who have a good smile and express exhuberance even if its fake Even if a Thai guy was not even goodlooking his vibrant positive personality would turn me on . one bar I love is Nice boys Go Go in Sunee because the guys are always smiling and I can feel that vibe among them that they enjoy being there,they actually work as a team and that turns me on their friendliness to each other and smiles no doom and gloom there I am yet to see a miserable looking boy up there on stage . Screeching angry ladyboy type places i also avoid , Sure there is a place to complain but some people are just “ angry” all the time . I tend to frequent places where theres a happy and fun barowner , I love @home bar because the Scottish owner makes me laugh and is fun to be around ,for all i know he just might be a good actor but at least he knows how to entertain and create a fun atmosphere. Even some bars i have walked past because I can “ feel” a negative vibe coming from it , usually starts from the sour faced doorman then look inside to see them all on their phones and sour faced too. I now dont tip or provide a small tip in places where the staff just couldnt give a toss about smiling , it doesnt cost anything to smile and im not encouraging negativity by tipping , I know we all cannot be jumping out of our skin everyday but at least give a smile a day and enjoy being alive,enjoy having all this “ boy candy” around !
  15. Getting back to Rimming , I too hate the hairy bums , but I must admit a lot of guys DO actually go for that !!! I do love to Rim the hairy Arabs guys butts when im in Pattaya , usually meet them on Grindr for free and they luv their butts kissed and rimmed .
  16. As the OP of this thread Im surprised the “ hypocrite do gooders” on here haven’t complained about this thread as they did with my others !
  17. The important thing to remember on your first time is to have fun,forget the cost because u never have a first time again !!! I think my first few visits were my best !! Good luck with it all and get out there and enjoy !
  18. Im so sad.....Pete Shelley gay singer icon of the 80’s has died today , Who remembers “ im a homosapien too , me sir, you Sir , homosapien too ! Very sexy young guy when he was young , looked very old at 63 when he died though. I guess the drugs & drink catches up to them eventually Strange he died in Estonia , I admit i loved the 80’s music, so many Gay icons “ me Sir, you Sir, homosapien too , homosapen like you.”
  19. We also need to be wary on this thread that everybody comes in different shapes & sizes and we shoildnt get to the " belittling" stage because someone is bigger than most. Im sure there are larger readers on here and its not fair to belittle people and cross the line . I have witnessed first hand a feminine type openly gay farang on a baht bus openly make fun of a obese man who was standing at the back of the baht bus with his girlfriend. The farang soon shut up when the large guy of Pacific Islander apoearance asked him whst his problem was. Ironically the boyz the farang were with also pretended to look away and not hear him. Maybe he thoight the boyz would protect him
  20. Wow I envy you , luv to live on a farm
  21. May i ask how u managed to pick up a “ straight” truck driver ????
  22. Just looking at thaivisa , there is a hot looking Thai guy and his thai bf arrested for assaulting a policeman in Walking Street Even though he is drunk , he is my type, i would love him to dominate me. Im very sure i have seen him both working in a Go Go bar especially his friend You will have to go to the video though and half way thru to see them Im even surprised they handcuff him but let him walk around . https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1071720-gay-soldier-and-friend-assault-police-in-walking-street-melee/
  23. Thanks for the private messages guys but i cant reccomend any particular boyz from the apps ,what maybe a good tongue for me may be not a hot tongue for your butt.
  24. I see on the Sawatdee forum that most of the business’ s near Soi Yensabai have also closed , omg whats going on in Pattaya .? I use to love the Colonial bar when New Zealander Warwick was running it,that too went to high heaven !!
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