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Terry4 last won the day on September 21 2018

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    Travelling, current affairs, Sociology,

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  1. Out of all the Americans i had met in Pattaya there was only several i really liked and respected and even trusted, Dodger, Travellerjim and TJ ( RIP my friend) and Crabby., all happy postive personalities . Doug was a good guy but i think he was from Canada, ( havent seen him in ages in Thailand) i always find the Americans loud people and certainly they make themselves well known they are in the bar., but unless i want a negative depressing conversation and if you dont agree with them well..... i do intend to avoid them .Cant stand negativity , pity LMTU wasnt still around at least he made his posts exciting.
  2. Im actually opposite to everyone else, I prefer a guy who DOESNT suck !!! Im after a real man not a closet fem gay . I suck them, they fuck me . My preference of course is straight guys . My position is on my back legs up in the air( used to be behind my ears but not anymore) ,so i can see their manly faces as they slam me like they do a lady and i luv watching their faces as they blow thir loads inside me.
  3. Speaking of “a Max”; reminds me of a Thai guy who used to visit me in Jomtien a few years ago,he was a part time Salesman and he was always trying to sell me Real Estate whilst he was F*****g me.
  4. Hopefully those who dont agree with me have blocked me instead of shooting me down, pardon the pun I will tell you I have never been to the USA but some of my workmates have in the past , and they tell me that the wages are low and some people even work on a tip only basis,. I dont know if its actually true but if your unemployed more than 6 months apparently your Social Security stops and you have to resort to begging if you cant find a Job. it certainly not a Country I would like to live in or probably even want to visit, i see your President on TV and i can assure you he is probably way better than our PM. I agree with him building a wall to stop immigration,you have no jobs there,people are working poor, working for $8 an hour, i saw this on TV how they run from one part time job to another for low wages to survive. You have slums there , people living in cardboard boxes etc, more shocking than Thailand thats why i donate to American Aid charities to help these people. For anyone not agreeing please feel free to put me on ignore
  5. Yes feel free to ignore me DM because i dont share your opinions , Well im off to my local doctor today to get a flu vaccination,free of course to see a doctor here and free healthcare , oh we dont know how lucky we are in Australia.!!!
  6. Good luck Spoon , hope you meet up with some great people , unfortunately a lot of the gay guys who are of mature aged ( myself included) can be paranoid when it comes to meeting people. I find it so different to the straight farangs who socialise together in bars , a lot of times I see gay farangs sitting by themselves
  7. Good luck with the new site.
  8. Time and time again either on Facebook or Australian news they always talk about how bad Trump is, I cant see anything wring with Trump, he has renewed your country, 30 years ago even 25 America was full of crime and beggars on the streets, no social security, vererans begging, slum areas etc I remrmber sitting at home one late night watching TV and they had adverts asking for donations for American poor back in 1995 Im not American but I remember the America of the 80’s and 90’s and it didnt seem to be good
  9. I go either by train or bus, unfortunately im not rich like most of you guys on here who dint seem to even have to work , i have to go to work everyday to save
  10. I thought Travellerdave had a post that he was going to meet some?
  11. Love your blog Christian, Can i ask are you retired from work ?
  12. RIP to the guy, but it doesn’t seem gay related in any way .
  13. I prefer short tme, cant stand having anyone hear me snore at night lol Im just one who likes to sleep by themselves, and im a real fucking bitch in the mornings so dont be around me !
  14. I must ask this question, Guys what do you think of having a “ private type space” in a go go bar away from the boys on stage seeing you and the other boy who you have bought a drink . Do you prefer to be in a private type area when you have bought a guy a drink or it doesnt worry you to be seated in the straight type bench seats with the guy with the whole stage watching you ?
  15. I like to see more modern technology in the go go bars nowadays, ability to pay online , Ipads should be at every table to order drinks etc online without meeting a mamasan even order a selection of boys to do sexy dancing on stage in various costumes eg sexy underwear etc via the Ipad They can introduce this now , theres nothing stopping bars, just put pictures of the drinks etc on the ipad and it goes back to the barman, order dancing online etc etc
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