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Everything posted by Mrroboto2000

  1. Hey all, Long time forum lurker, first time poster here, I’ve especially loved the trip reports some of you all post here =). I created a new handle because I was dumb enough to include my name in my other one. (Which, being as I now work in IT security you’d think I’d have known better!) Your posts of the beauty and fun to be had in Thailand have been making me think of making my first ever trip to that country, but it was hard to justify the cost and travel time (I’m from California). Luckily, I find myself in the region thanks to a business trip and I’m going to take a flight this Saturday on Thai air to enjoy Bangkok for the weekend! One semi important note, I identify as bisexual and lean more towards sexually and romantically enjoying time with women. However, it is undeniable that gay men are better at some sex acts than women, so I sometimes dabble in the dark side I’ve already taken as much advice as I could from these forums, so I’ve arranged to stay at the Crowne Plaza Lumpini Park (Thank you Numazu!) and have scheduled a 3 hour tantric massage followed by body scrub and aroma therapy at the Spa Bangkok (Thank you Divinemadman!). I’m doing the tantric with ”Yos.” I asked the spa via Line about Joe, and there is a Joe working at the spa this weekend but either its a different Joe or he doesn’t do the tantric massage any longer. The available guys for tantric this weekend are Yos, Wit and M. If anyone has thoughts on their massage styles, I’m all ears. And now to the question that matches the title of my post: What are your recommendations for the best blowjobs in Bangkok? I’m open to either specific spas/go go bars that specialize in this (for the hetero curious folks, there’s an entire category of “BJ bars” where women wash your junk in waist high sinks and go down on you in a specialized reclining chair. I imagine it feels sort of like a very dirty visit to the barber shop... but I digress.) I’m also open to individual guys who are known for their oral skills. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing in a post, I would love a PM from you! Sorry if this question was asked elsewhere, but a search didn’t come up with many good answers. Lastly, I will probably try and catch one or two go go shows this Saturday as i hear they are quite the experience. I’m also open to any other recommended must-dos on someone’s first 36 hour trip to Thailand. Thank you all for your guidance, I look forward to sharing a trip report upon my return.
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