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  1. I presume a trip report is forthcoming? 🙂
  2. Thank you @vinapu for providing reading material while I recover from covid after my trip to Turkey. Always enjoy your trip reports.
  3. I don't have any suggestion but just wanted to say I am jealous that I don't have that kind of energy. I'd be done after the Arena encounter 🤣
  4. One more thing, if you are checking your bags, even with a 16 hour connection, they may be tagged through to the final destination. This was the case for me once on a 14 hour connection (that wasn't in BKK though). You might check with Thai Airways to see what their policy is, you may not need that luggage storage.
  5. Why don't you just book an inexpensive hotel? The Quarter Silom (right by the Tawan Bar location) is only like $50 a night. Then you would have a place to take your offs, not to mention be able to get cleaned up before you go back to the airport the next morning.
  6. LOL I'm pretty sure it was not him but thanks for the laugh. 🤣
  7. Recently I witnessed a guy pass out a few seconds after taking a sniff of poppers. Scared the crap out of me, I thought he had dropped dead. I never had any desire to use them and surely won't ever use them after seeing that.
  8. That too! 🤣
  9. I want to say that 39 Underground sauna had something like what you described. If my memory is correct on the top floor there are two patios. On the smaller of the two patios there is like a ladder that goes up to another level where I think there were some mattresses setup. I didn't go up there because there was plenty of fun stuff going on everywhere else in the building.
  10. On my, they are gorgeous! I think I will have to finally make my way to Cambodia this year.
  11. I must have missed the underground floors. I'm pretty sure I only went UPstairs. I need to pay more attention next time!
  12. I thought all of the massages were given by guys at Prime, am I wrong? Would be good to know for my next trip.
  13. Yeah I was kind of thinking 1500. I'm embarrassed to admit though how much I tipped on my last visit to Arena. 🤣
  14. I would recommend giving the masseur his tip privately in the room. That's what I've done and didn't have this sort of reaction at the door.
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