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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Yeah, ur right, but a boy can dream, ha ha
  2. Its better to be late than never...
  3. I also like Jaab!!! If only he can be offed...
  4. That's too much, the standard is ST 2k, 2.5k for Jupiter2018, LT 4k, mamasans most of the time charges or quotes higher, better negotiate with the boys
  5. The magazine which makes me harder, c again d bulge, ha ha
  6. Better safe than sorry, wear face mask then cover it with handkerchief when ur outside, okay going back 2 Jupiter2018, I hope their boys are okay especially those with Chinese customers.
  7. Get wet with Jaab...
  8. Oh don't be shy now Rome, u can show it 2 us, haa haa
  9. Yes, I jump with excitement when I saw Male again, lol... Bank's tattoo is a bit distracting for me, but I don't mind, Thai boys are fond of tattoos anyway, maybe 2 show masculinity?!
  10. Hhhmmm, it makes me wonder how Y looks like...
  11. C u 2, that's great! I think there is a quarantine from the airport for suspected carrier of virus, those with high temperature is 2 watch out 4...
  12. Wow, c u then!!!
  13. Wow he looks promising! But I've got other target in Moonlight, though I haven't see him lately...
  14. Bank? Sounds familiar, hhhmmm, u got pic Hank?!
  15. Me also in April, Songkran
  16. That's very clear!!! I can almost see it!!! Take a look!!!
  17. Ooopppsss, another boy use the tub...
  18. Nope, I don't think that's his rubber ducky, lol... The only prob is if he will not be a regular in Moonlight, he's just a guest for now but fingers crossed the bar will hire him as additional model, hopefully, I really want to taste him, haa haa
  19. Maybe I need 2 visit Jupiter2018 again, its been a while...
  20. And after licking him, he may wash in the tub, lol...take a look on the bulge!!!
  21. No, no, no...I also like Jaab, let's share, okay? Lol
  22. On the 2nd thought, I really, really like Jaab, sooo hot!!! I want 2 lick him all over, like an ice cream, haa haa
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