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  1. I do really like playing the game in nightclubs, hitting on and flirting with cute twinks. But your advice is excellent. Thank you!
  2. I'll be on a flight arriving at Swampy a little after 10pm, which means I probably won't get to my hotel until a little after midnight. What are my options? Does anyone go to Silom Soi 2 on Thursdays? What about Banana Bar on Soi 4? I've heard it turns into a nightclub after midnight. Does anyone have any intelligence on how happening this place might be late on a Thursday night? What about Silom Soi 6? Last time I was in Bangkok, I was with a couple of young Thai friends in an after-hours nightclub far from Silom. When we left, one of them said he was going to Silom Soi 6 to keep on partying. I had the impression there was some kind of after-hours club there. Does anyone know what this might be, or even if Soi 6 is happening late on a Thursday night? Do I have any other options? I assume the go-go bars wil be closing around the time I roll into the gayborhood, but I'd hate to waste a night, even a half a night, in Bangkok. Thank you very much for any advice anyone might have.
  3. Songkran without a doubt is the best time of year to visit Bangkok. Large swathes of the city, like Silom Road, turn into all-out battlegrounds. One day many years back, when I couldn't wait for my Thai friends to wake up by noon, I ventured off on my own, making it well past the front lines, near Soi 4, and infiltrated the enemy's camp when I had to conclude that like my Thai friends, the enemy, too, was apparently still sleeping in. It was then that I spotted three enemy scouts -- three well-armed policemen. So I snuck up on their flank and started shooting. I caught the closest one to me by surprise and drenched him. You can't imagine my satisfaction, the sense of euphoria. But it must have been humiliating for someone trained to handle weapons and street combat. Or so I thought. Unfortunately my approach was not as stealthy as I had hoped, and all three officers, even the one who should be in a rage that he had just been shot by a foreign tourist, rounded on me, guns pointed at my chest. Only the first one began shooting, however. The other two ran to my flanks and within a second I was triangulated. When all three of them started shooting, I was the one who got drenched. I had to wave the white flag. So the moral of this story is: Do not shoot Thai police officers with your high-powered urban assault waterguns. They are not as sleepy as they look. In fact, they are likely decoying you, ready to pounce with their years of street combat training. And with waterguns filled with icy water. Actually, the moral of this story is do go to Bangkok during Songkran. Go into debt if you have to. You'll have more fun and excitement than you've had since your first trip to Disneyland. Or maybe even Babylon. When else can you assault police officers with a watergun and have them play wargames with you? It was such a good laugh. As for the natives leaving town during Songkran, in recent years that is more the exception than the rule. Bangkok becomes such a huge festival zone during Songkran that young Thais from all over the country migrate to the big, wonderful metropolis to join the wargames. But there's a lot more going on than aggressive watergun play. Some Thais -- and foreigners -- prefer carrying small buckets of water that they mix with colored chalk, walking up to strangers they think are cute, gently caressing some of the chalky mixture onto the faces of their objects of desire and saying, "Happy Songkran ka." So there's a lot of flirting going on in the streets, too. If you dig EDM festivals, the S2o Festival is one of the best in the world. Tiesto will be on hand this year. If I remember correctly, it opens at 4 in the afternoon and keeps going until midnight. This attracts young and old tourists from around the world. Definitely not a gay event ... but so much eye candy! It's delicious. You can check it out here: https://www.s2ofestival.com/ Please do not sneak flasks of tequila into the event as I don't want them to be on the lookout when I show up with mine. At night, there is the SK party, a three-night circuit event that is much bigger and more extravagant than the massive White Party, which takes place in a smaller venue during New Year's. Again, lots of lickable eye candy here. As for the fun on Silom Sois 4 and 2, these zones are packed much fuller than on any other weekend of the year (except maybe New Year's). When Soi Twilight was still going, that street was a party all day and all night, so I imagine there will be at least a little activity in gay Patpong, if that's your kind of thing. And with all the gay tourists in town, the apps will be a smorgasbord of finely toned Asian asses, medium-size dicks and ripped abs. The downside to traveling to Bangkok during Songkran is it's expensive. However, you can slightly lower your hotel bill by booking through the gcircuit site https://www.gcircuit.com/hosthotels.php -- you don't have to have tickets to the actual event to book a hotel through their site. I've done it before. Or maybe ask for a frequent-guest discount at your favorite inn. I've had success begging for lower rates. I've also had success waiting until the last minute to book my flight, then pouncing when Thai Airways lowers its fares. Not sure if that's gonna happen this year as a lot of us have been waiting three years to finally get back at and ambush Bangkok's well-trained and disciplined police force. I'm gonna bring bigger and drunker friends, buy a bigger gun and fill it with icier ammo. Just you wait, coppers! Also, plan to stay for at least two weeks because when Songkran ends in Bangkok, sometime around April 15, then everybody hightails it to Pattaya, where the wargames continue until April 19. The watergun wars there are even more fun than along Silom as the baht buses, everyone in them, motorcycle taxis -- even arriving tourists and their suitcases -- are fair game. OK, everybody, fallout and reassemble at the foot of Silom at 1400 hours on April 13. If you're early, be wary of the cops who only seem to be minding their own business.
  4. Any advice on when might be the best time to visit these places? Do they have a lot of massage therapists ready to handle walk-in customers in the afternoon, in the evening after work or late at night when inebriated potential customers decide to make good on that potential? Or maybe most of their customers come by on Saturdays and Sundays?
  5. I never have troubles accessing this board -- except when I'm in Thailand. For some reason I either cannot log in or when I do log in pages load very slowly. Again, this only happens when I am in Thailand. Outside of Thailand, this site loads just as quickly as every other site I visit.
  6. Awesome that you thought to ask some questions, and got right to the point! With the backdrop in that first photo of the stage I would have guessed the DJs play Goa trance. I'll try to take a post-1 a.m. peek inside the place later this month and see if it's any fun. Actually, I'm looking forward to doing just that! Judging from the layout and all the bottle prices listed on the menu, I'd say the place is trying mimic the N.A.B. business model of drawing groups of young people -- maybe bar boys, maybe bar girls, maybe a smattering of each -- whose bars have closed but want a fun place to keep on drinking. To excess. Quite a change as I believe that premises used to house a piano bar. Now I have a question for board members: Has anyone actually stayed in a BoyzTown hotel recently? The last time I stayed at The Ambiance I swore I'd never stay in BoyzTown again as an outdoor bar on that soi would turn itself into a karaoke joint every night and attract some customers who screeched at the top of their lungs until the sun came up. It was torture. Or maybe some board members have some new hotel recommendations? I stayed at Classroom in November but left after one night because of all the street noise -- and because of pillows that even Fred Flinstone would have found too hard. The manager understood and was kind enough to give me a refund for the nights I did not stay. She also said I could have called in the middle of the night and requested softer pillows. From the Classroom I went to the Avani Pattaya Resort, but that was way too expensive. So I'm open to new suggestions.
  7. I guess that means he's a top.
  8. Kra-ting has very sexy abs.
  9. Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or Thailand ... Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or Thailand ... hmmm ... where do I want take my gay hedonistic self on my next holiday binge?
  10. It sounds like this year's WPBKK was a huge success. I just received an email from the organizers: THANK YOU each and everyone of you for being a part of White Party Bangkok Presents Electric Sea this past weekend and for your continued support after the 3-year hiatus. A massive thanks to everyone who made White Party Bangkok possible: DJs, artists, dancers, costume designers, makeup artists, bar and security staff. Our production team, made up of a group of crazy people who do not understand the meaning of 'impossible', they are the beating heart of WPBKK and some of the most creative minds Thailand has to offer. They worked tirelessly these past few months to make #WPBKK2023 one of the most ambitious productions in circuit history. Last but not least, THANK YOU to all the attendees, both the new faces who joined us for the first time and the veterans who brought incredible energy to every party. More than 20,000 people from over 50 countries attended this year's festival, making it one of the world's largest LGBTQ+ gatherings. It was truly the global family reunion we deserve. #WPBKK2023 would not be possible without each of you. Did anyone here go by any chance? Here's a photo from that same email:
  11. It sounds like your friend might be asking for bars where he can meet other gay men, in which case Silom Sois 2 and 4 are by far his best options. But if he just wants a place to drink with his gay companions, he can go anywhere in Bangkok. The whole city really is gay-friendly, as others have already said in this thread. To find new places, I like rummaging through the online reviews at BK Magazine. My boyfriend and I have found a lot of great places all over the city this way and we've always been warmly welcomed wherever we go. So ... I highly recommend Mezcal Bar just off Sathorn, a little behind the W Hotel, even though I've never been there. It has a great writeup: https://bk.asia-city.com/nightlife/bar-club/mezcal-bar
  12. The fried chicken for breakfast thing is out of the ordinary for Japanese, but drinking beer at 7am while starting a vacation is not. Still, I'm always surprised by this behavior whenever I start a trip in Japan on a long-haul bus.
  13. Oh, so "mile high club" is a kind of code. And I thought he had simply joined ANA's mileage program.
  14. Thank you for warming my heart with this story. It made me so glad that someone gave a newfound friend who might not be so rich a business-class experience -- and an American holiday experience. I want to see the Hollywood movie of your trip. But if I may ask one question: How did you chat up your friend? Directly on OnlyFans? Did you find him on another social media platform?
  15. This 56 place looks really nice, especially for the price. I'm seeing $32 a night on Tripadvisor for three nights, including a Friday and Saturday, in mid-Feb. Will definitely bookmark.
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