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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. On my last trips I didn't off boys from bars simply because the rates become outrageous, massage parlors are a rip off as well I did it one and last time.I find boys from the apps never paid more than 1000 Baht ST or 1500 Baht LT ,I agree with a447a approach of "there will be one counter-offer and a final yes/no" there is no need to pay outrageous rates in Thailand as some of the forum members paid otherwise there is no point to travel there because I can find local boys in my country .
  2. Zing Resort&Spa is a good option their delux rooms and above.
  3. It's very hard to find currently boys for ST on 1000 at Pattaya especially if the boy is attractive and works at a bar.It seems 1500 is the standard rate .
  4. It's an option but another option is that the boy is looking for wealthy clients or big spenders becuse attractive dancers receiving good salary from the bars and substantial tips from the clients so they won't go with falangs unless the fee is high .
  5. The boy wanted 5000 Baht for one hour wow it's a new record in Pattaya.
  6. Thai boys tend to estimate our wealth based on our accommodation their logic can't accept that sometimes non wealthy tourists prefer luxurious accommodation to enjoy their vacation.Sometimes it can make difficulties for example at my last vacation I took very luxurious suite room and invited a stunning boy from Hornet, he by mistake thought that I am a very wealthy person and want to stay with me for whole of my vacation I stupidly agreed because he was very attractive and charming and then the troubles began...
  7. The correct subject should be Tourist records keep growing not falling!
  8. Don't lock your self to Cupidol and BBB there are other bars at the area you can choose from,pay a visit to Sunee plaza as well . Castro bar has very cute dancers but I don't think they can be off they quicky disappear after their show end.
  9. Great report keep us update.
  10. Yes they must take substances to maintain long hard on . Great report a447a please keep us update!
  11. "Now there were two main aspects when I offered the boy knowing he is TOP First, we can have oral fun and enjoy each other’s company, take a shower together and spend some quality time cuddling etc." If this is the case you should better chate with the boy at the bar and discuss your expectations from him in advance this is the best way to avoid disappointments latter on .
  12. Huge amounts of tea money to the authorities can make the process easier ...LOL
  13. First I am not sure it's a food poisoning the spicy Thai cuisine can be difficult for newbys. Second, I personally don't like the sex massage scene most of the guys are not professional measures and most of them are straight anyway , I reccomend you to pick up a boy from a gogo whom you have a good chemistry with. to do it privately at your own room hotel is more relaxed and convenient belive me. Hope your further adventures will be more enjoyable:)
  14. Now I am totally confused lol you said you was shocoked and surprised that V didn't want to stay and now you are saying that you're both top so anyway sex was not been going to happen ❓❓❓
  15. "I was shocked, a little surprised and confused at the same time, I was like “He is telling me now, at 2:35am??” not even mentioned once while we were hanging out whole night? Immediately I calmed myself down and didn’t show him that I was annoyed..." Vinapu it is clear that newscene was not happy with the boy behavior and he didn't fulfill his expectations so why pay the full fee ??? The boy was clearly trying to avoid having sex he could leave only less than one hour more for sex but he we was stubborn not to do so it's not a honest behaviour from the boy so why paying him the full fee ? If newscene wanted a partner for dancing he could go straight to the club hung out with one of the boys there pay for his drinks and maybe give him at the end couple hundreds Baht as tip but surely he wouldn't take a boy from a bar pay for drinks and bar fees just for dancing... I am very honest man and I met many boys in Thailand I am very generous to the ones that was good with me but I can be very stubborn to boys that wasn't. I just want to see what happened if the opposite happened if newscene said to V that he enjoyed the time with him but doesn't want sex with him so he's paying only 500 Baht for his time ,the Vietnamese boy surely will not be amused with that ...
  16. I suspect the vietnamese boy "V" didn't intend to make sex from the beginning all was fine till newscene asked him to take shower and then suddenly the boy 'remembered' that he has to leave in a twenty minutes that's for sure not enough time for a shower and sex . If I was in this situation I gave the boy about 500 Bhat for his time and if he wants the full fee he has to stay for sex a bit longer, it's up to him what to do .to pay 3K (!!!)for dancing in a club is very expensive mistake.
  17. You'll need to find a boy for long-term and than part of the commitment he will be youduring the day as well . BTW 3K Baht is very generous fee for the boy.
  18. Nice report newscene, please keep us update regarding your experience with the Vietnamese boys .
  19. Yes life in farangland can be very boring
  20. The Thai society is hierarchical :the light skin feel superior to dark skin, the Buddhists to Muslims, the central and north to Isaan and south Thailand,The rich ones to poors and so on. At first impression we the falangs once we see the night life at Pattaya, BKK and Phuket we get the wrong impression that the Thai society is liberal and open minded but it is far from being the true actually it is very conservative culture with very restricted rules.
  21. In the low season all the falangs are very 'popular' due the simple fact that there are less customers for the Thai boys .
  22. Taking the same boy 4 nights in a row doesn't make you a sugar daddy at all .How do the other boys perceive this? -It doesn't really matter the most important thing is that you do enjoy the boy company for LT,If I were you I wouldn't care how other boys perceive this.
  23. I wish all gogo bars a great success too but no wonder there is a decline: Drink 500 Bt Drink for a boy 500 Bt Off fee 800 Bt Tips min. 200 Bt ST with the boy around 2000 Bt Total 4000 Bt approx . I am a frequent visitor to Thailand and at the past 20 years the costs were more than doubled with all the app's today you can get a boy directly for much less than through the gogo bars as I did in my last trip on July .
  24. If it was the opposite a falang is stealing 5 eur note from a Thai I can imagine what a big fuss ,shouting and even a call to the police from the boy side,So I don't think that by letting the boy to keep the 5 eur note is a models honesty to someone who just did something dishonest.
  25. Chiang Mai is more conservative city than Pattaya and BKK you have no choice but to try your luck at the apps.
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