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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. Why be embarrassed what's wrong with gay couple staying in a hotel ? This things don't buther me at all I really don't care what others thinks !
  2. The air pollution in CM is very high on March-April when the farmers are burning fields initiated.
  3. Glad to hear you like Chiang Mai, you were with the same boy all your vacation there?
  4. There are many reasons why some boys do not do LT : 1. Some boys can do more than one ST a night so it is more profitable. 2. They have wife/girlfriend/boyfriend who not allowed LT. 3. It's a part time job they have regular daily job or they students so they are not free to do LT. 4. The boy is not LT material prefer to be with freinds, family or do other things than be with a customer overnight or 24/7 .
  5. CM is wonderful for nearby sightseeings, the temples ,the old city and night market but certainly not for its boys and nightlife. I had been there 4 years ago and enjoyed the city attractions very much but the gay scene was boring almost none exist .
  6. LT trip with a boy is very risky I did it couple of times, with some boys it was great fun like 'boyfreind' experience and I enjoyed it very much but some trips were disaster the boy doesn't like to wake up early , doesn't want to make outdoor activities, doesn't like the sun and beaches and so on it really depends on the boy character and the chemistry between you too. Take into consideration that the daily costs are doubled besides the LT fee you agreed to pay.
  7. Thailand become much more expensive compared to ten years ago prices almost doubled for sex services and bars but in general Thailand is still much cheaper than the west in terms of accommodation, food and transportation so overall still good value for money. Thailand have had economic boom and become more expensive for the locals so I guess you can't expect the boys and the bars not to raise the fees they are charging.
  8. Somehow at the end you'll find you have preferable bar which you find yourself comming more often than other bars and maybe it's Fresh Boys,this bar received many positive reviews lately certainly on my first list to visit in my upcoming trip on February.
  9. Yes I agree at the end it's all a matter of personal taste I am into young slim smooth twinks so I am more sensitive to the their age others who are into six-pack hunks may be more flexible I guess.
  10. 2 reasons why I don't agree with both of you : First , it's a matter of ethics I never lie to boys who I am in contact with through the apps I just don't like liers , it's a bad start when a boy show up and he isn't what he described initially so usually I prefer to cut it off and say goodbye. Second, I am into 18 to 24 boys years old more than that it's a turn off for me, If a boy sent me old pictures and when he show up he's much older than his pictures I won't take him to my room only one exception if he looks young and attractiveI will probably consider to take him but he should be really a stunning boy to make an exception.
  11. Great report update us soon! I personally don't like to be misleading by a guy who posted old pictures and will say goodbye to him immediately.
  12. https://youtu.be/3aAY3mC_xN0
  13. Dark blue kiss is the best BL series this year 2 lovely couples there . recommend.
  14. Songkran can be fun but might be hell experience too it depends,The fun side is that it's like a big endless street party the bad side is everyone are throwing at you water and colour pouders so you can barely get out of your room without getting wet and dirty it's fun at the beginning but can be very annoying at the long term I heard many expacts are buying supply for a week and are staying in their room till the madness is over.
  15. They enforced plastic ban without giving proper alternatives to the customers...
  16. At the moment I am watching this mini 4 eps. series . Stunning!
  17. No there isn't. Bangkok G stories is not excatly BL series but online YouTube series.
  18. Thailand is the number one in the world on the quantity and quality of BL series I can add more recommendations : Love by Chance Love Sick Make it right The effect Gay OK Bangkok The effect Until we meet Again Tharntype My Dream Sotus
  19. No wonder the off fees, drinks and fees to the boys in the bars are so expensive this days.
  20. I am always amazed from the excellent memory of the boys and the staff in the bars , they can remember everything when is the last time they saw you , what is your preferences on boys , how much you pay and so on .
  21. You are such a nice gentleman.
  22. What about this boy ?
  23. Most of the Thai boys don't understand English almost at all but surprisingly know the numbers ok n English very well.
  24. There are very few high end boys who can make such extrovagent amounts . Excatly ,the immigration police is seeking for sensational news most likely they pumped the numbers .
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