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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. Depressing... Like trying to entertain yourself at the hospital .
  2. Thailand is not really a democracy it's some kind of a mish-mash military-monarchy-parlament triangle regime.
  3. Yes but for one month stay the OP can get a room around 10k a month in one of the View Talay apartments.
  4. I am pretty sure that it's really depend on us and we can manipulate the situation to win-win situation we just have to put very clear limit to what we are willing to pay for specific service we determine to the boy who are willing to accept this it will be like mutual business agreement which every side will benefit from it if fulfill its part in the agreement . I admit that in the past I have been conned plenty myself too but no more in my last trips I paid exactly what was agreed if the boy behaviour was exceptional good I gave generous tip but that's it no extra money for boy's fairytales and declining all boys online money requests, I just don't believe any of their stories and to be honest I don't care anymore.
  5. It must be a soreal scene like entreating your self in surgery room at the hospital.
  6. Typical to money boys.this is why I never send them any money and simply decline all their stupid requests.
  7. When no tourists aloud to come into the LOS I doubt that bars will reopen they just can't make enough income to justify this.
  8. Yes but no tourists aloud to enter till further notice...
  9. The OP is looking for long term and not expensive accommodation the recommendations above are not relevant . The long term apartments in Veiw Talay condominiums are more relevant.
  10. The main problem with the Thai economy is that the int'l tourism is a substantial part of it when it's not likely that international flights will be open soon and mass tourism is not likely to happen in the near future the economy will be hit hard , millions loosing their jobs with no opportunity for recovering .
  11. This is not relevant that they have free food ! What about the bills people need to pay ? Where unmployees will find jobs nowadays? people whom lost their businesses and had been left with debts ?
  12. It's not always translation confusion with the boys sometimes they prefer to pretend that they aren't excatly understanding your demands just to show up in your room and get their tip with no intention to fulfill your desirres.
  13. You can always get out of the building and discuss the issue with the boy , when you take the boy to your room you are obligated to pay him even if he's not what he described .IMO it's a mistake.
  14. It's too far away unless you're a shopping addict I don't see any reason going there but anyway thanks for the update.
  15. No one knows when the international flights will resume and on what conditions travelers will be aloud to enter , Sadly this is the situation all over the world and not specifically to Thailand . I wouldn't hold my breath for Thailand borders opening in July.
  16. I had the same experience through the apps the majority of the boys were good and delivered good service on reasonable price. In general I prefer to meet boys at the reception and getting the boy straight to my room is not welcome, if the boy who showed up is not what he described or is not my type I would pay him a small amount for covering his travel expenses and send him away.by the way I always add to the agreed fee the travel expenses to my hotel and if the boy was super hot I would tip him well this assure repeating service in the future with him.
  17. In other words very few tourists will be aloud to enter the LOS in the near future
  18. The bright side will be only if a medicine or vaccination will be found till then the future is uncertain...
  19. And unfortunately it will continue to be boring in the near future ...
  20. You have to take PrEP two weeks before it starts to be affective and gave to continue taking it on constant basis more oe less .you continue with your false belief ,it doesn't matter if you top or bottom both can take it . Don't try to justify your unresponssible sex behaviour with superstions .
  21. Even if most of the countries will start opening their borders I doubt tourists will jump on the first available flight to travel abroad if vaccination or medication for the virus won't be available most will prefer to stay home. Unfortunately ,I think full recovery of the Int'l tourism might take years.
  22. It's nuncence it doesn't matter if you top or bottom the risk is the same. It's not so difficult to get prep in Thailand some pharmacies are selling it there without prescriptions.
  23. You are too optimistic it's more like an unrealistic wish than reasonable forecast, the int'l traveling industry won't be back to normal till the situation with the apademic is clear and stable it can take months till things go back to normal how can bars and gay venues re open when aloud and survive when there are no tourists ? Interesting reading : https://www.thejakartapost.com/seasia/2020/05/29/go-go-bars-gone-as-coronavirus-hits-bangkoks-sex-district.html
  24. There must be health insurance coverage for up to $100,000 and this cover must also include insurance against the Covid 19 virus. This coverage must be authenticated by a Thai official." Typical to the Thai government to announce full opening but in fact to make it almost impossible to enter... how can you authenticate the insurance will they send you to translator at the airport ? Ask the immigration officer to check the insurance in English and verify it in Thai ? redicilous . Under this circumstances it's impossible flying to Thailand.
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