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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. In my last trip a year ago I manage perfectly find the boys I wanted through Grindr even found a very handsome Vietnamese boy in BKK who traveled with me for 10 days to Pattaya,Ayuthaya and Kanchanaburi .I prefer open bars in Jomtien Complex and Copa show bar and BBB in Boyz Town over the traditional gogo bars where I always feel pressure to off boys by the staff, Hoverer on my last night went to Screw Boys just to see the fuck show and did enjoy the ambiance there the show was good and the boys were very attractive although I didn't intend to make an off I suddenly saw a very beautiful boy with amazing body I could not resist and offed him and he was great in bad one of the best I ever had . This adventure cost me around 4k BHT it's not cheap but it was worth it I enjoyed a great evening at the bar and a great sex after that so it's nice we have many options to find boys through the apps and the bars .each option has its pros and cons.
  2. MD Nutthapong Phibunthanakiet
  3. Brothers The Series Sweet comedy about 2 highschool students ,Prab is hitting on Chon long time without any success suddenly one day they astonished to find out that Chon's father is married to Prab's mother and they are step brothers now (!) but the romantic feelings between them start to florish what they will do now ?
  4. Just finished watching the first episode it's really a brilliant sereies about a writer which his BL best selling novel approved to become a TV series and he has to be involved in the production against his will there he meets the hot main leading actor who is trying to make a move on him and all these events are the basis of his new upcoming novel which his agent is pushing to publish soon !
  5. I liked the main couple love story but didn't like the plot which was not interesting ,clumsy and predictable. Crime series should be thrilling but instead I felt bored and just waiting if the love story between them will have happy ending.
  6. Boy69


    On my resent trips I found Grinder the best option so didn't bother to use other apps.
  7. All the series you mentioned above are excellent ( My Engineer SS 2 wasn't release yet ) You can add to the list Make it Right SS 1 + SS 2 .
  8. Just finished watching We Best Love Taiwanese BL mini series top notch series about 2 rival popular outstanding Uni students and swimmers whom against all odds become lovers. The main actors Yu and Alex Chou are super hot and charming. second season is on its way next month ! https://mydramalist.com/74567-we-best-love-forever-the-first
  9. Top 12 most anticipated BL's of 2021 !!!
  10. I tend to agree with you the masseur wanted the max tip he can get for the minimum effort from his side . 1000 BHT is the tip I would pay too in these circumsatnse.
  11. Typical. If it would be different they didn't 'work' as money boys. Most of them are lazy and seeking easy money to earn .
  12. So far it's a great series with great actors and interesting plot.
  13. You did well it easy to lost control if you are not setting boundaries with Thai boys.
  14. I wonder why he left you on the first place just to come back few days later...
  15. I don't think he cares about it at all it is more likely he is thinking if the second time may be better tip for him.
  16. My Bromance 2 : 5 years later I watched all 8 episodes on weekend (the last episode will be on air next week) and find it quite interesting series maybe too many sub couples with their own story but all are lovely actors and interesting . https://mydramalist.com/31849-my-bromance-2
  17. 1000 Stars the series will start today !
  18. My guess is that the young inspector faked the death of Tan and Dr. Bun and actually they jumped from the cliff to the lake ...
  19. I prefer the BFE experience too because I am too lazy to find every night potential partners and because it makes my holiday more interesting traveling with company, Usually there is a decline of performance in bed and sometimes feeling I am missing the excitement of exploration finding better boy but I don't mind nice long term company during my trip is more important to me than the sex performance.
  20. Upcoming BL's of 2021
  21. Unfortunately it's just a dream at the moment, I think 2021 will be a lost for tourism same as most last year , borders clousure and restrictions will continue till most of the population in the world will be vaccinated and Covid virus will be under control I don't see it happening this year
  22. for me that crown belongs to Together With Me with Dark Blue Kiss just millimeters behind Dark Blue Kiss was the best series in 2019 no doubt about it .
  23. Another new hotel this is exactly what Pattaya is missing now...
  24. Yes you must watch the first season otherwise you won't understand what is going on in the second season both are great I don't see any reason to skip the first season.
  25. For me Freind Zone 2 is the best series for 2020 ( and Told Sunset About You is the all time best ever) I agree the final plot remains open and unclear which imply third season is on its way.
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