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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. Fish upon the sky started today
  2. I can understand your point of view unfortunately since I am not a retiree I can take a vacation for a maximum 3 to 4 weeks so obviously to spend half of my vacation in quarantine is redicilous .I have no choice but be patient and wait when things get back to normal.
  3. Ongoing Thai BL series to watch this week .
  4. 15 nights at BKK and another 10 days back home... to sacrifice 25 days for a vacation is too much for me I will pass.
  5. Ghost town is more accurate term to describe the gay scene in Phuket , many years ago Paradise Complex at Patong beach was the gay area with some gogo bars and lively gay ambiance but even before the Covid crisis it was gone almost completely even the gay beach in Patong desapeared long time ago. Nothing left for us there .sad.
  6. July Phuket model will be a failor potential tourists coming to Thailand will be restricted to one province especially to the one which was damaged the most, desereated beaches and ghost town tourist areas is not exactly what tourists are looking for.
  7. Yes I agree 1000 stars was a great series the final episode was great with the exiting reunion of Tian and Phupha after two years of Tian absence in the USA . Regarding Manner of Death I liked the charming main couple very much but the plot was confusing and awkward so I did not care much about this series. Y Destiny started last week seems very promising series with a great cast especially Tue played by Chap very handsome and talented actor :
  8. Who knows if the Elite Visa rules are going to change in the future as well also for those already received one ? There is no certenty for nothing.
  9. I don't understand if you take the elite Visa you still have to make the annual renewal ? And if so how you are doing it ? Same as question about the 90 day report .
  10. Yes and this series seems very promising.
  11. Fish upon the sky start on 09.04.21 !
  12. Yes I agree the typical working boy in Pattaya is lazy,childeesh and caprice.
  13. From the late 90' when I first visited Thailand till the beginning of Takssin Social order Campaign nudity was anywhere , everywhere and nobody made a big deal of this back than. The boys working in nude at the bars whom I spoke to were more worried about getting cold due dancing nude in strong air condition environment then exposing their bodies in public .The best bar in Soi Twilight was The Boys Bangkok, most of the boys were walking around full nakked and the fucking explicit shows were the best I ever seen.
  14. Y Destiny Seems very interesting upcoming BL series starting at the end of the month.
  15. +1 I think the moderator of this forum should delete @Drifter offensive comment.
  16. Not sure about that , you can also negotiate with potential boys in the bar before offing them. My experience with boys from bars is usually positive but due the high prices of the whole process ( drinks ,tips to bar's staff , off fee to the bar and fee to the boy) I do prefer the apps and rarely off boys fro bars.
  17. Can you give us more details about the Brazilian sauna scene in Brazil : prices, quality of the boys and what is going on there in general.
  18. Boy69

    Dragon Disco

    I assume it's because they didn't pay enough tea money to the local police.
  19. If I am vaccinated and caught the virus quarantine of one week won't be enough to prevent me to infect other people so what's the logic behind this descion it's beyond me. Anyway most of the potential tourists as me coming to Thailand are visiting for short time between two to four weeks and won't do a quarantine not for 2 weeks and not for one week , This odd descion certtenly not going to revive the tourism industry in Thailand .
  20. If pizza is what you are looking for ☺️ :
  21. After watching the third episode of Lovely Writer no doubt it's one of the best BL comedies I ever saw the plot is very light , witty and funny but with genius structure the main character is involved with adaptation of his successful BL novel to a TV series and is basing his new upcoming BL novel on the events at the set while the main actor at the series is temporarily moved to live with him and trying hard to make a romantic move on him,The most funny thing is that the writer who is writing juicy daring BL novels is actually a virgin nerd and doesn't have any clue what to do with potential lovers in real life !
  22. I don't agree Thai auotiroties can ask for negative Covid test prove for vaccinated tourists and cancel the quarentine for them completely. I won't visit Thailand till the quarantine cancelled.
  23. 7 days quarantine is not logical at all what's the point of getting vaccinated and still have to be in a quarantine this won't work for me at all and turn off most of potential tourism to Thailand.
  24. Nowadays expats don't have too much choices Boyz Town is shot down Sunee Plaza almost desreted this is the only option to see a show in Pattaya.
  25. We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd (second season) start last week . https://mydramalist.com/74561-we-best-love-the-runner-up-strikes-back
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