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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. Boy69

    Casa de Boys

    What type of escorts working there twinks, hunks ? what is their age range ?
  2. It's a wired process from what you said it's almost impossible to enter Thailand these days and if you don't have a local person who can help you with this process. Correct me if I am wrong.
  3. I am a bit disappointed from this series the great cast was promising but the plot is weird and sometimes boring, However I watched the whole series because I like the actors .
  4. With two to three boys a day and very generous tips Vinapu certenly made major contribution to the struggling Thai economy .Lol.
  5. I can recommend the Capricorn Village it's very short walk from Paradise Complex, SHA certificate and as far as I remember you can walk straight to your bongalaw bypassing the reception. https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/capricorn village patong/entity/CgoI_p_n-rbVrZ40EAE/photos?g2lb=4401769%2C4317915%2C4549823%2C4641139%2C4306835%2C4624411%2C2503771%2C4685655%2C4419364%2C2503781%2C2502548%2C4647134%2C4640247%2C4649665%2C4618983%2C4671752%2C4258168%2C4596364%2C4605863%2C4371334%2C4270859%2C4284970&hl=en-IL&gl=il&ssta=1&q=capricorn village patong&rp=EP6f5_q21a2eNBD-n-f6ttWtnjQ4AkAASAHAAQKaAgIIAA&ictx=1&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwjI2JTHjK71AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls&ts=CAESABogCgIaABIaEhQKBwjmDxABGBASBwjmDxABGBEYATICEAAqCQoFOgNJTFMaAA
  6. I love Ayutthaya two years ago spent 3 enjoyable nights at very nice local gouesthouse opposite the main two ruins complexes with my beautiful Vietnamese boy . It was better I think to take a taxi from BKK straight to the ruins it's about 1000 Bht only one hour convenience drive this way save time and you don't need to use the songtaew , and back by train or bus to BKK. Ayutthaya is very interesting small city with nice locals , plenty of charming accommodation options and only one hour drive from BKK. I will definitely visit again once the Covid 19 madness is over.
  7. I always book on one of the gay guesthouses in Paradise Complex no issues and no joiner fee but this was pre covid I doubt they qualified for the sandbox program.
  8. I am so confused , as I understand you are not supposed to stay 7 days in quarantine at the hotel just to stay at Phuket island this period ?
  9. The sky didn't fell yet but the number of tourists arriving to Thailand will coullopse for sure.
  10. This what I love about Thailand nobody stick their nose at other business and the open minded attitude in life , In my more than twenty years traveling never faced any blinked eye or bad attitude towards me and my local companion ( much younger and attractive than me). It's a shame you missed your golden opportunity to finally get married and settled down.Lol.
  11. I lost track here when Thailand cancelled the test & go option as I understand only left the sandbox Phuket option with quarantine ?
  12. In brief they fell in love with your wallet and you fell in love with their body 😄 Wow 2000 Baht a night Including breakfast at Crown Plaza is a great deal , Amazing hotel indeed. Great report !
  13. We meant straight guys rushing things at Nice Boy bar and not as general statement too many bad reviews from members of this forum and other forums about this bar. I personally have rejection to be with straight guys I can't be with a boy that is not gay seems very odd experience for me to be with a boy that clearly prefer to be with women but if it works for you good for you .
  14. You are correct this is why I suspended all my plans to travel abroad till further notice .I was caught in Thailand at the beginning of the apademic my origin flight had been cancelled at the last minute and I had to buy alternative ticket home, after 3 weeks the int'l flights were totally suspended for months . I got away from Thailand at the last minute . Now I don't have any plans to repeat this doubious adventure and I will consider traveling only after all this madness is over.
  15. I think it's time to stop counting the numbers of infections and look only of at number who are severely ill . Greece for example start this practice and this the right direction in my opinion. All the measors governments doing are pointless they are trying to stop something that can not be stop for example the pointless restrictions on Int'l traveling to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant ended up now that this is the dominant infectious variant all over the world .redicilous.
  16. You are not the first one with bad experience at Nice(?) Boys . I really don't understand the business model of this bar most of the boys are freelance there doing whatever they want except trying to attract client for their service so why they bother to come is beyond me, bad service from the staff is not appealing either , many comments of whom off boys from this bar got very bad service boys who want to take as much tip from you and giving the minimum in return and what they really want is to get away as fast as they can from your room . it's a miracle that the bar is still existing.
  17. OMG three encounters in one day I barely can manage one a day .
  18. Unfortunately Paradise hotel is not gay/guests friendly , you can consider it for the quarantine option only and then move to other nearby hotel as @speedoo1 suggested.
  19. What is striking me again and again is how good memory Thai people have they can remember exactly who you are and what you did things that I forgot long time ago, the most shocking after couple of years returning to one of the restaurants at Pattaya beach the lady there recognised me and remember exactly what I like to order for breakfast.realy amazing.
  20. You are right we must protect privacy of the boys ,I don't think the boys will be happy to see their pictures all over this thread , Moreover it's not others business to know who we met in private.
  21. I did it once by accident at Jomtien beach under the palm trees many years ago , I schedule massage with one masseuse after I finish my breakfast but he disappeared so I took another one after few minutes the first masseuse came and apologized that the massage session took longer than he thought with his last client so the second masseuse kindly suggest I do massage with both of them and it was unique experience indeed . thinking about it now I don't understand why I never did it again ...
  22. Unfortunately governments all over the world taking histeric decisions instead of using common sense more people are dying from Malaria , Dangie fever, cancer and car accidents then Covid 19 .we are leaving in madness time .
  23. Let's don't forget that for us 10k Baht is not small amount but it's not something that would brake our bank account but for average Thai boy it's equal to one month average salary in Thailand it's a substantial amount for him and if you didn't buy him that phone it will probably takes for him many months of savings before he could afford himself buying it.
  24. If you liked the boy and you did have great time together I don't see any wrong here by buying him a phone my moto in life it's better to be generous and kind then cheap Cahrlie. I am doing only long term with a boy because I like the illusion of "boyfriend" companion besides the fee agreed I don't mind from time to time to buy the boy a gift such a perfume ,shoes , clothes atc. as he wishes it's a part of the adventure with him and if both sides are statisfied and happy I never regret doing that.
  25. Adam's Apple is closed for some time ago I am surprised you didn't know that even before the Covid 19 business were very slow ot past its glory day many years ago due lack of gay tourists the whole gay secen in Chiang Mai faded . T You did the right choice 500 Baht including two hours waiting and return is very reasonable rate , For me Doi Suthep is one of the most amazing places I ever saw .
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