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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. I find Thai boys are more attractive then they used to be in the past I agree it's partly because of consumption of Western food and mainly because of the Western culture growing influence on the younger generation , unfortunately the boys whom work at the gay venues are less attractive then they used to be and the choices are very limited nowdays to be more over less Thais are wiling to work at the sdx industry due the huge improvement in the Thai economy at the last decade and more non Thai boys took their place instead.
  2. I think the Thai gay gold era passed long time ago because of many reasons the main ones : too many regulations imposed by the Thai governmen on entertainment industry, too many restrictions on the immigration policy and prices gone up dramatically. Let's face it Thailand is still beutiful and fun country to visit but not as used to be. I agree many gays found other options in South America mainly Colombia, Brazil and Mexico. I had been in Colombia first time on last November-December I was shocked to find out the boys are much cheaper than Thailand and the variety is really amazing from blacks to blondes many choices to choose from for every taste.
  3. Never used Airbnb , As I understand it's not include cleaning and changing bed sheets ? Am I missing something ?
  4. Looks like a falangs trap to me ;The boy you wanted strangely is no show, then instead of the boy you choosed they gave you other one and for the 'grand finale' 30 minutes of soaking in the tub alone .it's a sad joke.
  5. I had been at Medellin 3 months ago, very nice city but IMO 10 days is too much , I suggest maybe 5 days in Medellin 5 days in Cartagena.
  6. Medellin 10 days seems too much,what are you planning to do there so long ?
  7. 30k per week is too high 10k is well bellow the standard rates it should be somewhere between to justify taking a boy for the whole week. I guess only very few boys whom are very eager for a free vacation at touristic places will take an offer of 10k for a week.
  8. If there isn't good chemistry or affection most certainly after couple of days it might become boring or problematic, 24/7 long term escort is not a field of roses as many might think.
  9. Yes it's true I didn't come to Colombia for the beauty of the country but for the beauty of the Colombian guy I met on line and his charming personality ,it's my first time at South America and I was very worried exactly because all you described very well ( "rundown, dirty,violent, corrupt, and lack of inferstructure ") however I decided to keep being open minded and non-judgmental and enjoyed the trip there very much visited wonderful places like San Andres Island,Santa Marta,Cartagena and others. Maybe because I stayed at upmarket hotels in good areas almost didn't see the negative side of the country...
  10. I was in Colombia couple of months ago traveling with a local guy which I met online and I can say it's really hard to get by without Spanish, without him I was totally lost there however I am glade I had the opportunity to travel with such wonderful guy at a very beutiful country as Colombia is.
  11. YouYou mean you hooked up both guys for USD 300 per day ? 24/7 escort ?
  12. Looks promising remind me the good all days of Sunnee Plaza.
  13. And the ' big brother ' is watching you ... ?
  14. Yes it's a huge mistake to argue and raise the voice on Thai people because it may cause them to loose face, Thai people usually don't behave like that and detaste such kind of behavior. Form my many years experience in Thailand keep smiling and being polite even at the hardest and frustrating situations is the best way dealing with Thai people.
  15. Don't look for logic at Thai authorities...
  16. Off fee is a fine of taking the boy from the bar. Short to time or over night is between you and the boy and it's not concern of his bar.
  17. 10000k per week is less than 1500 for a day it's not attractive enough to convince a typical Thai boy to accept such an offer. It's usually min. 2500 per day.
  18. In my last visit 2 months ago I used only Latam little bit expensive than Viva but I was pleased with their service so it was absolutely worth the extra dollars.
  19. There is no harm for short time with him if he will contact you again just to fulfill your fantasy beening with this guy, I would no go further then that due the horrible experience you had with him. I doubt that he will try to contact you again not because he suspect you may be mad at him ( believe me he doesn't care about your feelings at all because if he did he would never behaved as he did) but because his plans to squeeze walking falang ATM didn't went well for him with you as he planned so there is really no point for him to try it again it's a waste of time for him.
  20. The rooms at the Ibis Styles seems smallish and the Peepshow shower room isn't great either.
  21. From your 'prince charming' affair some lessons can be learn : 1. Never raise expectations for a boy you didn't been with at least one night. 2. Never ever send prepayments to a boy you don't know and trust . 3. strange in advance requests or demands from the boy should raise red flag. 4. Once meeting the boy things are not as we expected it's better to cut off the deal immediately avoiding bigger trouble and expense later.
  22. Yes I agree that some guys we met deserves second chance but not this one he acted like a jirk from the beginning and all he tried to do is to squeeze as much money as he can without giving a thing in return so why he would be better on second chance? He is a crook and will stay a crook.there are many better guys waiting there you really don't have to waste your time on him.
  23. Very good observation, to this you can add guys who had been sexual abused, or have mental problems or just regular guys that need extra income.
  24. I don't think that you made a full of yourself. planning long term trip with a guy is hit-and-miss , sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I had been there too. I hope you learned your lesson not to send prepayments and if very unusual requests are coming from the guy ( like fly separately without reasonable explanation) cut the deal off immediately.
  25. All I can say is that V saw Vinapu as walking ATM a big opportunity to squeeze as much money as he can from the situation once he realized that Vinapu is not a naive falang as he thought he disappeared. Sometimes sheet happens in life all we can do is forget about it and move on. Regarding that didn't V want to fly with Vinapu at the same flight I think there's simple explanation he didn’t want to be seen together with older falang .
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