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Everything posted by Boy69

  1. Very sad news what you described but not surprising. The decline of gay Pattaya night life started years ago and there are many reasons for that the old generation is fading away and the young gay generation is not coming, many visa restrictions caused many expats to give up and leave, many government restrictions on the entertainment venues like limiting the opening hours,dress code of the workers and so on made it less attractive for tourists to come the result is that Sunnee Plaza faded away, City Boyz is a shadow of what is used to be and now Jomtien Complex is bleeding. Jomtien Complex is not overpriced or louder than the rest of the city in the contrary it's cheaper and more calm , and yes I think many gays found better destinations like South America as me I was surprised to find out that Colombia for example is much cheaper and the variety of the guys there is amazing.
  2. Furama Silom also have a great roof pool and the big plus you can skip the reception straight to the elevator.
  3. Stupid police, what did you expect from a person trapped for hours in uncovered manhole 10 deep fit ??? He was totally confused from this traumatic case forgot his hotel and spoked hysterical.
  4. Don't hold your breath it's not coming back in near future.
  5. Medellin offer more gay venues and much more opportunities for gays , Cartagena is more beachfront touristic place and is more interesting touristic place : beaches,the old city and some interesting places to visit at the surrounding but very limited gay scene.
  6. If you aren't doing constant visits in and out to Thailand you should be fine just make sure to have return ticket.
  7. Amazing how quiet it is here ...
  8. I am curious to know from which BL is it ?
  9. Most of the Colombians have very limited English if any at all, luckily I traveled one month with my local friend without him it would be extremely difficult to get by with English for me if I traveled alone.
  10. Most of the masseurs are straight and won't Btm.
  11. Boy69


    From his twitter account description it's more than obvious that he is money boy .
  12. Yes that's could be good explanation but that's not explaining why the bars scene is fading you still can enjoy good time at the bars and taking money boys from the apps.
  13. IMO the quality time spent with the boy is more important than the length time spent , My last visit in this bar 3 years ago I offed a beautiful young Vietnamese including the walking to the hotel which was nearby it was less than one and a half hours but it was an unforgettable experience he really knew to give such a wonderful experience in bed and after we finished he was so rushed goback to the bar that he forgot his watch in my room , I went as quickly I can back before the bar closed to bring it back to him .
  14. Yes and no. Yes - I miss the old days when Sunnee and Boyz Town were packed with customers and boys I miss the fucking and nudity shows at Patpong and liberal free ambiance in general , Nowadays Thailand is less appealing to me it's more expensive,the conservative government is enforcing too many restrictions and Pattaya isn't sex heaven as it used to be.
  15. I assume Pattaya gay scene is fading away because gay tourism to Thailand is falling for years and the COVID-19 was the final nail in the coffin. Yes that's true I find nowadays South America more suitable for my needs then Thailand.
  16. Where is the old days when members reported about new bars opening in Pattaya, exiting visits at the bars and adventurous with the local boys... Is Pattaya gay scene dead ? 🥺
  17. Boy69

    mae sot

    13 years seems very long period , @Guest bijbg might be passed away, elderly or just lost interest with the forum
  18. Is there nude and fuck shows as used to be ?
  19. Boy69

    mae sot

    Didn't you noticed it's a 13 years thread...
  20. What type of men hunks or twinks ?
  21. I don't see problem with that,better you add 100 Bht to the agreed fee for transport to the boy.
  22. On my last visit at the pre covid era I don't remember any manly hunks there all were young twinks many from Vietnam and neighbourhood countries,Thais working boys were very few I was told by the mamasan . there were very hot fucking and nudity shows. I assume they changed the model and if you want twinks nowadays better find the at Fresh Boys?
  23. I don't know how many of the 'serious' long term relationship between falang and Thai based on true love, I assume many cases based on interest : The falang needs someone by his side not to be lonely and the Thai want to get out of the sex industry for example, and there're many other reasons why the two decided to establish long term relationship not based on mutual love.
  24. Yes I agree most of the relationships between falang and Thai collapse eventually and it doesn't matter if it's because the Thai boyfriend was a gold digger or because the falang found new younger model to replace his current Thai boyfriend, maybe there are some 'happy ending' cases but they really the minority and not the majority.
  25. Unfortunately it seems they are moving to hunk guys type direction same as most of the other bars in BKK , It's really become hard to find young twinks nowadays in bars .
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