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Everything posted by nynakedtop

  1. i agree - but let's just say that my "disposition" at the time made it seem ok to me.... hehe....
  2. To me, the real advantage of using an APP for a car is that it totally removes the "negotiating" part from the process... which is very important to me. Although I use uber/Lyft often in the USA, I found GRAB to be better in thailand, and have used it in Bangkok and Chiang Mai - always been happy EXCEPT for a DMK - Pattaya trip - the app quoted me 2100THB the driver insisted on 2900... when I complained to grab, they blew me off.
  3. i believe if you widen your search to include the very nearby and easy to reach Quezon City, you may find what you are looking for. correct me, please, if i am wrong!
  4. wow... what a perfect/ideal/major fantasy event! is GC open daytimes generally? i am still thinking of giving that place a try - even in light of a previously posted negative experience there. daytime fun - much desired, rarely fulfilled!
  5. asked and answered... .and appreciated! so now, while i have your/everyone's attention -- on another issue (and not to highjack this topic) - is there a massage place in pattaya that tends to feature more the hunk-type and less the twink-type? thanks!
  6. Coming from the land of the $160/(roughly 5000THB i guess) massage, I would take 790 + tip ANY day, hehe)
  7. So I finally made it to Good Boys last night...Had no idea what was in store for me other than the postings here.... Guess I have walked by it many times and just never realized what went on beyond the seats facing the soi! Was warmly welcomed to the place by one young man, but most staffpersons seemed busy on their phones, hehe... The one thing I wish was different was the lighting level. I am not one for dark spaces in my encounters... love to see and BE seen, so it took a not for me not to look like a bumbling fool. It appears that there are two levels to this place.... the inside bar is where the action takes place - and the person I initially encountered took me back there and proceeded to watch (straight) porn on his phone and pull down his pants to reveal a sizable endowment which was on offer for me - he was not my most preferred guy there, so I politely declined and we just chatted what a friendly guy or two came by for a hello. I really liked the place, but I think I need to learn how to "navigate" through the interactions there a bit more to really have fun. It did feel a bit awkward - the rush to "the good part" took me by surprise. I am not at all shy so that aspect was not an issue, but i do enjoy a certain amount of flirtation (foreplay?) .... You know what I mean?? BTW: I do want to go back... what is an appropriate tip there??????
  8. thanks for this... i am not usually one to "split hairs" over cost, but - Pattaya to DMK 900, DMK to Pattaya 2500? - should i be surprised (or not)?
  9. my god... you write such amazing words of wisdom here, and with such real sensitivity and care for the human situation. i do not joke - i will refer back to what you have written here often - and keep it as my mantra!
  10. So, I checked this thread in anticipation of my trip to DMK for an Air Asia flight to CM yesterday and had a knee jerk panic reaction... Just want to let you all know what happened here - I saw the 3 hour thing so, naturally, I allocated 3 hours for my tip to DMK... Did a GRAB car - first time ever and it was just perfect - 503THB from charoen krung to the airport but it only took me about 40 minutes which gave me way too much time to hang out at this lovely bus terminal (oops, airport)... One other thing, I am trying to figure out how I can get to Pattaya from DMK on Sunday most effortlessly - did not see many transportation option other than going into BKK and continuing the trip from there, a path i would like to avoid. Should I just go to the public taxi stand and hope for the best????? Or...arrange my own car (suggestions?) Or perhaps try GRAB again (which might be about 2000 THB it seems...) Thanks!
  11. just a btw: the staffperson who welcomed me upon arrival and was there for my check out gave me her card and encouraged me to contact her about coming back. i did so (returning there for 3 nights starting 03 september if any of you are thereabouts...) and she did discount the room rate and throw in comp'd breakfast just sayin'... (nice to feel appreciated these days!)
  12. During my stay, as I was approaching the hotel with a young gentleman I had just recently met, I was surprised to see a large bus arrive, and unload a group of tourists from an East Asian land... Much to my surprise, seeing the bus was my only awareness that they were even in the hotel. It was disconcerting to me at worst, and worrisome... but I eventually grew more concerned about their state of mind in the property than anything else. I has no awareness that they had even arrived. Perhaps they were packed off en-masse to some guided tour/shopping excusion type thing, I just never saw them again. Maybe they were too scared to come out of their rooms? Bizarre, right?
  13. you have excellent taste in men!
  14. "my" James (well, at least for 90 minutes and still in my memory) was definitely a hunky guy!
  15. Had a great ARENA experience... my first massage parlor experience of THIS trip - had been to Arena years ago, as I remember navigating through that bizarre Silom Plaza place... Arena seems to have moved and, from what I can recall, the new set up is much better. So....I am sure you are not really all that interested in design issues, but I do say that just to indicate that the place though still ultimately basic is very private, clean and comfortable. From the attractive (if not drop dead stunningly beautiful) line-up, I picked a guy named "James" from south of chiang mai and opted for the 90 minute version (with cream....) I have no idea how long the massage actually lasted, but I can say that it felt like just the right amount of time.... It was a technically excellent massage which I needed because of some residual discomfort from one of my usual "I have not been to the gym for awhile so I am going to make up for lost time" silly events.... The pressure was just right, he emphasized the areas I wanted and de-emphasized my feet (too sensitive), and it seemed seamlessly sensual - none of the NY-style "OK now comes the sensual part".... It got very body to body, which was nice, and his weight on my 160 lb frame felt good.... he was naked throughout, and seemed "straight-but-aroused"... When it came time to turn over, we discussed the fact that we are both tops (he had offered to ... ummmh... you know), and that I was pleased just to enjoy him top-to-top, which I did. He offered to shower with me but respected my preference to shower alone. All in all... a good experience. He was concentrating exclusively on me... and I detected his commitment to keeping me happy. He little kiss/pecks every now and then were very cute. If these guys only would not use quite so MUCH cream, hehe.
  16. may i say as a relative newbie to this site (but not to all things thai), that everyone has been really helpful, engaging, and energizing in your responses to my dilemma. i was nervous about putting it out there, as it made me sound like some total newbie incapable of navigating the complicated web that thailand can be -- but based upon the talk here, petty annoyance(s) be damned, i am back to GC to get the guy i wanted that night (would do it tonight, but i am fresh off a wonderful massage experience at ARENA - details upon request!)
  17. great question... even though i am a new yorker, when i am on holiday i do not want to have confrontations... so, for me, i think to myself, well - this was one bad experience, perhaps i could have managed it better... but at least i will learn for the next time. so, i spent maybe $3USD on something i did not want.... oh well....
  18. My friend - I promise you that I do not have the places confused - I arrived sober and sane, and left sober, if a bit less sane. Because I find the whole Soi Twilight scene a bit alienating, I am pledged to support these off-the-beaten-track places, and I always arrive with the best of intentions. I have had "issues" at Super A, yes -- but I could manage them better than GC. We are absolutely talking about the same mamasan - quite fem, broad smile, hair slicked back... but he seemed to be quite "in character" with you, physically hijacking the space, coming on way too strong, and definitely deciding on my behalf that i would be buying him a drink. there was a lad in the place who i liked.... a somewhat larger framed, soft spoken guy who, while not my usual "type" intrigued me - but the mamasan made it clear that i would either take "her" or no one at all. i am actually pleased that you have had better experiences that I had there - it's a place that i want to like, but.... ughhhhh, y'know????
  19. ohh sorry if i was unclear... what i meant to say was that this disagreeable mamasan who kept trying to get me to take him for the evening as i was leaving asked me to give him 100THB so that he could take a taxi home.... nothing to do with my transportation - it was just the final insult to a bad experience! again - apologies.... btw: business planning 101 - don't piss off a customer - i did not go back there tonight!
  20. I am totally down with what you have written... I guess my frustration lies in the fact that I believe that, as a customer, I should not have to do "that much work" when all I want to do is have a good time, hehe... But, then again, much as I hate to admit it, it comes down to the "This is Thailand Syndrome"!
  21. Absolutely no problem at all.... And they really keep out of your business...! I would say it's a "straight friendly gay hotel" if anything, hehe
  22. So I went to Golden Cock last night and it was one of my worst experiences... The obnoxious mamasan (I guess it was) seems to have bought himself a drink on my tab and then proceeded to block access to me by some of the cite guys there. (Mind you there were only 3 or 4 guys working there at all...) And then - as I was leaving (in order to get away from him), he wanted 100B for the taxi ride home... Argh! I know I should know better by now, but how do you make someone who you just are not interested in go away??? None of my subtle hints worked at all... and i am just too polite for my own good I guess - Cannot muster up the courage to give a good old fashioned SHOO - GO AWAY! Anyone want to tell me a sure fire solution? When I go into a bar I really want to relax and check stuff out... tough when you are the only customer, right?
  23. As the originator of this thread, just want to post my own follow-up! I have made two brief trips to Jomtien (more coming up, of course) and stayed once at Tui's, once at Agate. Both were good. In very different ways. My loyalties to Tui's make it difficult for me to criticize the place here so let me just say that it is starting to show its age and a certain lack of investment in the place. Ouch - harsh. But the location cannot be beat. Neither can the very personal attention from Tui and from Neal. I would be more than willing to overlook some of the problems with the property because there is something very special about the welcome extended to their guests. (Now if they could only fix that after-hours front door, improve the wifi, and ensure that there really is hot water in the showers...) Agate was a surprise! The property looks like a new, well-appointed if impersonal place. It is new. It is extremely well appointed. And it is anything BUT impersonal. The staff is amazing... I was warmly welcomed, I was given personal attention when needed, and even my departure was handled wonderfully. Rooms are great, bathrooms a dream... nothing but good things to say. (And i did notice some diversity in the guest population -- even the arrival of a tour bus -- but this was never an issue!) So: strictly for creature comforts, Agate wins. But add that very special "intangible" of warmth, it becomes a tie!
  24. Well said... On last week's return to Pattaya (after about 4 years' worth of absence), my first stop was to Sunee... and honestly at first I was kind of shocked by the rather dour appearance of the place. (I went looking for a small bar I used to sit and watch people from, really liked the waiters/staff there, kind of across from the now-shuttered Krazy Dragon, next to the small food prep palce... GONE) Sat and had a beer in some "nameless" place and moved on. Returned the next night planning to go to Goodboys but stopped off in Winner Boys, and never made it further - generally a bit too "twinky" for me there but one young gentleman caught my attention and off we went... he came by my place the next night as well... Honestly, the meals we shared and the conversations we had were far better than the actual bed-play, but that's ok with me. Moral: the place is worth a visit even if you may have do some some footwork to find just the right match. I like the fact that is is a bit off the beaten path and you don't have the legions of explorers you get in Boystown.... even though I was staying in Jomtien Complex, there is still the edge to Sunee that I really appreciate!
  25. This NYer (true to my name often a naked top) loves group play and is somewhat spoiled by the eagerness of my fellow new yorkers to engage and the availability of venues in our City Having said that (hehe) I was just in Pattaya for a brief visit and forgot my precious glasses at Tui's - maybe I need to make a return visit to retrieve them that is timed to coincide with the 23rd? (BTW: i made a trip down nostalgia lane to Sunee and found it a mere shadow of its former self... true??)
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