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Everything posted by nynakedtop

  1. i "hacked" that sorry old daddys/m4m site in less than an hour after being banned - mostly just to prove to myself how easily it could be done.... then i took a look around and realized it was not worth the effort. nothing sadder than a huddle of reactionary gay men.... nothing more pathetic than some power in the hands of a gaggle of people who think they are far more important than they actually are! in any case.... happy to be over here instead! may "guy fawkes" & co. fester in the hell of their own making!
  2. Ohhh???? Well, I hope so - and if we do not yet, I hope we will!!!
  3. Yes - I have a home in Bangkok and spend 4-6 months there every year.... as well as trips to Europe, Canada, and Mexico... Such are the privileges of being a hard-working but underpaid American academic!
  4. Hey my very special friend! Really happy to see you here, and I am hoping for a much better experience on this site. You and I share many interests and I look forward to some wonderful exchanges!
  5. Hey 12is12.... The chat we started having on that other site we can pick up here.... and hope that others will peek in and add comments! Since I have a home in Bangkok, I don't use hotels any more but if you are only there for 4 nights, I would make a recommendation to you that I would not make to others who are staying longer.... location, location, location.... I myself like the ROSE Hotel.... i find it very well run, quite convenient, and you can stay out in the area late without having to deal with rip-off taxis and tuk-tuks who WILL overcharge you for any trip out of the Silom-Suriwong area. (For longer stays, I generally suggest that visitors avoid hotels in that area and consider a more genuinely "Thai" area, such as the one my apartment is in.... over on Charoen Krung by the Saphan Thaksin BTS station). For your physical "type" I would strongly recommend the ARENA massage parlor http://arenaspa-bangkok.com/ I have never had a bad experience there, and there is a great variety of gentlemen to choose from. I, myself, do not like the bars/gogo bars in Soi Twilight - the drinks are overpriced, the staffpersons are pushy, and I do not enjoy the experience. I prefer to hang out at one of the terrace bars on the Soi and watch the world go by.... and then, perhaps, enter ONE of the bars briefly -- but keep your wits about you - remember these are money-making establishments that employ guys who are out to make money! Having said all this, Bangkok is one of my favorite places in the world. I luckily am close to fluent in the language... but be warned - English is not widely spoken/understood. My #1 suggestion to you - venture away from Silom.... and enjoy the street food.... it is the most delicious in the world! Too much info? Chok dee, krub.....!
  6. Looks like that other site is firmly under the control of a power hungry clique that enables racism and misogyny.... So, boytoy.... here I am on my first real visit, and happy to be here. Since I have been elsewhere banned, I promise to be on my best behavior here. Just say "hey" if you either remember me or want to get to know me.
  7. My thoughts, exactly!
  8. There needs to be a way to request verification here, much as some people are starting to do in the US. Request a new photo with something very specific - a three-fingered selfie, for example. Request a brief video verification. If guys really want a meeting to happen, they should be able to demonstrate some small gesture to make it happen.
  9. Gosh, I feel like this year's trip I am coming across as a bit of a downer. Maybe I have changed. Maybe the way life around me in Thailand has changed.. Not sure. But, having said that.... I have now had my fourth experience where a guy looking for a (commercial) hook-up was NOT the person his pics represented him to be. Either the pic was not him at all, or it was 10 years older and 15 pounds later. And it has happened on a variety of platforms: tonight's RentMen guy definitely mis-represented himself. A Chiang Mai masseur looked nothty ing like his pics. Two Pattaya experiences. You would think that I would have become smart by now, right? Well... no. I guess my faith in the goodness of humanity ain't working out so well for me. Tired of this. I am sticking with Arena, where I know what I am getting!
  10. Thanks guys -- Can't choose between Royal House and Helios so.... looks like I'll have to do both... But I gotta say, the guys on the Helios web site look mighty fine to me.
  11. ... and we are back in Pattaya! Definitely avoiding the Boyztown massage places this trip - still feeling the burn from letting myself get conned at Scam-dick.... So following the suggestion of those wiser than I am, will muster up my courage and visit Royal House - any last minute words of advice??? (I just find it so weird that the place just looks, well, closed!)
  12. Just a follow-up note... I am freshly back from visiting Jetts Chong Nonsri location in Bangkok - a 500THB one day pass did it for me, no pressure, no questions asked The place was awesome.... people really nice, low pressure, no sense of body fascism, and even I, a mature white guy was warmly welcomed. People very much kept to themselves - they are serious about their work-outs so not too much of the socializing that plagues American gyms. The equipment was modern and plentiful, the place was clean.... Strongly recommend it. They have several BKK locations, so just do a web search!
  13. I am kind of engaged with the fitness/wellness community, and almost all of the camps I know of are organized by and generally populated with westerners.... the one's who are enchanted with and under the spell of.... thailand. I have been a member of some of the commercial gyms in Bangkok... the old California WOW and Fitness First - the latter is populated by trendy Thais and peculiar Westerners. Their facilities are nice, and there is plenty of charming eye candy to be had, but it is what it is - a commercial gym.
  14. hey sglad, thanks for asking!! A couple of things: The train ride up there was not bad at all. comfortable seating (for me), on time departure, on time arrival.... the scenery was worth a long stare out of the window, and i listened to many podcasts that i had fallen behind on. my seat neighbor was a rather doughy young-ish thai person who kept expanding horizontally into my space. that, along with the difficult bathroom facility, was my only complaint. Having said that, the ride WAS long... and felt it, but even more so on the ride back to BKK... possibly because I had barely slept the night before and had a bad stomach ache and some.... ummh.... concerns. Would I do the train again? Honestly -- no. Chiang Mai, itself.... seems so manageable in comparison to Bangkok. The pace notably different, the people more patient... less overall "hustle". There is a curious element of a particular type of western tourist here, though... kind of self-righteous backpacker types who, having spent a week or two in thailand, have become "more thai than thai". They avoid eye contact with other westerns, dress strangely, and do yoga in public spaces. Weird. I did not do much in the way of gay stuff, even though i wanted to. Spent more time with local friends... lots of Burmese/Myanmar guys working the apps, by the way.... and one freelance masseur on Hornet sent me hot pics, only to show up about 10 years older and 15 pounds heavier. I sent him on his way. A guy I met had a car, so we spent a day outside of town... went to the temple at Doi Suthep.... and then way up scary winding roads in the mountains to Doi Pui.... really really wonderful stuff to be experienced out there. So thanks to everyone who offered their advice/warnings/excitements on CM... I will probably return there before I head home in September.... but this time, I definitely am flying!
  15. some things, once seen, can never be "unseen"
  16. what can i say.... but.... **ughh**
  17. don't know how to exactly describe it - there was a certain heft to his unmentionable that did not seem god-given.. (and i only encountered that beads thing one time - enough of a turn-off to me to not re-hire a guy that i otherwise enjoyed!)
  18. I visited Hot Male last night.... drinks indeed reasonably priced and a comfortable place ... one of the young "waiters" there sidled up to me right away. A truly pleasant Lao guy with a charming smile and "persuasive personality". Pity that once naked (at my place, not at the bar) there seemed to be a peculiarity to him. But he was eager to please. Likely I shall not repeat.
  19. What are the dtink prices like downstairs??
  20. Scorpion??
  21. We are of one mind on everything you have written here.... Which makes the situation in my country so much sadder.... a nation with so much economic wealth can travel down a road of spiritual poverty.
  22. Newbie or not, it's a good question.... and I would say generally not. Many of the boys/guys are Cambodian or Vietnamese and do not communicate well in Thai or English. Also I have learned that the "commercial"/working guys on the Apps are less likely to speak English than guys just looking for fun. That can cause some problems, as I have learned. Mis-communications of the strangest sorts can happen. Case in point: the guy who texted me multiple pics of his butt... each one more explicit than the one before... but when the critical moment came said that he is "only top"....(look at my screen name, hehe) Google translate only works up to a point, if you know what I mean.
  23. From the USA here.... Don't want to risk getting all political here and making friends/enemies - I have plenty of hate coming (and some love as well) on another forum similar to this one! But - being away from the US right now is the best thing that has happened to me since November of 2016, if you get what I mean. Reading posts from European persons here intrigues me because I always thought that nothing could be worse than the situation in my own country. As we say in American slang "try walking in my shoes!"
  24. This sounds like a newbie question, so please be kind... I usually hang out on the terrace of Max's (since Dick's Cafe is no longer.... miss that place, and that very special waiter who met an untimely end....). When I turn onto SoiTwilight, I always walk quickly to that terrace and avoid the persuasive gentlemen at the beginning of the Soi, perhaps to my own detriment. I am trying to figure out what Hot Male is about -- is it just the bar on the street level? are those sofas part of it? is it a drinking bar? a "host bar"? Like.... help.... it looks like it could be fun, but I kind of don't "get it". Thanks!
  25. This is incredibly useful information, and I really thank the post-er for putting it together. My travel style is generally to use a known or recommended destination as an "anchor", start out from there and see what adventures and dangers I can encounter -- that will very much be my CM plan as well. I appreciate the warnings that some of my expectations for the train trip may be unrealistic, but I am thinking of it as many hours of forced solitude, something that I, as an educator in New York City will very much treasure. And I may actually get to do a trip report although buyer be warned: I tend to get all weird reflective in my writing. We'll see, eh?
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