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Everything posted by nynakedtop

  1. I was enjoying the Daddy's site while some clearly senile character who names himself augustus was posting about trump's victory in the recent election but lost interest when augustus must have locked himself in his bathroom or forgot how to use a computer and stopped posting But much to my delight there is an absolute fool over there named BSR who seems to have an obsession with his masturbatory fantasy that matthew shephard's death was his own fault since he was a meth dealer (according to a long ago discredited article) I don't know what this BSR thing actually is, but he has brought back some much missed insanity to what has otherwise become a rather boring site. three cheers BSR, may you continue to reign!
  2. Apologies if someone else has already shared this!
  3. Columbia University professor and famed historian Eric Foner writes that instead of impeachment for which there likely is no time, Congress should instead invoke Article 3 of the 14th Amendment barring from office anyone who took an oath to defend the Constitution and who, subsequently, engaged in or encouraged rebellion or insurrection. A simple majority vote. Add to the list: Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, Gaetz, Gohmert... and the list can go on and on. Thoughts?
  4. Co-star Leslie Cheung jumped to his death in 2003. All of Hong Kong came to a standstill in remembrance and sadness. One of the best movies.... ever.
  5. It is an honor for us to have you here, and it is definitely a badge of honor to have been banned (yet again) "over there". And the manner in which you were exiled is indicative of what goes on over in that shit-show.
  6. your guy is definitely hotter than my bud....
  7. wow, i think you just said it all..... besides being useful as an occasional masturbatory aid, these "money making" sites really do not offer much of substance. paying to see a 6 minute clip of some guy you know nothing about has limited appeal, and is certainly not something i would invest in. now, a guy i have actually met and connected with sending me a video gift might be a different story, haha. but my friend does not seem that keen on the personal connection, given that he took his RM ad down within one week. (some story that a client who would pay him for videos would only do so if his ad disappeared!)
  8. But how does that play out for a skinny latino bottom, haha..... who probably has never been with a woman!
  9. Sooooo.... Back on topic: what do people think a newbie needs to do in order to have a lucrative career in sex work in NYC? Is it enough to want it....? (Haha....) We all see guys come and go (or cum and go), and I honestly have met very few guys who will proudly say that they are looking forward to a comfortable life as a sex worker.... so I was surprised when my friend's ambitions seem to go no further. When I survey the twitter-sphere these days, I am finding fewer guys looking to actually hook up and lots and lots and lots of self-promotion. Makes me yearn for the good old days, haha.
  10. well, i thought i knew everything about "our" world here but i am learning a lot about a whole OnlyFans subculture out there.... it's like there are thousands of guys (I would say) who post on twitter to each other, re-tweet each others' postings, all looking to "make content" or get people to sign up for their OF pages - i mean thousands, really i would say 100% unsustainable..... people may subscribe for a month but then face it we get bored and move on. i know that even with OF pages i was most excited about i generally lost interest before the first month was even over. there's only so much a guy can do or show to sustain interest. and (i further learned) in the highly competitive wannabe porn "star" arena, the going rate is like $250 for a scene. ugh. looks to me that the fantasy of quitting a job and making it in the world of porn is pretty much just that - a fantasy.
  11. Well, he is "cute" but not exactly handsome..... and he is more slim than lean, if you know what I mean. and he thinks he can support himself doing sex work... but not really escorting,. I have been seeing some odd stuff lately on twitter - there seems to be a huge number of young guys just looking to "film content" for only fans.... I wonder how lucrative that could be when so many guys who essentially look the same are vying for a rather small market. and then there are very niche porn studios who cater to the "ethnic" market - but i assume guys who perform just get a flat rate for showing up, and that market cannot be too lucrative any more since even studio porn is everywhere available for free viewing and downloads. how much can these guys possibly earn? and how to survive particularly in an expensive/competitive place like new york? i wonder if my advice to him should really be: DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB.
  12. OK, so this is a real situation. Met a guy on RentMen and although the sex was not great, we kind of connected. He took his ad down in less than a week, because he landed two "regulars".... one of whom pays him to send him videos of himself, the other for an occasional roll in the hay. He wants to survive in NYC by "creating content" and trying to get into porn - what that means is he wants to have an OnlyFans page and try to break into porn. His "type" is big dicked slim Latin bottom boy. Guys -- is he being at all realistic? He is new to NYC and, I fear, bound for trouble. Reactions? I am worried.
  13. “It matters not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game.” That is a lesson for life. Donald Trump never learned it. He’s a sore loser. Hillary Clinton lost a far closer race than Trump. She collected three million votes more than Trump. She lost the electoral college because of razor-thin wins by Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. She didn’t stamp her feet and whine, as Trump is doing now. She didn’t demand a recount in the states she lost. She conceded graciously. She called Trump and congratulated him on election night. She said in her concession speech the next day that one of the hallmarks of American democracy is the peaceful transfer of power. That’s class. The transition has begun. Biden is choosing his cabinet. Trump has not conceded, despite the fact that he clearly lost the electoral college and the popular vote. He is still sending Rudy Guiliani out to make ludicrous claims about fraud. Trump’s lawsuits have been laughed out of federal and state courts over 30 times. Trump and his personal lawyers are a national disgrace, as Chris Christie said. They not only are pursuing baseless claims, they are undermining our democracy and making us an international laughing stock. So are the leaders of the Republican Party, who have encouraged Trump in his efforts to undermine the 2020 election. Nothing shames the Republican sycophants, not even when the federal government’s cyber security administrator was fired by Trump for telling a simple truth: the 2020 election was the most secure, free, and fair election in history.
  14. Leading board asshole and undisputed champion of stupidity @BnaC makes it clear that he has no interest in our community at all as he proudly posts: I do not hire escorts as I’m very happy with my girlfriend. Yet, he is accepted as a member of the idiot Daddy space while the real amongst us are excluded. And the decrepit Daddy begs us for money1 Wow.....
  15. At one point this summer, probably because of the mental/emotional distortions brought about by the lockdown, I had considered seeking re-entry into "that" wretched place.... after all, i do have experiences with guys that should be shared in the deli/spa sections but - then i took a look at what is going on over there, and decided (thankfully) that waters populated by augustus and his fellow travelers are far too polluted for me to ever enter!
  16. augustus is in the final stages of total mental collapse..... someone needs to put him (and us!) out of his agony
  17. i've never met @augustus (luckily for him) AND i have never it and Hannity in the same place, so I suspect you are correct. but he is a good example of the ability of the crazies to pre-empt discussion and to re-set the focus of discourse. even though the man clearly long ago lost ALL of his marbles, he is still able -- iike a common schoolyard bully -- to control the "conversation" over there. (although i have noticed that he never either answers a question or responds to a point that anther poster makes - all he does is reproduce AgentOrange's tweets) gotta love 'em for showing the unabashed, uncensored, unfiltered ugly face of what trumpism really is.
  18. If you are in the need of some comic relief, take a trip over to the daddy site, do a search for postings by some moron named augustus and get ready for either an endless belly laugh..... or performing an intervention to put this senile old fool out of his misery!
  19. Our long national nightmare is over! Trump must go. Pack his bags. Clear out and take Don Jr., Eric, and Stephen Miller with him. Expect the Trump Rage Show to go on. But it’s the flailing rage of a loser trying to deny that he’s a loser. And that’s a sweet thing to watch because it’s so well deserved.
  20. NOT the only one, haha....
  21. Are you referring to my bud Mr. Trotsky? And by "most malicious" there are several candidates for the position... mind giving me/us a clue? Thanks!
  22. Easy - feral creatures inhabit any space open to them.... Daddy finally provides the crazed clowns, fascists, racists a safe space where they can try to provoke arguments and spew their dangerous venom without fear of backlash or repercussion.... How kind of Daddy to house the most dangerous of dangerous.... And let them know that a site dedicated to hiring male escorts can become a place for their hate speech!
  23. Bringing this thread back to topic.... As one who has been permanently banned from the other site, welcome here to all my fellow deportees.... Not sure what I did to earn banishment, probably spoke in too intelligent a voice about the need to reduce human suffering on this planet. Clearly such a notion is reprehensible to Daddy & His Minions.
  24. Although I must say that seeing he quality of what the American right wingers on the daddy's site post, I am much more optimistic about the future of our nation. If the best they can produce is some crazy guy in a clown suit spewing out insults, slurs, and incomprehensible nonsense, well - we can be happy that they are securely down the road to self-destruction.... they are a disappearing bunch, and then we can get back to the real business of re-building what is good about our country and our world.
  25. You're awesome, man.... looks like we have a community here (or is it correct to say a "sub-community")? In any case, you are wiser than I am... I thought it was my obligation to respond to and engage with the Daddy's Racist/Fascist/Homophobe Contingent - little did I know at the time that BOZO & CO. are only there as mindless provocateurs.... clearly brain-washed/brain-absent cult members who are incapable of meaningful thought, let alone discourse. And I certainly did not understand that "Daddy" and his various incarnations/manifestations are only there to aid and abet discord. I do now.
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