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Everything posted by nynakedtop
how about a "mai ow, krub" or a "mai chorb, krub"?
hey guys -- please indulge me on this one - i, of course, love very few things more than a massage in thailand one thing i hate though is having my feet worked on (bizarre, i know) - is there a polite way to tell the masseur in thai not to work on my feet? i really appreciate any help - ouch - thanks!
One of my favorite CoM members who has historically varied from displaying his inflated sense of self and his anger management issues likes to refer to people he disagrees with as "the crazies" over here. Somehow, the QAnon'ers over there cannot help but revert to their compulsive behaviors given half a chance. Of course the mods look the other way as long as no one ventures even slightly to the left of center. Other than such amusing displays, for those of us who find our porn elsewhere, the site has become pretty darn boring I would say.
True on a "macro as well as micro" level -- the Evil Sisters practiced this weird form of discourse in which they never engaged in any sort of exchange with anyone who did not ape the same talking points as themselves. They would respond to one another with a congratulatory word or two and then go on as if they were simply reading a press release authored by Steve Bannon (which, come to think of it, their words were so interchangeable amongst them that they probably were!) They never answered questions directly posed to them The only exchanges they had with anyone outside their cult was Trump-style name calling and attacks They had the weirdest style of posting .... just compulsively on and on and on in a vacuum of their own making. A dear friend of mine organized the Politics forum boycott before he was summarily banned. He did some good work I would say because it exposed the fact that the evil forces there seemed to barely even notice!
funny and sad.... as i recall BnaC bragged about his heterosexuality... he exhibited bizarre obsessive/compulsive disorder traits in his postings but i guess we should add to his list of atypical behaviors Identity Crisis 101! i wish we could bid good riddance to that particularly disagreeable person, but, like the man who came to dinner he seems incapable of knowing when and where he is not wanted!
thank you for sharing this shameful chapter in the story of that site - clearly the mods are perfectly comfortable giving a safe platform for those who do the work of the ultra-right towards destroying our community. i was purged in a matter of moments -- the mods let fascists, racists, and homophobes have a safe secure and comfortable platform for their hate. shame on them all.
what forum did that exchange happen in?
a smart smart move my friend!!!
I noticed that rabid racist augustus went all nutsy (nazi?) cookoo on a thread announcing the shut down of the P-Forum in another forum.... they locked the discussion pretty quickly but you know these worms will try to slither their way into any opening they can find. the attention they get on the site is probably the only attention they get in their lives. just a suspicious.
Why be so agitated about the voices of some clearly deranged people interjecting their hate into our community? It is because the coded language they speak is an instrument of violence. The leaders of organized political or social movements tell their followers that specific groups of people (the "others") is plotting to destroy civilized society. History tells us that if this message is repeated enough, loudly enough, often enough, and long enough it is only a matter of time before the bodies from the named scapegoated groups start to turn up . This is what the mods should have been concerned with. Not some superficial policing that does nothing at all except validate the power dynamic already in place.
Bozo had decided that I was lying about my profession (I am a school teacher) and in a very stalker-Ish manner launched a series of personal attacks on my questioning my honesty about my job, my credentials, my character. It got to the point where he wa tracking my time on the site, posting it to the world, and telling everyone I could not be a teacher (he is obviously ignorant of so, so many things, haha) I never called him a moron, a bigot, a Nazi-lover, a racist.... although I probably did call him a fascist. That is not a personal attack - it is an accurate description of his political philosophy.
Agreed. We are/were a self-selecting group of people who gravitated to the politics forum at first because besides having an interest in the commercial sex marketplace also carried with us an interest in and commitment to issues that affect our communities in the social realm. little did we know what was awaiting us there! as someone who was purged early on for my overly passionate responses to vicious personal attacks by the clown, i saw that the politics forum existed as an outlier - all of us encounter extreme right wing ideas as we move through our lives but it was the sheer viciousness, meanness, rabid anti-intellectualism, race and gender baiting that made the politics forum a true embarrassment. may it never rise again...
what has always amazed me... and what actually prompted me starting this thread here... was the staying power of the evil sisters - everyone else seems to get banned, but they just stay on and on and on. maybe they can collaborate on finding another website to infect.
Does anyone know.... was it planned and announced in advance? Or did it just go **poof** and vanish into thin air? (I mean the politics forum, not the unicorns....)
Thanks for sharing that....Wonder what happened that finally pushed them over the edge? I guess anything that deprives the QAnon pond scum a forum is a good thing though.
Totally agree with you - but my experience was that I could not stand by quietly in the face of such harmful and hateful behaviors - I have been a social justice activist all my life and in every phase of my life, so i take full responsibility for not being able to keep my mouth shut, but i have also spoken up in a mindful (if at times strident) manner you now that car crash on the highway that you just can't look away from?
My point exactly - the site is "penetrated" by people (who generally seem not even to be members of our community) who are there for no reason other than to provoke good people in endless and meaningless virtual fistfights while "management" looks on and picks and chooses who they will dole out punishment to Our community can do (and needs to do) much better
And I actually agree with just about everything everyone has written here - but I will point that out that I have detected a certain seepage of the venom from the politics board into the others forums. there are some truly nasty people on that site who will take advantage of any situation to be really mean to other people. I stopped visiting the site totally though after I realized it was the home for people spewing the truly incredible theory that the assault on Paul Pelosi was the result of a gay hook up gone bad. At first I thought it was a joke until I saw with what energy the idiots putting that out there attacked anyone and anything who questioned their sanity. also: some of my favorite posters have been banned from the site while the most obnoxious remain. call in coincidence if you will, but i will not.,
Avoiding the site is probably the smart choice. The forum has degenerate into a place where a few guys compulsively post.... and some really strange ultra-right wingers troll non-stop, desperately looking for someone to engage with them so they can provoke people into an argument and get them banned. Trouble with a capital T
The only views that are allowed to flourish on the Politics forum are those that are wholly compliant with QAnon dogma. Other views are censored and/or the member is banned. Company of Men used to be a site of some value for those of us interested in commercial sex. Now it has become a mouthpiece for the unrestrained views of the QAnon/Radical Right. The mods seem to have no problem with this. I know I am not alone thinking that a site dedicated for discussion of male escorts becoming a home for some crazy right wing is a bizarre turn of events. If it looks like a duck.... quacks like a duck...
I was banned a long time ago after aggressively calling out BOZO for his horribleness... Since then, my friends "Leon Trotsky", "AroiDee", and one or two others were banned - they do not know why. Also a hunky Latin friend of mine who was organizing a boycott of the Politics forum was banned. Never an explanation. Just pissed off the mods, I guess, who seem to think they are way more valuable to the world than they actually are.
From what I hear, more and more people are routinely getting banned from that so-called Company of Men site. It seems as though the only people who can survive the constant purges of the cabal-in-charge are the people who constantly post QAnon conspiracy claims and insult anyone who dares to push back. Logical minds need not work too hard to detect a connection between organized right wingers and this site which at one time discussed male escorts and masseurs. I remain open to be proven to be wrong. But unlikely.
I do not hide the fact that "daddy"/"guy fawkes"/"what-the-hell" and I had a very very bad relationship. let's just look at the message board site now for what it is: lots of pictures being posted (not what i am looking for) people requesting intelligence on someone following by countless BUMPS the true spirit of what made the board special (Bozo, Augustus) dead or missing the only poster worth reading for shits & giggles now is BSR (and his various incarnations) the only sane rebuttal being posted to BSR comes from our own jjkirkwood until we can find a few more whack jobs to fill in for Bozo & Co., I think we need to be compassionate and generous with our thoughts and prayers towards the BSR-lunatic - he had a bg job to do, and needs our attention and support!
A figure who did not fail to provoke controversy. A death too soon and too painful for anyone to have to endure. He will be missed by all and mourned by many.
My favorite is the charming young newbie, unreviewed, unknown who wanted $800 for 2 hours.