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Everything posted by sglad

  1. Thank you for not adding to the problem.
  2. I think the girls are more open about it now but from what my older female friends tell me, this is not a new phenomenon. They stay in swanky hotels, ask a for massage from a masseur who's usually hot AND knows how to massage (they've usually been handpicked by these high-end hotels) and if the vibe is right and both agree, sex is included. It's all very discreet. One of my girlfriends was only 18 when she had at one of these naughty, hotel massages and her parents were upstairs! And she couldn't wait to send me a pic of his dick afterwards!
  3. I hear in Sunee Plaza the boys appreciate a glass of warm milk and a plate of Oreos on the side.
  4. And "excellent" is as it should be - I'm glad it continues to live up to its name for rot yiam รสเยี่ยม means excellent taste. PS musgrave, your sentence above is a bit confusing. The excellent khao soi you had is at Khao Soi Rot Yam in Nimman right? The one at Kad Luang (Warorot Market) is another place.
  5. sglad


    Bangkok and Phuket, yes. Pattaya, no idea. Bangkok and Phuket: usually during special events like circuit parties, Pride, long weekends in neighbouring countries, etc. Organised by word of mouth (ie mobile messaging) during those events and not planned in advance (although the ones organised by Sg guys can be quite meticulously planned - cruises, pool parties, etc). I hear the best ones are where the participants have been selected and invited, instead of the open-for-all ones. It's not my thing and the guys who go either keep mum or exaggerate so it's hard to get reliable info. There also impromptu group sex sessions at the saunas. Please beware that some of these events will involve CF and bareback sex.
  6. sglad


    Thank you for qualifying your statement. It may be "normal" for this forum but not necessarily the norm for Thailand or Thai people in general. Anyway, welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay in Thailand.
  7. Glide? That IS unusual. I thought most Pattaya residents carry some rouge, funeral wax and a spray bottle of formaldehyde in their purse - for that quick touch up - before going out on a night on the town.
  8. I'm sure DH is too polite to answer truthfully.
  9. Would he be comfortable at a circuit party? Would his John feel comfortable with other guys flirting with him (the bar-boy)? Would his John be constantly watching over him and protecting his proprietary interests, temporary as they may be? Fine if you want to treat a bar-boy to a circuit party but as it's a treat, the bar-boy should have no other responsibility than to have fun. If you want him to be your "comfort factor" and "human shield", than hire him and tell him what his responsibilities are. Remember that he's going to be new to circuit parties and probably be as much an outsider as you are.
  10. Santa filled your chimney?
  11. The only thing I'd agree with that view is that it is indeed common. No-one whether internal or external to a society can understand it fully. While we can make some convenient assumptions and ascribe certain cultural traits to a group of people for our own convenience, it is no substitute for seeing them as sub-groups and individuals pockmarked by unique social, educational, economic, political, religious, gender and regional differences and personal choices that are continuously evolving. Otherwise, you'd always be stuck with a glossy, coffee-table-book mentality of Thailand, Asia, etc which is not helpful and is bound to provide a fertile ground for prejudices and stereotyping.
  12. It's resentment, pure and simple. You're of the same colour as they are and yet you can afford to be the patron and they have to serve you. At least with the farang they can create an imagined cultural-social-economic 'distance' to rationalise their own deficiencies and insecurities. Too many of these sales/service people are ignorant of their own history or they would understand the amount of damage colonialism did to native populations. If I receive undeserved poor treatment at any establishment I would never ever give them any business again and I would tell everyone who cares to hear about it either in person or via social media. Personally, I would never reward bad behaviour. It proves nothing. These people get commissions especially from the sales of luxury goods. I wouldn't give them my business. There are always, ALWAYS other options and there are many more Thais and other Asians who will treat you well than those who won't. Over this past year I have made many good Thai friends from different walks of life who have helped me, supported me, tolerated me - for no economic benefit to themselves - and they are the ones whom I will choose to remember and keep in touch with when I leave.
  13. If it's from a hotel minibar, wouldn't it be one of those miniature bottles, good enough for one or two drinks? Do you share that with anyone and how much do they cost? I've never consumed anything from a minibar other than complimentary water so I'm genuinely curious. I don't touch the little chocolate bars or crisps either. Was this one of those Thai whiskeys? I think I might have seen a 'larger' bottle but can't really remember now. There's always a 7-11 or convenience store nearby for me to worry about what's in the minibar.
  14. Difficult to explain from whose perspective - proponents of gun ownership? "Personal protection is only a small part of the issue" for whom?
  15. I see. Out of curiosity, is the onus for checking ID on the guest, the hotel or both? Put it in another way, if the guest is found in bed with an underaged person, do they arrest the guest only or is the hotel held accountable too?
  16. Seriously, how were you able to verify his age without an ID card? A friend from Sg visited recently and he wanted to take a boy off from one of the go go bars and the guy didn't have ID. I was acting as interpreter and wasn't entirely convinced that he was 19 as he claimed. My friend decided against taking the boy off, tipped him nicely and we left. My friend seemed disappointed that I didn't give the boy the 'all-clear' but I told him it's better to be safe than sorry. He has a good job and life back home and any hint of impropriety of this sort and he's finished.
  17. Meaning? Good bodies?
  18. Good choice for a relaxing vacation and some tasty Thai/seafood. Great choice for diving and snorkeling with some of the clearest waters I've seen in Thailand. Some interesting islands nearby for day trips. Your hotel can make the arrangements for you I believe. We went in Dec 2015 via Hatyai during the peak season and it was very busy with Thai and Malaysian holidaymakers. The peak season attracts many farang backpackers but I wouldn't say the island was overflowing with farangs like the other beach resorts. Not much in the way of nightlife - a few bars on Pattaya Beach. No specifically gay bars - too small an island for one and we didn't find them necessary. Almost everyone is there for the sea, diving and seafood. Chilled kind of place. I remember one of the bar owners telling us that he only opened six months of the year, from December to May and spends the rest of the year attending to his business in Bangkok. Apparently this wasn't unusual for the island. I'm quite sure you wouldn't be able to find an escort from one of the bars in that organised sort of way that you can in Pattaya or Phuket. But I suppose you can make a friend before you go to the island to show you around - someone who's familiar with the area? I did see a couple fairly standard oil and foot massage places and I'm pretty sure they'd be able to arrange a gentle massage for you if you stayed at one of the bigger hotels. We really enjoyed ourselves on Lipek and spent a night in Hatyai on our way to Penang where we pigged ourselves out again. Hatyai would be the nearest Thai airport but I think Langkawi is nearer. Hatyai has a very small male go go bar and a 'gay' karaoke - friendly but not worth going if you're going primarily for commercial sex tourism on the scale I've seen on these forums.
  19. Isn't X-Boys in Boyztown but in a parallel soi to BBB; closer to the big hotel which I can't remember the name? Has a small shopping centre attached to it. I think this was one of the bars I went to in March. I thought the show was OK. Not great but I don't remember feeling it was a total loss of the money spent.
  20. To overcome the language barrier, maybe you can show a video clip of what you're looking for to whoever it is who would do the organising on your behalf?
  21. Ah I see. I didn't know that.
  22. Whyyy? Do the entrances of casinos have warnings that gambling is addictive and might lead you to losing all your money? Do they tell you that the house always wins? And even if there were warnings, as there on cigarette packs, and if they were to make the price of cigarettes prohibitively expensive as they do in my country, does it stop people from smoking? No, I don't think so. You know why? Because everybody thinks he is different. Everybody thinks he is special and an exception to the rule. You're a free agent who goes to Soi Twilight or Boyztown willingly and voluntarily, with the agency to say YES or NO and everything else in between. Whatever happens next, as they say, is up to you.
  23. Technology has made this possible in the privacy of our own homes. We can watch porn and act out our own fantasies or go live with another couple on cam and perform mutually for each other. Those into public sex and being watched can invite friends or regular cammers to watch them perform at a set time. Just be sure you know who's watching you!
  24. Singapore still uses embarkation cards (I think that's what they call them) for foreigners entering the country. They were using embarkation cards when I went to Australia in January 2013. What was cool about Australia was that they stamped me in but didn't stamp me out on my exit. I don't know if that was because I had an ETA which was valid for twelve months. Malaysia has done away with it. Instead, we have to scan our two index fingers on a fingerprint scanner which is also kinda cool. These little formalities don't bother me - it's hard to explain but it's part of the excitement of "going somewhere" as I don't get to travel frequently. My only problem with it is the unnecessary use of paper and the damage it does to our environment. All that photocopying in duplicate and triplicate that is required at uni and by some Thai government departments...urgh!
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