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Everything posted by sglad

  1. Is it just me or does Nicky look like an Asian Steve Carell in post #70?
  2. Ya, my guess would be hill-tribe/of Chinese descent from the north. I'm not surprised that he's very popular - he looks naturally sexy and the layered, soft bob haircut is just smashing. He would totally kill it at a club in Sg with both women and gay men. My only quibble is that maybe he's not very tall? But who cares! hank75, I was referring to the guy in the second (bottom) pic (post #72) although he looked hotter in the Christmas show video. He looks tired in that pic.
  3. Babe is cute and hot - how old is he and where is he from? Whatever work he's had done, it's been done well and very subtlely. Gorgeous smile. I also like the tall, dark and handsome guy with the swept back hair - the fifth to come onto the stage in the video that was posted. The others don't do much for me.
  4. No offence, hank75, but I don't think it's a good idea to post the pics of a minor on this forum.
  5. All of them. I don't know about the other procedures but rhinoplasty can be as cheap as 12,000Bt in Chiang Mai. My friend had it done and he didn't even have to stay in the hospital or maybe he did for a night, can't remember exactly. Cosmetic surgery is very very common in Thailand especially nose and eye jobs.
  6. I had the same reaction as spoon when I saw the pics so I sent them to a friend of ours who's a cosmetic surgeon. This was his reply: Eyes have been widened and possibly creases added (double eyelids). Nose raised with silicone bridge but tip was either not re-shaped or could have been better re-shaped. Jawline shaved and botox injected to give that pointed witch's chin. Can't tell from the quality of the pics but possibly skin re-surfacing procedures performed. Forehead filled with fillers.
  7. I would like to wish all readers and members of Gaythailand and Gaybuttonthai a merry Christmas! For those of you in Thailand, have a blast!
  8. sglad

    Arena Massage

    What do you mean by "dishonest"? And "dishonest" in his role as a 'papasan' or as a masseur?
  9. Exactly. The only real tits in the soi are the man boobs of its customers!
  10. Hi Mark! There have been a tsunami, two mililtary coups, seven prime ministers and there's a new monarch on the throne. You're welcome. sglad
  11. Just make sure you don't end up playing Russian roulette. The last week of December is not a good time to go if you're seeking to "beat the crowds". The Thais take their NY countdown and partying seriously; both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are public holidays in Thailand. Most people will be with their friends and family. The working boys will probably be out enjoying themselves and may not be able to provide you with the kind and level of attention that you are accustomed. Can't blame them for wanting to be off work and be with their friends at this time. Moreover, you'll be competing with loads of other customers for their time. I suggest that you go with friends or meet up with friends over there. Have fun!
  12. Hoe, hoe, hoe...Merry Christmas! Which one will be going down your chimney, Jasper?
  13. You know what they say...the early bird gets the sperm!
  14. Hey GWMinUS! I wasn't judging - I have nothing against anyone of any age using ED drugs as long as it's done under medical supervision and was simply applauding Michael's candour about it. Long may you keep those Filipino gay guys happy!
  15. This has got to be the most honest post on this board ever!
  16. Oh, we won't be going to Thailand; was just in BKK for four days with my buddies last month. CNY eve will be spent with family and after that I have no idea where we're going - my partner wants to make it a surprise. Luck has nothing to do with it. I'm entitled to 14 days of annual leave as per the terms of my employment Unlike bereavement, sick or emergency leave, annual leave has to be properly applied for in advance and is subject to approval - I can't just take off from work as and when I please especially as I have language skills that are crucial to my organisation. It's going to be hard getting leave during the CNY period approved as the majority of the people at my workplace are Chinese and probably have the same idea as I have.
  17. In time for Chinese New Year, which falls on 5 and 6 February 2019 and lasts through 19 February 2019, Chap Goh Mei. I've applied for leave on the 4th, 7th and 8th and if my boss approves it, I will get nine days off starting from the 2nd!
  18. sglad

    Fun for couples

    The Korean-looking Cambodian guy has a broad face, floppy hair, a porcelain complexion and dresses somewhat androgynously? Not my type but I remember him from my visit last month. He was being offed by this really fat 40+ Chinese guy and they had some problem with the bill which was amicably resolved. I think that's why I remember him.
  19. Judging by how some of these so-called muscular guys look my guess would be April the 1st.
  20. Isn't checking-in fully automated and DIY at KLIA2 now so who's going to check whether you have a return ticket or not? I've flown Air Asia from KLIA2 twice this past year; once was coming home to Singapore so I guess that doesn't count but the other time was an onward flight to Thailand. I had to do everything myself, from printing my own boarding pass and baggage tags to weighing and checking-in my luggage. When they say budget, they really mean budget. It was quite chaotic and thank god I was at the airport early. There were Air Asia staff milling around to provide assistance to those who needed it. I don't recall being asked for an onward ticket out of Thailand by any of the machines that I used and certainly not by the overwhelmed Air Asia staff.
  21. Please tell me Joel Osteen is one of them...he's my idea of a hot older man.
  22. Adam, Eve, David, Pattaya, Sodom & Gomorrah. Now I understand why some people say a visit to Pattaya is akin to a religious experience.
  23. They did but back then they were still men.
  24. Firstly you've got to ask yourself whether YOU'd be comfortable coz if you're uncomfortable then your friend would be able to pick up on it and he might end up feeling uncomfortable too. I used to wait tables at a a five-star-hotel restaurant here in Sg when I was at uni and occasionally we would see older white and younger Asian couples (MF, MM). We didn't treat them any differently. As long as you're dressed appropriately for the venue and behaved accordingly, there's no reason for us to not give you our best service. Would the other guests form a certain opinion or gossip about you? They might but that can happen anywhere, even in Pattaya! You can't control people's thoughts and demand acceptance. If you're really not sure, then maybe you can take your special friend travelling WITHIN Thailand first, if anything to get to know him better and to see if both of you are suited for travel elsewhere.
  25. Fair. But unless your "boy" is fresh off the boat and you're his first ever farang, chances are he's used to it all and has learnt to shrug it off. Also there may be other reasons why a guy might not want to go to a particular venue with you - he had just been there two nights before with a different customer; you're his boyfriend (or potential boyfriend) and he had been there three nights before with his OTHER boyfriend; he feels that YOU may not be the right fit for the venue and doesn't want to tell it to your face...a myriad of other possibe reasons.
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