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Everything posted by sglad

  1. The end of days?
  2. Why? To blow off steam? If so, that's understandable. To raise awareness that sex workers, pimps and their customers have problems with one another including non-payment, not fulfilment of promises made by the parties concerned (including promises made by the sex workers themselves), communication issues....oookay but surely these problems come with the territory and the seasoned hands here are already aware of these? If so, then the title of this thread is rather misleading. The problem is a private matter between two consenting adults who freely participated in a transaction that is quite independent of Soi Twilight and the system there. I went to the Patpong area twice last year to watch shows at Dreamboys and Jupiter as part of a big night out with friends and we enjoyed ourselves. People don't turn from "happy smiles" into "something else" for no reason even if that reason is not apparent to us. Can't say that I have but I'm no Robin Hood wannabe 555 (joke). While I don't know whether the boys have any recourse or not (it's been suggested above that they have a way of shaming errant customers), I do know that prostitution is a risky business, more so in a country where it is illegal. I've gotten to know a few of these guys and they are no babes-in-the-woods. They know the score and are much more streetwise than I am. The non-Thai guys are taking a double risk: illegally working on a social pass in an illegal profession! Do I feel sorry for them? No more than the Burmese maid who works very hard in my building for 3,500B a month and wouldn't even take the 100B I leave for her each time she cleans my room. Speaking of "recourse", what recourse do customers have when they are "scammed" by these sex workers, whatever "scammed" means. Uhhh, oookaay, but what is the point of this little "note"? Your "note" is not that noteworthy to me. Quite frankly, if I were to see someone shouting or calling anyone out in public anywhere, I would assume he's either mad or a youtube star wannabe. Perhaps channel your outrage by doing something more constructive like writing messages on social media (through your Thai friends) supporting the legalisation of prostitution which would give people like your friend and their customers more rights and a bigger voice in the long run. An internet hero on the other hand is only remembered for...oops, sorry, what was this thread about again?
  3. Just goes to show how much you know. a447a is always moved by a bigger cock.
  4. Thanks for the titillating report, a447a. You're a natural successor to Shigeo Tokuda.
  5. Geez, at least you're consistent. Have you ever read Oliver Twist?
  6. Five stars for this.
  7. Interesting. I myself haven't experienced discrimination, at least none that I have noticed, in any other contexts in Thailand or elsewhere in SE Asia. If anything, being Singaporean has opened doors for me socially and professionally. In mainstream places and situations, I feel that I have been treated very well, sometimes more so than I've deserved. Almost everyone I meet wants to come work in Singapore which is frightening! If I were to really overthink it, I'd say the only situation where I might have felt resentment (not discrimination) is at venues where there are working boys looking to hook up with farang customers. I'm not too sure but I think the boys there find it hard to process and accept our financial independence. But, as I said, it was a just a feeling I had in a couple of Phuket bars.
  8. Pauline Henson? Note to Stalker: it means I know how to google, not that I'm really from Queensland! "Man" = gay for pay but easier to say and better for their self-pride?
  9. They'd need their passports. They get to stay for 14 days without a visa. Same-same for Thai citizen visiting Myanmar. The ID-only claim might be true if coming in via a land border and their travel is limited to areas close to said border (they have to get what is called a border pass, i think). But if flying into Bangkok, they'd definitely need their passports, with at least 6 months validity. Are your friends cute?
  10. Fair enough if you need a captive audience. But not everyone is 100% gay just as not everyone is interested in silverdaddy porn. Some people might be bi or bi-curious; and bi threesomes and sexual fluidity seem to be getting more common among people in my generation and I've had a few of those. Shock! Horror!
  11. Those are highly subjective and onerous requirements! Even Stalker with his considerable plagiarism skills wouldn't be able to fulfill them. On second thought, he just might as that poor soul lives and breathes on and for these forums. I don't know about you but I joined this forum for fun and not to perform a public enema as a result of any constipation issues I might have. Morever, after 3 1/2 months this year and 5 weeks last year I don't think of myself as a tourist anymore even if the Thais still think of me as an outsider. I'm trying my best to integrate and IMHO trip reports, as fun and as useful as they may be, further cultivate that "us and them" mentality. I'm not remotely suggesting how you and others should post or behave on this forum but all I'm asking is to just let me be. The broad preamble to this forum says This is the main forum for all things gay in Thailand including Gay Pattaya, Gay Bangkok, Gay Chiang Mai, Gay Phuket. Post information here on events, places, activities, questions, and comments. Keep the topics related to information on Thailand. I'm sure there's room for me in there somewhere.
  12. Sorry you had to go through that, emailbroken. I cleared it with Scooby and it's OK for me to address these spurious allegations as long as I confine it to this thread (which I volunteered to do). People can quickly skim through and skip the thread altogether if they find it exhausting and irrelevant.
  13. Not quite right. They are generically referred to as "lords" being members of the peerage. Barons, viscounts, earls and marquesses are formally addressed as "My Lord" but dukes are in a special category, being just one step below the monarch and immediate royal family and are formally addressed as "Your Grace". A duke is not addressed as Lord XYZ; the appropriate style is the Duke of XYZ. Of course some dukes are members of the royal family for eg the Duke of Cambridge which carry the royal title HRH. A-level English lit. Check the source you copy-and-pasted from, Stalker. By the way, in case it wasn't clear, I'm very impressed by your "knowledge" and its relevance to this thread. Five more copy-and-paste paragraphs, please.
  14. I don't know about massage places but i was in Phuket two years ago with four of my friends from Sg and we went to some of the bars in the Paradise Complex. While I can't exactly put my finger on it, I did feel as if there was some resentment from the Thai guys working there. It was if we were encroaching upon their territory or something which couldn't have been further from the truth. We were there to celebrate the birthday of one in our party and were well-behaved, generous and respectful towards the people we met. It didn't make sense.
  15. I do, quite easily. Whether the extra money from not being with our wives, kids and friends is worth it boils down to how we value our family and friends. Each person is different and perhaps projecting our own values on them to explain their decisions may not be helpful.
  16. I hear these Tai-Yai guys are really yai, ahem. Any truth to this rumour, musgrave? There's one working at a noodle shop near my apartment and he's tall, handsome and built like a rock - from construction (I asked!). Not some nelly gymboy. I just hope he's not carrying a noodle in between his legs.
  17. So your guy was sleepwalking instead of street-walking? 555 Parts of Santitham/Chang Puek are pretty dodgy. Once I was cycling home after a basketball game at the Rajabhat and I wandered off the main road and got lost in some sois that were downright seedy. A group of guys that were huddled together immediately got up when I they saw me. It felt like I had stumbled into the hood or something. Taught me not to cycle by myself at night again. But Santitham is also a working class area popular with students from the Rajabhat and technical colleges and there are many fun and inexpensive hangout places there. The bars are a bit loud for my taste but there are quite a few cute cafes and restaurants geared towards the Thai student budget. Great if you like diabetes-causing sugary concoctions. None particularly stand out; you just have to walk around and sit in the one you fancy. Best to go with Thai friends.
  18. The tuk-tuks do try to gauge you and sometimes they won't budge. Once we wanted to go to Nimman from Burger King at the Night Bazaar and they wanted 150 B. It was late, around 11.30 pm. We haggled in Thai and they still wouldn't budge. We ubered it in the end. Another time while I was waiting for my friend outside Suriwong Book Centre, I heard an Indian couple being quoted 200 B for a trip to The Whole Earth, which is only 300-400 m in the opposite direction! They turned him down and I told them they could just walk there. Uber is great especially for going to places just outside of the main city itself like Central Fest, Mor Payap (a lot of activities there), and the Tesco on the way to Hang Dong (although you can take a songtaew there for 10-15 B from Chiang Mai Gate but I usually Uber it on the way back). A bonus of using Uber is that the driver is often male, young and cute and they already have your number which opens up possibilities. That's all I'm gonna say.
  19. Might it have been a dentist who mistook your ass for your mouth?
  20. I like stories but the stories that my grandparents like to tell are not necessarily applicable to me as times and circumstances have changed. And what is true today may not be true in fifty years' time. And sometimes older people (or even young people - a common ailment among bored foreigners in Chiang Mai) invent stories and repeat them on purpose. But, yeah, stories are fun and occasionally we can even learn a thing or two from them.
  21. That's understandable as not all people have pleasant memories of the place of their birth or the place where they grew up.
  22. Are you a tourist or a resident? If you're a resident, you might want to get a car or a motorbike. I have a bicycle and cycle to uni and around town in the day (but not at night or during the hazy months). After a few months here you would have also made a few Thai friends and they are always very helpful and willing to offer you a ride. Transport is the least of my concerns in Chiang Mai. Just make sure the next beer or bowl of kuay teow is on you. If you're a tourist, 20-30 B on the songtaew shouldn't matter too much. The most I have paid for a songtaew is 60 Bt from Lang Mor to the Arcade bus-station. You can get it for 40 B but you'd have to wait longer.
  23. This is what happens when we let people get out of control on the Internet. First they stalk guys, then they accost them for sex on the MRT. Maybe the old man thought he was in Hong Kong or Taiwan circa 1960. Sad and shameful - where will it all end? https://coconuts.co/singapore/drunk-old-man-violently-accosts-american-man-sex-mrt/
  24. Great, funny review, musgrave. You didn't go to Pandee in Kalare? I hope it's not closed. I was there in February and it was busy. Cozy with a friendly Akha waiter (I think he was Akha). Was there only briefly as my Thai friend had to go. We only took a peek at Secrets. Rough-looking customers and Thai guys (maybe not Thai but from across the border?). I would have had a drink (what the hell it's only 100 B and I had never been to a fet bar before) had my Thai friend not nudged me along. Ram is smart but rather impersonal. Seems to have an identity crisis as to whether it wants to be a pub or a show-bar. My friend and I didn't think the show was anything special; you can find cabaret acts all over Thailand - most large dining/drinking places have them. Still,worth checking out if you have the time. I believe the building across the road from Kalare is called the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar. I've been twice and never saw anyone there, or was that Station One? Need to check it out again. Agreed that Orion is very friendly and the owner (short, dark guy - at least I think he was the owner) was one of the most welcoming we've encountered. Of the bunch, Pandee is the only one I would visit again and could be my 'local' if I didn't live on the other side of town. Very, very generally speaking, except for one guy with his hard dick sticking out from his trench coat in AA, I find the guys in Chiang Mai's so-called gay bars not as attractive as the guys you meet on the street or elsewhere. More on the go go bars later. Need to ration some of the excitement.
  25. I did but my stalker still wouldn't go away.
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