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Everything posted by sglad

  1. Brilliant.
  2. "Such a lovely guy!" In a447a's language it means he has a big cock. If we're talking about the same guy (short, dark and wavy/curly hair?) then I agree that he is a pleasant and welcoming guy. There was a sour-faced woman manning the bar (his wife?) when we went but that didn't affect our experience. Of the four bars in the area (Ram, Secrets, Pandee and Orion), I found Orion and Pandee to be the friendliest and least impersonal.
  3. It's next to New My Way Bar so shouldn't be too difficult to find if you're familiar with that landmark. Somebody told me Soho used to be a popular bar on Huay Kaew Road, right beside Amazing Sandwich but it closed a couple of years ago for various reasons.
  4. sglad


    No pic of this mysterious hunk who says no?
  5. Now, now, let's not be facetious. I think I will go down for a look-see when it's ready and open to the public. In a country where so many things often go wrong, one thing the Thais excel in is presentation and pageantry. This is going to be huuuge.
  6. I second this. The fish was crispy on the outside and soft and moist on the inside (but well-cooked). Of course I had to have a bit of chilli sauce on the side.
  7. There were two dogs nearby. I guess they weren't impressed coz the couple weren't doing it doggy style.
  8. Totally! He's a legend.
  9. With the cut-throat prices of tuk-tuk rides in Phuket, they're probably just trying to get their money's worth.
  10. Why "unfortunately"?
  11. Look up gynaecomastia (moobs) surgery. My friend had it before entering National Service (all those naked group showers and all that ) and it gave a tremendous boost to his self confidence. He used to hate PE when we were in school and would avoid sports coz of the teasing. He became a fitness nut after having the surgery and has now joined the ranks of the body beautiful and is a personal trainer.
  12. Droll.
  13. I enjoy reading sweet and short trip reports (for eg vinapu's and arsenal's on SN). Even then I skim through them. I pass on serialised, long-winded, Mills-and-Boons type scripted 'reports' as I don't have the patience for them and I find that they very often end up being about the needy writer more than anything else. I'd rather go about living my life rather than doing it vicariously through somebody else's imagination. "Web fantasies" with "fake photos" don't really appeal to me either, especially if the guys in the photos look undernourished and twelve to me. Plenty of hot porn on the Net which I can pick and choose from if I so desire or better yet go out, meet someone and make our own 'porn' back at my place. Does the above impact on the value of the forum? I honestly don't know and don't care. Assessing the 'value' of the forum sounds a bit over-the-top to me. But I'm speaking for myself here based on my own preferences. What doesn't appeal to me, I skip. It's like going to a buffet; some things I like and take, some things I don't but somebody else might. There's usually something for everybody and if you feel there isn't, by all means take the initiative to fill up the shortfall. No need for drama. Simple as that.
  14. According to samebb, there was also a photo of a boy who was under 18 when the photo was taken.
  15. Forever is a long time; start saving up now!
  16. That's a very sad statement on Pattaya. The sex trade is for sex tourists but non-sex tourists might see something else in Pattaya?
  17. Not via Damascus, I hope. 555
  18. Very funny, reader. I'm going to watch more clips of this show. These old sitcoms are really great.
  19. While I salute a moderator who considers the views of his members, a moderator who listens to his members will end up being like the old man and his donkey.
  20. Honestly, I can't tell you that because when I book my ticket to Thailand I think of temples, Buddhism and the melodious Thai language. Elephant rides are cruel.
  21. That's what happens when you don't heed your mother's advice about spending too much time alone in the bathroom.
  22. Yes, the vast majority. The sex industry catering to foreigners is just the tip of the iceberg or the loose foreskin of a long cock, if you like. One of our lecturers tried to sell us the silly story that 90% of the prostitutes in Thailand are foreign. We laughed so hard that she had to step out of the class to re-affix her face.
  23. Perhaps he needs a bit of sugar daddy on his tongue.
  24. Strange. I never seem to run out of hard buns in Thailand.
  25. Thanks, Scooby!
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