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Everything posted by GWMinUS

  1. OH I saw them FIRST!! But sad to say I am stuck at home in the USA and no chance to meet them up close and personal...
  2. Vinapu, you can join a Film Crew. One that will be doing Videos for the Moonlight Club!!!
  3. What will the Policy about comments on these protests??
  4. My Dear Great-Aunt told me as a young boy! That I should be careful because money can burn a hole in your pocket!!!
  5. Seems there is lots of Eye Candy! Let us know what is really available...
  6. Yes, it is sad we cannot trust the guys we meet. I am going though that with a guy in the Philippines. He asked for help now because of the Covid Virus. But when I make an offer he asks for more. So this time I drew the line. I said no and cut back on the money we had discussed my sending him. I guess we never learn...
  7. Sorry Michael, enjoy your fantasy...
  8. What a quandary! I am definitely part of the 83% who would not travel if required to quarantine upon arrival. But I do not see any real answers here. Perhaps Screening before Departure and Testing upon Arrival is the best option? That is being required in the Philippines, but there is also a 14 day quarantine that kills the deal. If a passenger arrives and is found Negative, they should be allowed to proceed with their Trip. And of course contact-tracing should be possible if a passenger does come down with COVID-19 later.
  9. I do not know that Web Site. But here are the two Torrent Sites I use. Gay Torrents Live Free! https://www.gay-torrents.net/torrents list.php You must Register to use the Site. But I have never had a problem. Wide range of Movies, BL Series, and Porno. You are expected to SEED and Upload what you can. Many Uploads include other languages and subtitles. Not just English. RuTracker.org-Foreign Cinema https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.ph?f=7 Again, Registration is required. Most of the Movies have a Russian Audio Track and Subtitles. Just look for ones that show (English) and (English Subtitles) or the language you use. Then you can select the audio and subtitles you want when viewing the video. Not many Gay movies here. But there are also great Forums for Music. You can set Google Translate to automatically translate the Site from Russian into many other languages.
  10. OH such a BIG SPENDER!! WOW sounds like a Line in a Broadway Song...
  11. I would be very offended if I was legally in Thailand and denied transport by a Govt owned Bus Line. Sounds like our President Trump is running the Show!!! We wake up every morning to read another stupid Twit he made in the middle of the night.
  12. So sad!! Equally bad to travel to the Philippines. I do not have many hopes to fly there before next year...
  13. As of June 1st, PAL is flying between San Francisco and Los Angeles to Manila. Then offering Domestic Flights to other Cities. But the catch is Foreign Nationals must submit to a 14 day Quarantine upon arrival. It can be at a Government Facility or yo can pay for Quarantine at a approved Hotel or Resort. MoenPic is charging 50,000php for 14 days. That is only USD71 per day if you stay 14 days. Some returning OFWs can get out of Quarantine if they test Negative. Not sure if this apply to Foreigners. PAL also indicates they will have flights to NYC and major Cities in Europe. Again however the Govt says Flights are for Passengers needing to travel on Business or to return to a Job in the Philippines. Now where can you get Medical and Travel Insurance???
  14. Thanks, is it "Club Friday Series 2 - Love is Not, Not Love". The one with Hack and Choke? I have it on my Hard Drive. Will have to watch it again.
  15. What is the Title of this Series? You guys have so many floating around here, it is hard to understand... CHEERS
  16. So what does this mean??
  17. His Name is Mike Chinnarat Siriphongchawalit You can view his Roles here: https://mydramalist.com/people/21411-mike-chinnarat-siriphongchawalit
  18. Well I got to watch the Movie, Present 'Still' Perfect, and it is very SWEET!! Well worth viewing. And OAT is so much hotter in this one. A REAL Thai man. Love his Tattoos...
  19. The movie is posted on the GagaOOLaLa web site. But you must buy a VIP Membership to watch it. And that is the case with most of the movies on the site. GRRRRRR
  20. NAIA, Manila has reopened for International Flights starting immediately, May 11. But it is still not going to be easy. All incoming passenger must be Tested at the Airport and then go to a Government Quarantine Facility to await their Test Results. If their test is negative they can leave the quarantine facility but must continue to quarantine some other place for 14 days. Costs will probably paid by the arriving Passenger. All Flights will be using Terminal 1 and it will be limited to 400 Passengers per Day. There will be many departing flights to accommodate the 10s of Thousands Foreign Nationals wanting to leave Manila. They are part of the 400 Passenger per Day. That sounds like only ONE B777 per day?? Good Luck!!
  21. I strongly recommend "Dark Blue Kiss". The main plot is gay and well written and acted. Also "TharnType the Series". If you can find "HIStory 3 -Trapped" from Taiwan. Watch it. Zhao is so cute!! Cheers!!!
  22. HUM but here in the USA the Big Box Stores like Walmart have been open, never closed. And people stand in line to get in, but once inside they socialize in groups. I was there this weekend and saw as many as 6 people all close together chatting in an aisle. And I did not feel it was an Extended Family shopping. So I do not have much faith that Malls in Thailand will be any better. Whole Foods has been much better and I feel safer shopping there!!
  23. Those Durians are hard to open!! Maybe that is why he has those Muscles??? Anything I am missing here...
  24. Interesting report! YES everything is up in the air now. And that does not include airplanes!! My friends in the Philippines are also locked-down. One person in the Family must have a Pass. That is the only person allowed to go out. And there is no traveling between areas of the Country. So I can understand his concern. Maybe things will be different by October. God knows I will go Stir Crazy if they are not. Cheers from another Dad from the USA!!
  25. If you believe that then I have 1 Million Tablets of Hydroxychloroquine I can sell you. Highly recommend by a President who admits he is not a Doctor...
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