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Everything posted by GWMinUS

  1. I think the Filipinos are not unlike the Thais. The RICH run the Country and the man in the Street just complains. 🤕
  2. I just watched Episode 5 of "Bite Me". I love it!! But it is so sweet you need a glass of Cognac to go with it...
  3. The ending of "Once Upon A Time" leaves you hanging... I guess it is typical for the 7 Project Series.
  4. I am more enjoying "Bite Me". I find "Don't Say No" is too drawn out... And yes, Fiat needs to man up!!
  5. Thanks for the heads up!! Good that Pitch is doing well... I think there are plans for a new Season of Yearbook. But I hope it is better than Season 1.
  6. Where do you find "7 Project" online.
  7. Too bad PAL is selling off their Airbus A350s. I was hoping to fly it from LAX to MNL or better, directly to CEB-Mactan. The B777s are getting old... For years I have booked on EVA because they fly from LAX to TPE (also on the B777) and then they have flights to CEB. Anything to avoid transiting through Manila!!
  8. I thought Year Book finished with a whimper. But I have just watched the first two episodes of Bit Me and I found it most engaging... Cheers
  9. Here is a good review of I Promised You the Moon. I clarifies the Time shifts in the Series. And provides other good insights into the Series.
  10. ITSAY was just as good as the first Series. Has only 5 Episodes. I will not disclose the Ending... ENJOY
  11. GameBoys is a great Series. Well worth watching. And there will be a Second Season starting shortly...
  12. So it is clear the PH Govt has focused on the Manila Region. The total cases in the PH are 1,385,053. The number of cases in the Visayas is 67,339. Approximately 5%. Many vaccine sites in Cebu had to close due to lack of supplies. Not just the Vaccines but also the correct needles. What can I say... Maybe INGAT??
  13. My good friend living in Dumaguete contracted the Covid Virus. He was in the Hospital for 3 days and then they told him to go home and quarantine. He got no help with his Hospital expenses and had to buy his own medicines. Things in the PH are just so bad!! Few people are getting the Vaccine and if they are it is the Chinese Sinovac. Terrible job by Duerte and his Government!! My friend is 35 yo and in good shape. He says he has recovered and hopes to return to his work soon. He thinks he got it at the Quick-Shop store he manages. Wish more was being done in the Philippines...
  14. In the Philippines there are "Scandals"!! Were some well know Star or Producer gets Video Taped in a compromising situation. Most come out of it OK Lang!! It is not Thailand...
  15. Just watch the Series "Call it What You Want". Many of those issues get addressed...
  16. Saw today there will be a Second Season of "Call It What You Want". it will be interesting to see what they come up with... Cheers
  17. That is true. He was also a main character in The Gifted Graduation...
  18. Please keep this Thread on Topic!! It is about Thailand, not the UK or the EU...
  19. OH?? Which guy in Innocence was the Go-Go Dancer? It certainly was not Max...
  20. I am finally working my way through "Manner of Death". I am at Episode 13. I have not enjoyed the Series as much as I had expected. The Stories are convoluted and are drawn out too much. I will take my Murder Mysteries in book form!! There is a new Drama Series beginning from the Philippines. The Title is "Memories of Forgetting" and the Director is Joselito Altarejos. Well respected. Based on the first two Episodes this is a Heavy Drama. Catch it on Vimeo or GagaOOLala. Finally coming from the Philippines is a sequel to "Ben x Jim". It is just "B X J FOREVER" and it seems they have mixed up the former main characters with other new love interests. Viewers are complaining. Catch it on Youtube. Now at Episode 4. CHEERS
  21. Yes, I am now hoping travel to the Philippines will be possible about September. The Govt is distributing two Vaccines, Sinovac and AstraZeneca. They are being given first to medical workers. My friends there tell me there has been no announcement as to when they might get vaccinated. And they say the number of infections in both Manila and Cebu City are still high. But my other friend in Dumaguete says things are not bad. His two older "Daddies" just opened a Mini-Mart and it is doing well. The staff all wear masks but Customers do not. Very sad!!
  22. I guess I am naïve... But I would like to know more about the "Men Along The Top" with the HOT Pics. I know they are MBs but have not idea how this all works. Michael can you give us a Primer??? Thanks!!
  23. [Eng Sub] GameBoys 2 Official Teaser.mpg Coming Attractions... Get ready to enjoy!!!
  24. And very sad...
  25. Word now is the Second Season is postponed with no set start date. NADAO says they have had difficulties clearing the various locations they need for shooting because of Covid restrictions. SAD but HANG IN THERE!!
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