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  1. From Pattaya Mail The Thai government has made it a priority to tackle the notable rise in criminal activities by foreigners, which has negatively impacted the nation’s tourism reputation. In response, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has instructed the Royal Thai Police (RTP) to devise strategies and enforce measures to surveil and apprehend foreign lawbreakers. The RTP recently convened meetings to strategize and execute initiatives against foreign offenders, with a focus on the Phuket Provincial Police Region. Since October 1st, 2023, police efforts have led to 614 arrests for a variety of crimes, including illegal employment and offenses related to sex. Addressing crimes committed by foreigners is of paramount importance to the Royal Thai Police, with significant cases being referred to the Immigration Bureau for potential visa cancellation. Furthermore, comprehensive operations have been launched to eradicate such criminal activities, aiming to refurbish the tourism sector’s image and bolster the security perception among visitors. (NNT)
  2. On every trip I find more and more 7-Eleven shop assistants I'd like to report to. 😍
  3. Buffets usually inspire customers to over indulge. Love the concept of extending it to world of massage. Nothing succeeds like excess. 😊
  4. Although the owner of New Twlight and its likewise failed successor never could find the right combination to make a go of it, there's no denying it had some of the best components for a great venue: lighting, stage open on three sides, comfortable seating, high-end sound system. In the hands of the right promoter, the Tawan concept could retained but redefined in a way that has wider appeal. I know I was in the minority at the time but I didn't believe location was huge drawback. SOL bar had a primo location on PP2 and ultimately failed because it didn't get the concept right and has since evolved into a hybrid operation.
  5. One Spa is now offering four long stay (12-24 hours) rooms for rent. The prices range from 300 to 500 for 12 hours and 600 to 1,000 for 24 hours. Rooms located on fourth, fifth and sixth floors.
  6. In India perhaps during the British Raj but never heard the term applied in Thailand.
  7. There is no need to thank me. But since you asked a lot of questions and got a lot of answers, perhaps you could share some of your own experiences in appreciation. 🙂
  8. Certainly the case in this article. Reporter accepts statements without any critical analysis or knowledge of project's history. Recent news articles about Thai public education system have all identified "lack of critical thinking" as one of its failures.
  9. If Biden has dementia, what's your excuse?
  10. From The Nation After 14 years in operation, Bangkok’s Airport Rail Link that connects Suvarnabhumi Airport with downtown Bangkok, will soon undergo a major maintenance, the Department of Rail Transport has announced. Skipping this important step could jeopardise the safety of commuters, the department’s director-general Pichet Kunadhamraks said on Thursday (March 21) He said that following a recent inspection, the current operator Asia Era One hired experienced companies, including Siemens Mobility, to monitor and maintain the rail’s electrical and signaling systems on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. All trains are inspected by officials before running every day, he added. Asia Era One is a subsidiary of Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group, Thailand’s largest conglomerate. Operating the Airport Rail Link is part of the deal to which CP agreed after winning the 276.5-billion-baht contract to build and operate high-speed rail lines linking the three airports of Don Mueang, Suvarnabhumi and U-Tapao. Pichet added that the Airport Rail Link, which began operations in 2010, had undergone a major overhaul in 2018 after hitting the 2.4 million-kilometre mark while it was still under the administration of State Railway of Thailand (SRT). “Another major overhaul is due soon as the route has expanded to cover a greater distance since 2018,” he said. “Without this overhaul, the train system could experience more frequent malfunctions that affect passenger safety or cause more delays in schedules.” The system could also suffer from having insufficient functioning trains to serve the increasing number of passengers in the future, he added. In 2021, CP Group announced that it had earmarked 2 billion baht to improve Airport Rail Link’s services and various systems, including braking, electricity, air conditioning, lighting and radio communication. It also vowed to add one more carriage to the express line, which has 3 carriages per train, to increase passenger capacity to 800 per day.
  11. From Pattaya News The Tourist Police Bureau has collaborated with CP All Public Company Limited to establish incident reporting points for tourists in 7-ELEVEN convenience stores, initially piloting in 20 major tourist destinations nationwide. The initiative aims to enhance convenience and ensure the safety of tourists, following the government’s reopening to foreign tourists and efforts to promote the country’s tourism image. The project began with training volunteers from the Strong Tourism Community, as well as security guards and employees of 7-ELEVEN stores, to assist tourists effectively. Participating 7-ELEVEN branches will have designated reporting points and trained staff ready to provide information and coordinate with the Tourist Police. 7-ELEVEN stores are easily accessible and open 24 hours, making them ideal locations for incident reporting points to aid tourists promptly. This project represents a collaboration between the public sector, private sector, and communities to enhance safety and foster a positive image of Thailand in tourism.
  12. Hopefully you will. 🙂
  13. Yes, 28 days is the minimum stay in Bangkok province.
  14. NOTE -- "Live and let live" is another reason why Thailand is a haven for gay men from around the world that keeps us coming back. From Thai PBS World Sereechai Sukmak is a senior sergeant major in the tourist police force in Nakhon Ratchasima province. For Thai TikTokers, however, he is ‘Phi Serg Nicky’, who has 132,400 followers. What makes him stand out from his colleagues is that he is openly gay, dresses as a female and attends parties as a drag queen when not on duty. His bosses have no problem with how he lives his life. Many times, Sereechai has represented his office in beauty contests or on sports days, as a cheerleader. He says that his family supports him in every way and has no problem with him being a member of the LGBT+ community. “I became a police officer because my father wanted me to join either the army or the police. My mother is happy when I become a lady,” says Sereechai, adding that his sister is also gay, so he told his father that he would become a daughter for him, making him smile. What is important for him is that his father recognises his abilities and as a person. “He said his only wish is that I do good,” Sereechai said. He is happy that Thai society is accepting of the gay community, unlike about 20 years ago. “When I was a new police officer, some of my colleagues did not accept my being homosexual. They said police had to look strong. They told me that they felt ashamed going out with me,” he said. Now, however, his life choices are accepted more widely, partly because he honours the uniform by acting appropriately when wearing it. Proudly, he said that, in February, he joined a Chinese New Year festival in Nakhon Sawan province as a cheerleader, carrying a ‘wan’ before a parade, adding “I volunteered to join the parade after learning that the organisers could not find any volunteer beauty queens and that hiring one would cost a lot.” “Many people asked to take photos with me, saying I was beautiful,” he said, adding that they were surprised to learn that I am a man. “My TikTok account receives some negative comments, but I ignore them because I am a positive-thinking person. Many times, my followers defend me,” he said. Talking about his TikTok account, the sergeant said that he posts video clips and photos of his work as a police officer and his off duty time as a woman. “Seeing my video clips and photos, I hope that the viewers will love the police and gay people more,” he said.
  15. From Pattaya Mail By Barry Kenyon To the delight of British tourists and expats, the UK pound touched 46 on the early morning of Thursday March 21. This translates to a tourist rate of slightly above 45 and a half baht in most Thai currency exchange shops. The pound’s improvement – it is now at its highest level against the baht for several years – is mostly attributed to the weakness of the Thai economy according to financial commentators. Kasikorn Research Center points to sluggish exports, public investment and domestic consumption. Revenue from international tourism still lags behind pre-covid levels. The public disagreement between the Thai premier and the Bank of Thailand about whether to reduce interest rates is a further worry to financial markets. The central bank authorities are concerned about the effects on inflation if interest rates are reduced to improve domestic consumption. The British economy, meanwhile, is viewed as broadly neutral present. The March 2024 budget contained no surprises, whilst the cut in national insurance contributions and the freezing of duty on alcohol and fuel had been anticipated by international markets. Kasikorn also points out that the Thai currency is falling against the US dollar as the Federal Reserve declines to reduce borrowing rates for the time being.
  16. From Bloomberg News A son of Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn has secured a government-issued identification card and a Thai passport, and now intends to move back to the Southeast Asian country after living abroad for nearly three decades, according to the Bangkok Post. Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse used the new passport for his third visit to the country in seven months, the Post reported Thursday. Vacharaesorn told the newspaper in an interview that his trips were personal and that he had no particular agenda.
  17. Good luck!
  18. The division of labor can be a cruel master. 🤔
  19. From Thai News Service Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin on Wednesday signed an order to transfer national police chief Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukvimol and his deputy Pol.Gen. Surachate Hakparn to inactive posts attached to the Prime Minister’s Office. The prime minister appointed deputy national police chief Pol. Gen Kitrat Phanphet to serve as the acting national police chief. The order came after Pol Gen Torsak and Pol Gen Surachate met the prime minister at Government House this morning. The prime minister said that the transfer order is temporary, effective for 60 days and not punitive. After the probes are finished and they are cleared of all allegations, they can return to their posts at the Royal Thai Police headquarters gracefully. After a meeting with the prime minister, Pol.Gen. Torsak and Pol.Gen. Surachate jointly held a press briefing to clarify speculation over internal conflicts within the National Police Office. Pol. Gen. Torsak expressed concern that his role as the police chief may have led to misunderstandings regarding online gambling cases involving Pol. Gen. Surachate and other police officers. He mentioned contacting Pol. Gen. Surachet by phone to arrange the morning meeting with the Prime Minister. Furthermore, he proposed all online gambling-related cases be handed over to the National Anti-Corruption Commission for fair judgment and to prevent misperception about conflicts. Pol. Gen. Torsak emphasized that his remaining term in office is 194 days, and he intends to fulfill his duties to the best of his abilities every day. He reiterated that Pol. Gen. Surachate can still be a candidate for a new police chief to be appointed by the end of this year.
  20. From Thai PBS World / Korat Daily A billboard promoting a dating app, recently erected in Muang district of Nakhon Ratchasima, known locally as Korat, has drawn mixed reactions from Thai netizens. The three-line message on the billboard reads, “Delicious dishes of Korat; Fried Korat noodle, Korat Ladies”. The name “Tinder”, one of the world’s most popular online dating apps with 55 billion matches to date, was written at the end of the message. The presence of the billboard came to light after Korat Daily Facebook posted its photo. It is reported that some people who saw the billboard are not happy, claiming that the advertisement looks down on Korat women. Nonetheless, many of those who comment on the Korat Daily Facebook page expressed their interest in trying the dating app to find love. In responding to negative comments, some wrote advising people to “please relax and enjoy your life; it is an ad from Tinder, which is a dating app.” Some persons suggested that the billboard should be taken down, asking which authorities granted permission for its erection.
  21. Not out of the question that the two parties have reached an agreement of sorts where the outsider pays a "franchise" type fee to operate within certain geographic limits. The newcomer takes the risks and the locals share in the profits.
  22. Both of the shops mentioned in the OP appear to be on the high end side, something akin to Prince and some of the shops in the Sukhumvit area. With the exception of Jey Spa, we've had few reports on these locations. After visiting their websites I wouldn't be surprised if both shared the same owner. Hopefully a member or two will visit these places and put an end to the suspense. 🙂
  23. From Thai PBS World A Russian woman surrenders to police on Pha-ngan Island today, after a Thai woman, who is eight months pregnant, had reported that the Russian kicked and injured her. The Russian reportedly confessed to the assault. The Thai woman claimed that the Russian came to the shop she owns and refused to remove her shoes before entering, as requested. The Russian then allegedly yelled and used abusive language. When informed that she was not welcome and on being asked to leave, she allegedly kicked the pregnant owner and departed. The pregnant woman sought medical attention before filing a complaint. Several social media platforms reported the incident, with many commentators criticising the Russian. In the past few weeks, there have been a number of incidents reported involving foreign tourists assaulting Thais in various provinces, especially in Phuket.
  24. I was sucking their cock at the time. Puts me in a wee bit better position to judge whether they had hard on or actually ejaculated than somebody sitting behind his pc on the other side of the Pacific, no? =============== From the National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Abstract Background: The scientific literature on multiple orgasm in males is small. There is little consensus on a definition, and significant controversy about whether multiple orgasm is a unitary experience. Aims: This study has 2 goals: (i) describing the experience of male multiple orgasm; (ii) investigating whether there are different profiles of multiple orgasm in men. Methods: Data from a culturally diverse online convenience sample of 122 men reporting multiple orgasm were collected. Data reduction analyses were conducted using principal components analysis (PCA) on 13 variables of interest derived from theory and the existing literature. A K-means cluster analysis followed, from which a 4-cluster solution was retained. Results: While the range of reported orgasms varied from 2 to 30, the majority (79.5%, N = 97) of participants experienced between 2 and 4 orgasms separated by a specific time interval during which further stimulation was required to achieve another orgasm. Most participants reported maintaining their erections throughout and ejaculating with every orgasm. Age was not a significant correlate of the multiple orgasm experience which occurred more frequently in a dyadic context. Four different profiles of multiorgasmic men were described. Strengths & limitations: This study constitutes a rare attempt to collect systematic self-report data concerning the experience of multiple orgasm in a relatively large sample. Limitations include the lack of validated measures, memory bias associated with self-reported data and retrospective designs, the lack of a control group and of physiological measurement. Conclusion: Our study suggests that multiple orgasm in men is not a unitary phenomenon and sets the stage for future self-report and laboratory study. Griffin-Mathieu G, Berry M, Shtarkshall RA, Amsel R, Binik YM, Gérard M. Exploring Male Multiple Orgasm in a Large Online Sample: Refining Our Understanding. J Sex Med 2021;XX:XXX-XXX.
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