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Everything posted by Badboy81

  1. If you have traveled to DR for the boys, give me some feedback please... I had a conversation with a guy who travels to Santo Domingo at least 3-4 times a year for the boys...I dud that in my early 20's and quickly got over DR by my late 20s and celebrated my 31st there and decided to give it a LONG break.... DR has some very attractive guys who are well built and very attractive...My problem is that I find DR as a whole TOO third world.... I love the guys and the availability and variety but HAD the overall experience and prefer Rio as a whole... What do you guys think?
  2. Thanks guy....Ill try Sat on my next visit or maybe Ill make it a "date" night....So far two trips planned, I may schedule another one if Oct/November
  3. Where is there do to go Saturday?
  4. From reading the posts of others, I have noticed that a lot of other guys are total tops... As far as why they would spend the night or hang out for no pay, I definitely don't think it's because I'm so hot but maybe because they feel at ease with somebody closer to their own ages or size when out in public??? As I said in the first post, I have had some guys question why I am in the sauna at all. For me personally, I like being able to chill out, relax, have a drink and look at attractive guys.....after the beach and the cultural events I take in for the day, I like relaxing in the saunas.
  5. I plan to do some more research on my next few trips to Rio...I never really paid attention to who was in demand except who I was into but I have got some major insight from reading through all of the forums.... Great insight...
  6. Something I found interesting....The more you know.... Brazilian society is more markedly divided by social class lines, although a high income disparity is found between race groups, so racism andclassism can be conflated. Socially significant closeness to one racial group is taken in account more in the basis of appearance (phenotypes) rather than ancestry, to the extent that full siblings can pertain to different "racial" groups. Socioeconomic factors are also significant, because a minority of pardos are likely to start declaring themselves White or Black if socially upward. Skin color and facial features do not line quite well with ancestry (usually, Afro-Brazilians are evenly mixed and European ancestry is dominant in Whites and pardos with a significant non-European contribution, but the individual variation is great). The brown population (officially called pardo in Portuguese, also colloquially moreno) is a broad category that includes caboclos (assimilated Amerindians in general, and descendants of Whites and Natives), mulatos (descendants of primarily Whites and Afro-Brazilians) and cafuzos (descendants of Afro-Brazilians and Natives). People of considerable Amerindian ancestry form the majority of the population in the Northern, Northeastern and Center-Western regions. Higher percents of Blacks, mulattoes and tri-racials can be found in the eastern coast of the Northeastern region from Bahia to Paraíba and also in northern Maranhão, southern Minas Gerais and in eastern Rio de Janeiro.
  7. I am a total top...I didn't really ask the guys if they were gay or straight...I didn't care...I was more interested in what they would and wouldn't do.... As far as sexuality goes, I have no idea....I know that they may have (in Brazil) girlfriends or boyfriends but they are much more fluid than a curious or bi guy or even a "gay for pay guy" is....ie, kissing, cuddling, willing to spend the night, etc.
  8. Hey Guys- Would love to hear some personal experiences from guys based on their age on the type of experiences they have had in the saunas scene. I started traveling to Brazil at about 25 and based on my experiences, I have had guys willingly want to "hang out" outside of the saunas as well as had guys question why I was in the sauna in the first place. I have read some responses based on physical appearance but would love to hear the dynamic based on age alone....the seasoned gents, the younger guys, etc. At the end of the day, it is all about the money but aside from that, how was your experience with how you were treated....
  9. Basically what I am reading in this post is that the variety, ease of bedding and price associated with saunas makes it beyond compare for most of the guys here. Good deal. Thanks for the feedback
  10. The reason why Spanish and Portuguese people are often referred to as swarthy skinned, dark complexioned, for the Iberian comment- The Moors arrived in the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and called the territory Al-Andalus, an area which at its peak included what is today most of Spain andPortugal, and part of the South of France. They occupied Mazara on Sicily in 827 and in 1224 were expelled to the settlement of Lucera, which was destroyed in 1300. The religious difference of the Moorish Muslims led to a centuries-long conflict with the Christian kingdoms of Europe, called in Spain the Reconquista. The fall of Granada in 1492 saw the end of Muslim rule in Iberia. Depiction of three Moorish knights found on Alhambra's Ladies Tower Castillian ambassadors attempting to convince Moorish Almohad king Abu Hafs Umar al-Murtada to join their alliance (contemporary depiction fromThe Cantigas de Santa María) The term "Moors" has also been used in Europe in a broader, somewhat derogatory sense to refer to Muslims, especially those of Arab or Berber descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa. During the colonial era the Portuguese introduced the names "Ceylon Moors" and "Indian Moors", in Sri Lanka. The Bengali Muslims were called Moors. Moors are not a distinct or self-defined people. Medieval and early modern Europeans applied the name to Arabs, Berbers, Muslim Europeansand Sub-Saharan Africans
  11. Great feedback so far.... I appreciate the awareness that people just don't want to be judged based on their physical appearance. From my own experiences relative to a good friend of mine who happens to be a short, white, 56 yr old man, I had no problems with meeting guys on the streets or in the saunas. I prefer Brazil because of the culture, the laid back attitude, the beaches, the water and the get away that it offers. Two things I have noted from my experiences of traveling the US and around the world and being a frequent visitor to Brazil, while there is a lot of quantity as far as rentboys/sauna boys go, quality is relative to one's taste. As far as the cost associated with a trip to Rio, it really does end up being relative to what type of escort you hire in the states or in any country that is not THIRD world. A trip to Rio is expensive by all means, everybody can not afford the plane tickets or the hotel costs which would mean traveling to a local escort or having him come to you for $200 with the understanding of what you want would be affordable. I get the fact that I actually get the most bang for my buck with Rio because of the quality of life that many of the escorts have, the alternatives to work. My question is more the race relation for the demand of "Caucasian" rent boys versus others in RIO....It would be a total different question if the demand was in Germany or London where that is the norm.
  12. I have noticed in a few posts that people are totally memorized by very traditional white looking males in the saunas scene who are often hard to find or extremely popular.... Brazil has such a rich mixed culture with Africans, Europeans and Natives that have combined to make some truly attractive people....overall some of the best looking people on the planet. I have a few thoughts and serious questions... For Americans and Europeans traveling to Brazil for their prospective countries, why is this a major turn on? There are TONS, literally tons of blonde haired or "traditional" looking white guys here in the states and in Europe. Aside from Asians who may not see those type of guys on the regular, why would one travel all the way to Brazil to spend money in the saunas if that is your type? One of the main reasons I tend to visit Brazil more than other countries is BECAUSE of the ethnic mix you find with the locals in and outside of the sauna. I understand and respect all preferences, ie, some people are into twinks, I prefer athletic or muscular and some people like short, tall, whatever. (I tend to be attracted to the exotic looking guys that are found in Brazil) I just would like more information on the whole phenom of ethnic "white" pure Brazilians vs. guys that look like them in the states that escort or dance. Even if not in the sauna scene, I know a guys who wouldn't mind a sugar daddy.... I would love some feedback on this...And thanks in advance
  13. Anybody know the dates for 2015? I want to plan a trip around pride in Rio but need actual dates which I haven't bee able to find via google search. Thanks in advance to anybody that knows.... I went to pride a few years ago and had a great time....
  14. If you have 10 days in Brazil, Definitely spend at least 6 in Rio....maybe 2 in Salvador Bahia and 2 in Sao Paulo....Rio is similar to Miami with the beaches, the nightlife, the water....and of course the best saunas...In my opinion.... SP is like NYC but larger and more spread out...they have more cultural things to see and great nightlife but its on 10 versus relaxing... Salvador has tons of history and some beautiful beaches and is reminiscent of Rio mixed with somewhere in Africa....definitely worth exploring for a day or two... I would advice to come up with your own game plan for what you want to see and do....like any city there are tons of things that may interest you but as a tourist, you don't want to overload yourself.... Have an amazing trip....
  15. I'm sure you are....therefore the pics were NOT for you to enjoy.... Didn't your mother ever tell you " If you have nothing nice to say, Keep your fing mouth CLOSED!" I hope everybody else ENJOYS....
  16. TRAVEL BY YOURSELF....Don't fear it...I have been all over the world by myself and often meet other travels and definitely meet locals when I am in said particular country. I have never had any issues in S. America, Asia, Europe or the Caribbean except one small bar fight that happened in Santo Domingo and I quickly got outta dodge I do think you need to know some Portuguese to help with your trip....Stay in tourist friendly areas but venture out and about....In both Rio and Sao Paulo there are areas that you want to avoid so do some research... The benefits of traveling by yourself is you get to do what you want to do...when you want to do it and for however long you want to do it....If you enjoy spending time by yourself, you can travel by yourself.... Have an amazing trip
  17. I decided to add a few photos from my past adventures...I really need to update this stuff....More photos to come.... As you can see...I like variety....
  18. My visit to Rio particularly stands out because I did not know what all the saunas were about or offered so I made it my mission to visit each to see which ones offered the best guys and which ones are just standards saunas/spas. As has been posted before on numerous forums, the scene in Rio is a true saunas scene....I got to 117 around 5 in the afternoon on a Wednesday before it got crowded and was bombarded with sexy guys in every hue and shape, 117 is known for the beefier, muscular guy and they have a great variety... That alone is one of the reasons I travel to Rio often versus other countries...the variety...you get every ethnic mixed from blond surfer types to green eyed mulattoes down to dark hued guys who could easily be from Atlanta, except for the whole only speaking Portuguese thing.... While I changed out of my street clothes, I was a approached by a few guys who basically wanted to show me what they were working with....they asked if I speak Portuguese and I replied back, Um pouco... After changing into the towel and flip flops I was offered, I decided to go into the shower and the saunas....That is where you can get a pretty amazing show from the guys who are vying for your attention...Brazilian guys ARE NOT shy....After getting wet in the shower, I went into the steam room and was joined by two guys who promptly took their towels off and started playing with their dicks.... I asked them both if they were A parte superior ou inferior, basically if they top or bottom and of course they both replied back tops.... After the saunas scene got boring, I decided to go upstairs and discovered the little video arcade room....as soon as I stepped, I was amazed again how many guys simply came in and started pumping away.... After walking around, I finally decided who I wanted to try first....I think my first time at 117, I had 3 different sessions BEFORE heading over to Pointe in Copacabana.... More to come....
  19. Im trying to figure out how graphic I can get about my encounters in Rio...any advice fellas?
  20. Hey guys....I have enjoyed reading the various posts and find most of them very interesting...My experience has been extremely different...A little about me before I dive in.... I am in my early 30's and have been going to Rio since 2008. I was a college athlete and currently train regularly and know some Portuguese. I'm also African American.... I go to Rio because I love the culture and enjoy the sauna scene for exactly what it is....no strings fun....While I have been to both 117 and Pointe in Copacabana, I am looking forward to the newer one that has been mentioned in several of the posts... When I go to the saunas, I actually enjoy the steam rooms and the showers and the ambiance including the guys that work there....I have had several of the guys come back to the hotel when they got off work to simply hang out and of course sex happened but I did not pay outside of the sauna....Even the guys I meet on the street (rarely) and especially the guys I have meet at The Week and Club Boy (never paid)...I enjoy their company but don't "fall in love"...I understand what I am to them and they understand what they are to me....Even with my frequency of traveling, I have not found it necessary to exchange e-mails or be "friends" on Facebook....To me the whole gain is the surprise of who I will meet on each trip. I know Brazil as a whole is so exciting because they don't discriminate on clients, simply appreciating the money they receive for the services they render but I do find that the more attractive they find clients, the more accommodating they become probably the same way the more generous you are, they more they are apt to flock to you.... I currently have two trips scheduled for 2015 with another one on the horizon.... Keep up the interesting posts guys....
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