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Everything posted by Badboy81

  1. Hey guys....getting ready for my first trip to Rio in over a year...I want to find out if this info is still pretty accurate in regards to the saunas in Rio.... Meo Mundo - Toweless nights are Monday, Weds and Sat. BTW, for those who havent' been there, toweless nights means the boys not the customers! :-) They are closed on Sundays. Club 117 - Tuesday and Thursday nights are really busy and last time I was there a couple weeks ago, Saturday night was very busy. In the past Sunday nights at 117 have been busy because they are closed on Mondays. Pointe 202 - is fairly busy on Tuesday nights and than Friday and Sat. This last trip I was leaving on Monday night and rather that sit in the hotel to wait for my cab to come at 8:00 pm, I walked over to Pointe figuring that it would be really slow on a Monday at 5:30 but it would be more interesting to sit there having a drink than in the lobby of the hotel! IT WAS! there were quite a few guys working already and a number of customers, all Brazilerios, who it appeared were coming from work and stopping there before heading home! One guy who I personally think is one of the hottest bestlooking guys I have ever seen or been with in Rio was there! So I guess on any given night you can be surprised, but the nights listed above are usually pretty consistant in quanitity and quality! Spazio Sauna which is only a few blocks from 117 and Galleria Sauna(the former Spa 73 ) I don't/havent' gone to so I have no idea if they have any busy nights. Several years ago Spa 73 used to be one of my favorites, even though it was in Centro and a old facility, I met some very hot guys there including a couple who are porn stars now for Alexander Pictures which has primarliy Brazilians in it's casts.
  2. Porcao is excellent....I went to one that overlooked some water....With my ex for my 28th birthday....
  3. Hey guys...I will be in Rio in July and looking for some unique, different restaurants... I would love to experience something that I cant find here in the States and something that you found interesting, amazing, or just different... Huge foodie here so totally open to experience.... Would love to try a restaurant with a hot waitstaff or several courses or just something out of the norm.... Thanks in advance...
  4. Not interested in church....I attend church here in the states and already viewed the churches that are major tourist points.... Was looking for something out of the norm or different....So for I have the huge market and I have the mall...Beaches a given...Also I have a list of saunas.... Im looking at restaurants to visit now to celebrate my birthday....Something that is unique.... I visited the popular Brazilian steakhouse similar to Fogo De Choa already with my ex on one of my past trips....
  5. Very interested in hearing more about the hustler park.....Sounds interesting....
  6. Hey guys....aside from the beach and the saunas....I'm looking for some things to do during the day while I am in Rio for 4th of July weekend.... Aside from going to Barra da Tijuca for shopping and hitting up CADEG I need some suggestions.... I have already done all the other touristy stuff...Christ the Redeemer, the Botanical Garden, Corcavado.... Im open to suggestions that are off the grid and not a flight away from Rio.... Thanks in advance....
  7. CADEG (Centro de Abastecimento do Estado de Guanabara, or the Supply Center of Guanabara State, as Rio de Janeiro used to be called). The market is open 24 hours. Early mornings on Thursday and Saturday are the top time for flower shopping. Saturday afternoon is Cantinho das Consertinas’s Festa Portuguesa, with up to 1,000 attendees queuing for a host of salt cod dishes on the second floor. Even at 2 a.m. on a weekend, partygoers will stumble in for a nightcap of beef and fries. Expect some crowds; Lobo says CADEG averages 10,000 people a day. Ill have pics to post of this place in July Full article here....http://www.culinarybackstreets.com/rio/2013/cadeg/
  8. How current is this chart? Still pretty accurate?
  9. When is Pointe 202 closing, officially?
  10. For all of those who have concerns about their safety in Brazil, DON'T GO... It's simple...If your mindset is already set for disaster to happen or that you will be a target, Go Somewhere Else... This will eliminate all the questions, the concern and you not being able to have a good time.... I do understand there are certain places in ALL cities that are unsafe but reading the comments online from some of your guys is pretty sad..... Save yourself time and energy and go where you feel safe....
  11. Excellent article and very much appreciated that you created a forum to educate others....While we love going to Brazil, we should know all aspects of the city....the good and the bad....
  12. Basically those who travel to Brazil for boys continue to be an advantage, even more now that there are more boys who are in need of extra money for necessities and jobs are hard to come by..... Economics 101...And old but true saying....Boys will sell dick or ass when they have nothing else to sell....Let's enjoy it while it lasts.... Pussy gon' sell when cotton and corn won't.
  13. This obviously makes no sense....What the hell? What point are you trying to make here?
  14. This is typically what I tend to think of as a HOT Brazilian and the reason to travel across the world.... Something exotic and different from what I can get here in the states...
  15. Thanks for posting...I follow The Points Guy and changed my ticket in July for a reduced rate....I also will keep checking to see when the rates change for my ticket for New Years Eve-12/27-1/3 From ATL to RIO
  16. I have caught some excellent fares because of airline glitches...the problem is how long the actual flight is and if you want to deal with the hassle....With the above discounted far, dude will be flying for 24 hours to get to RIO...way too long... I use Kayak to purchase flights and wind up getting some excellent flights... A few years ago I caught a flight on American for around $550 RT...excellent from from ATL-MIA-GIG.... I was able to get a great flight this year with the same route for $685 I will be reviewing the link on airline mistakes....
  17. I paid $685 for June 30-July 6 and paid around $850 for December 27-January 3 on American.... I check constantly to see if the rates change... Anybody know how I can get upgraded on American to business/first class?
  18. Afro-Brazilian is a term used in the 21st century by some in Brazil to refer to Brazilian people with African ancestry. The term does not have widespread use in Brazil, where social constructs and classifications have been based on appearance. People with noticeable African features and skin color are generally referred to (and they identify) as negro or "preto ("black"). Another group of people of color, multiracial Brazilians orpardos, also have a range of degree of African ancestry. In Brazil, a person's "race" is based primarily on physical appearance. In Brazil it is possible for two siblings of different colors to be classified as people of different races. Children who are born to a black mother and a European father would be classified as black if their features read as African, and classified as white if their features appeared more European. The high level of European ancestry in black Brazilians through paternal line exists because, for much of Brazil's History, there were more Caucasian males than Caucasian females. So inter-racial relationships between Caucasian males and Sub-Saharan Africanor Native American females were widespread.
  19. I have several friends that travel there on the regular that are too cheap to travel to Brazil or other countries...One in particular complains about the hotel quality and the lack of things to do but also says that the ticket to Rio is too expensive.... I started going to DR in my early 20's and after going for almost 10 years, there has been very little growth as a whole in the country....I am basing my response on what I have seen and experienced...You can do your own research if you want... In my opinion, it is a little too Third World, I have therefor decided to give it a break for a while after celebrating my last birthday there... The End
  20. There are tons of male escorts throughout Spain, primarily in Barcelona and Madrid....You don't have to travel to the saunas to meet escorts... There are a lot of Eastern European guys that are male prostitutes as well as Brazilians, Africans and some Spanish... If you are into Eastern European,young, hot, "straight", check out Prague for boys for pay and Berlin for hot freaky guys in general....
  21. I have been checking this blog out for years...I know the blogger... Thanks
  22. I appreciate your response and experience....Again, "charm" is relative to what you are looking for.... In both DR and Rio, I understand the game and don't fall for the boyfriend of the week scam...I don't fall period...I enjoy the time and when it's over, I send them on their way... In DR, on one of my last nights in town, with my boyfriend of the week knowing it, he was prospecting at an even that we went to together.....No problem...I understand he needed his next "boyfriend" and I would be flying out the next morning In Rio, I have seen guys that I keep in contact with and can never wait for me to be back in town because they "miss me!" The biggest different for me was the culture and subtle-ness that Brazilians offer....In both countries, it is acceptable to be a male escort for guys who have girlfriends and wives because it is all about the money, DR just seems lower budget "TO ME" both with the guys that visit from the states and Europe and the escorts there....
  23. Beautiful.....Would love to see what that backside looks like but Ill take what you give... Thanks
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