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Everything posted by Badboy81

  1. Google flights is showing flights to Rio for $385 RT...
  2. I had a ton of messages from guys in Salvador when I got back to MIA...go figure... Looking at flights to go back later this year...will definitely be going back next year in February... I enjoyed Salvador but in a completely different way than I enjoy Rio... I definitely have/had more sex in Rio...more gay eye candy and the food is decent..the beaches are also completely different versus in Barra... Copa and Ipanema have TONS of beautiful eye candy versus me seeing a few hot daddies while I was in Barra I did see some beautiful guys while at the festival but they were mainly with their girlfriends/wives' Even the caliber of guys is completely different with a few guys being on the scale of what is more of the norms in Rio.... I was able to relax more in Salvador, much more laid back...I didnt feel the need to have to go to the saunas like I do in Rio for fear of missing that one hot guy I havent seen before (or maybe its getting to fuck so many hot guys I wouldnt be able to do so here in Atlanta... Overall I will be going back to Salvador at least once of twice a year....a long weekend is all I needed...
  3. Getting around by uber is extremely cheap but can take some time depending on the time of day... I took an uber to Clube 11 on Friday around 4:30...Huge mistake BUT it did give me time to figure my way around I was able to leave walking there to go to the Lapa area before everything shut down and then walk down the Pelourinho area..I didnt mind walking and then just took a bus back to Barra... The city is pretty easy to get around because most of the points of interest including the saunas are all within a 30 minute area....even with traffic... Somebody correct me if I am wrong but the main POI for many would be Porto Da Barra (beach area with tons of restaurants, hotels...very safe), Rio Vermelho (late night parties and clubs...main place for the festival that I got to enjoy...also safe, Lapa ..Lapa is basically a huge shopping area where you can get ANYTHING and everything....they do shut down at night when it gets dark...there is at least one sex store in this area that I did not check out(close to Clube 11) and the Pelourinho...historical district....good during the day because its less crowded....during the night, there are plenty of restaurants and places to get drinks and shop for trinkets...the famous Elevator and Mercado Modelo is also in this area...
  4. A few quick notes- I think I prefer Clube 11 based on its location.... Walking distance to Lapa and Pelourinho so when you finish, you still have options on things to do... My first time going I did not pay attention to the direction the uber driver took me, the 2nd time he went through Lapa and I figured out exactly where I was so I was able to walk back in the area once I was done at the sauna... The buses are also very easy to get use to get around the city as long as you know the locations posted on the buses and exactly the area you are staying in or trying to get to... If you just like spending money, uber is convenient and all over the place AND pretty cheap
  5. Never have ANY issues with wifi in BKK from the numerous times I have been there, MBK has free wifi....all the major malls and stores and restaurants...all the the massages places have wifi, hell even Burgers Kings in BKK give you a slip of paper with wifi code on it... I think the only place I may have wifi issues is Chatuchuk but they have tons of taxis and motorbikes waiting at all the entrances The POINT I was making it that I have never been to a city that has as terrible wifi connection as Salvador...The End....
  6. Back to the original topic.... Saturday ended up being another beautiful day...beach was packed here in Barra... Before we connected, I did get lucky with this pretty hot guy from the Czeck Republic (not usually my type , but I was horny)....great ass, body, freak!!!! Vids and pics of the encounter...I may need to put the CR on my list even though Im normally not into white anything.... I got a chance to hang out with my Carioca friend as well... After the beach, went to this huge festival celebrating Yemanja...will be coming back next year for the same festival....massive crowd of people (similar to Carnaval...TONS of eye candy (shirtless and drunk)..people waking around Rio Vermelho drinking, partying and having a great time... Hung out there for a few hours, got semi drunk before heading back to Barra for dinner... Skipped the sauna because there was so much eye candy around and my apps have been working.... Still a few more hours to go...lets see what trouble I can get into.... What Is the Festival? The festival of Iemanjá(sometimes spelt Yemanjá) takes place in many places all over Brazil. ... During the festivities, followers of the Candomblé religion offer flowers and gifts to their goddess Iemanjá at the sea's edge and send them out to her in the ocean.
  7. I didnt bring up my phone issues for it to be the main point of my post about this trip that I am on in Salvador.... Regardless of how many trips I take to Brazil, the point was that Salvador does not have a decent phone structure comparable to the other places that I have visited in Brazil... Not sure how good looking I am OR what my posts pic has to do with my phone issues while I was out and about in the streets...I still managed to do everything I needed to do.... Don't be bitter, be better...ie, don't be a bitch unnecessarily...
  8. Friday was better... I got around on buses all day except when I went to Clube 11... Definitely more crowded Friday but only one guy who caught my attention and he was not budging off of topping only.... We still managed to some fun and I ended my sauna escapades there with him....22....tanned, maybe 5'9...beautiful face and smile....toned body....bubble ass I went to the Pelourinho twice...during the day and nice...got some more amazing pics...walked all the way down the hill in flip flops since tennis shoes dont seem to be comfortable on all that cobble stone.... Took pics with the capoeira guys.....some very hot guys...enjoyed the beach....had some shrimp moqueca (I need some more of that today) Grindr had been hit and miss...I have had some guys definitely not my type hit me up and a few that are but we havent managed to connect.... Today should be better...I have seen all the touristy stuff so today Ill play it by ear Going to Rio Vermelho later today for some type of party they are having outside of what I saw Thursday...One on acaraje place I need to taste...Im up to 4 of those so far.... One noticeable thing is the majority of the attractive guys I see here are not as muscular as they are in Rio... I have seen a few very attractive guys but nowhere near the level that Ill see in Rio in March...' Overall having a great trip... Clube 11 is clean and has a great location Fox is also clean but out of the way compared to Clube 11 location.... More to come later
  9. Enough about phone plans...Its not that big of a deal...Nobody ever can stick to a topic...Now I get why people stop posting on these forums... The topic is about Salvador...Not about phone plans....
  10. Ill find out for myself...Ill start with Clube 11 and see how it is...If its not working, Ill check out Fox...
  11. What are the best days to go to Fox? Thanks
  12. Ill live....its only one more full day after today and I have figure out how to use the buses and the people here are either really really nice or take pity on my big ass because everybody has been helping get to the right buses and get off on the right stops...
  13. Great pitch for T Mobile but MOST of the places I have visited internationally either have decent city wide service, ie, Rio or great wifi connections in most places, Bangkok and just about every other country in the modern world... Its cool...I can be without wifi for hours when Im out, the apartment has great wifi and this is a short trip...Ill live Plus I got a ride home from a sauna boy last night who is an actual taxi driver...He is introducing me to some local guys here who dont go to the saunas....
  14. Staying up the street from Praia Porta da Barra Spent some of yesterday and most of the morning taking in the sites of Pelhourinho....amazing sights and photos...alot of culture and history
  15. None were my type...which is why I left Thanks for letting me know the best days to check them out
  16. I wisened up today and took the bus....Ill figure out what to do when I head to the sauna and will decide which one in the next 30 minutes or so....LONG morning walking around the historic area and the mercardo modela....ate some traditional foods and my 3rd acaraje...I think I have ONE more in me... Grindr has been weak here....tons of hits but not the quality that I like in Rio....so we will see what today brings...
  17. I dont know how you are able to pick up Uber with no wifi but Im not able to...Im open to you telling me how you can connect to uber with no wifi....I have a 9+ Android phone
  18. Weather is amazing....around 86 degrees... Ill skip the small talk and go into the sauna scene for me today I decided to go to both Clube 11 and Fox... Clube 11 was a WASTE OF TIME and energy and money...No wifi...more guys then clients...it was extremely slow...Did find of the guys there reasonably attractive but they were THIRSTY as fuck.... Three guys wouldn't leave me alone to drink the one drink I did have there...One was just plain obnoxious and wouldn't take the subtle hint that I wasnt interested.... Got there maybe around 4:15 and was gone by 4:45...Had to take a taxi to FOX since they had no wifi....A whole other issue FOX-Twink HEAVEN...Not sure what was going on but got there around 5:30....the traffic in this city SUCKS and I don't know the metro the way I know Rios.... Probably about 12 guys there and maybe 10 clients when I first got there....8 out of the 12 were very young, twinkish but all seemed well endowed... I found a hot black guy...22...great ass...wasnt concerned about his dick BUT I did notice he wasnt walking around with a full hard on... Really wasnt the best bottom in Rio I have had but he gets an A for effort and he is so fucking sexy....decent kisser, motions and moaning were in tune....he may be a great top but I wont be finding out...He also let me record and take some pics...wont be posting those Overall great first day...weather, beach, acaraje....Just dealing with all these taxis and getting around this city... SOMEBODY tell me what I need to be doing because I have two more full days here and I cant with this traffic... I did see some historical things here as well...Overall beautiful city...seems cleaner than Rio...just hell of spread out to the main areas of interest and the saunas... Staying in Barra and can walk 7-8 minutes down the hill to be at the beach....definitely a good location.... Heading to Vermelho and will have some more updated info if my Grindr and Jackd produce anything good....
  19. Grown people GO and DO what they want to do...That is a silly question... Just because you cant fathom why somebody wants to go to the Week...Why question why somebody else does... It is what it is... Some people simply like music...some people like the eye candy...some people like going out...
  20. While some of us enjoy the beaches, the culture and the food... And the risk factor varies based on how old and fragile you are or appear when traveling to Brazil...
  21. Google is your friend... https://www.google.com/search?q=things+to+do+in+raleigh&rlz=1CAACAT_enUS784US784&oq=things+to+do+in+raleigh&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.11639j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  22. Try Google....OR read the all the various posts in the forum....
  23. that shit doesn't last...if he is smart, he will go buy some property or something that will appreciate versus depreciate... Beyonce said it best.... This is for them pretty somethings Living in a fastlane, see you when you crash, babeThis is for them sexy somethingsThat body ain't gon' always get you out of everything
  24. If he said thats how much he makes, I believe it... Even if somebody is not my type, they still may be in demands based on how they look... There are some guys who go for the very dark guys who may be slim with huge dicks and there are some guys who go with the guys who look like American white guys... It just depends on your preference.... What I do know from going to Rio for years is that is how much he is making NOW because it is peak sauna season being Brazils summer as well as peak holiday season and the time leading up to Carnaval.... He won't maintain that after March as most of the guys who are turning 4-5 guys a night because business dwindles down and the tourists who are willing to pay 150R and 200R slow down again until October/November but it really starts up again in high demand in October... I have seen a huge difference in the number of guys and how much they ask for in April or October versus December or February.... Those who go to the Brazil and frequent the saunas know what I am talking about... Now if he is as smart as he seems, he will save his money for the slow season OR do like a lot of other boys do...figure out a new hustle since the sauna scene can be very unforgiving for the latest HOT boy since there is always a new one around the corner...
  25. Thanks Tomcal for trying to come to my rescue... Of course there are some people who will investigate and make anyone who was not aware of my old, previous posts...Posts even I forgot about... A few of the posts where I did post pics were missing so hopefully they will be found and added so that newer members can enjoy...(hint, hint) Over the last few years its been harder to get photos from guys, probably due to people reporting back to the guys in the sauna that they were being posted online...
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