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Badboy81 last won the day on February 25 2021

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  1. Seeing as how I frequent them both regularly, that isn't the case...All I saw was your complaining about prices Hopefully you have let it go
  2. Did he get tired of the BS on here?
  3. I dont have any problems in the saunas OR on the apps Again, you are complaining about literal dollars... Rates change and fluctuate based on how popular one of the guys is...always has, always will be... The beauty is there are TONS of options and different rates If Brazil if too expensive for you, go to Thailand, the Baht to Dollar is incredible so you can find something thats within your budget
  4. We don't have the same interests....Good luck
  5. Maybe it's you...Maybe they don't find you attractive or you are annoying or have bad hygiene...Maybe it's Maybelline You are complaining about the difference of less than $15 where the average daily income does't even compare to what it does in the US Go where you feel you get the most bang for your dollar and hopefully in those countries you won't have the same experience
  6. You don't disclose to your manager where you are going...Its not his business...That is your first issue... Why do you feel the need to provide information that he doesn't need to know? As far as Salvador, there is a variety of men to chose from....everything from muscular built to slim...I enjoyed Fox the most when I was there in February but there are some hot guys on the apps as well...depending on what you look like Good luck and have fun
  7. That is probably fake or staged....Think with your big head versus your little one so you don't end up in a Mexican jail....Its never that deep
  8. Take the info or not....the beauty of the internet is looking for what you are interested in... There perspective is based on their reality
  9. Relax Rob...everybody isn't always looking for sex and freaking....That info can be found OFF YouTube... Try thinking with your big head sometimes dude...
  10. Try Salvador Bahia...Its the opposite of Rio but has some amazing beaches....Plus food and culture Rio has an amazing beach scene and beautiful beaches....Not sure what you didn't like or what you were expecting...
  11. It's pre carnival and very similar....people party in the streets and LOTS of neighborhood parties... It was a great time!
  12. Partner and I are heading to Salvador tomorrow for Festa de Iemanjá Should be a great trip and a good time Rio after Christmas and until Jan 2 was INSANE!!!!
  13. Condolences....you old heaux better be careful...
  14. Im African American and have never had a problem in the saunas in Rio...they dont care about your race or where you are from....Brazil is a very mixed country by the way... Make sure you have cash and are generous
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