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Everything posted by colmx

  1. The guy named Set used to work in Dynamite around 3-4 years ago Last i heard he was working in one of the Black Canyons around pattaya, is quite frequently online on GR... There are some new videos on PBM, the ones featuring Phet and Ton + the latest featuring Phet, Ton, Golf and the tattooed farang would appear to be relatively new The guy known as Ton has lots of warnings in his GR profile that he doesn't go for asian guys... that seems to contradict his performances in the recent videos! The new scenes with Ice are new too... he was sporting that hairstyle when i saw him last month... he seems to get younger looking with age!
  2. Surely its: 1 HAND JOB (Expected ending) 2 BLOW JOB (Satisfactory ending) 3 FUCK (Unexpected ending)
  3. Funnilly enough, despite 3-4 holidays per year in Pattaya in th last 13 years... i have not been to dongtan in daylight hours in probably 11 years until my last holiday in january.... I guess thats mostly down to my BFs paranoia about getting "black" skin (or in his case darker skin) In an attempt at a bit of romanticism, BF and I visited Dongtan for an evening picnic at sunset 3-4 times on last trip I was so surprised to still see IceCreamKa guy still working the beach and plying his trade... Personally i find him a bit intimidating, despite everyone in our gang expresssing disinterest he kept on repeating his mantra over and over and would not leave us alone... To be honest i am pretty glad that through my BFs paranoia, I have managed to avoid him and the other beach sellers for the last 11 years!
  4. +1 from me Many times I decided against offing or completely rejected the idea of offing a boy that I saw in the bar... only to see him with a farang later that night and looking stunning... I guess its the unavailability that makes them so desirable! As for the original post... i have had this happen me several times in the distant past... one notable time was late at night in Cafe Royale when the obnoxious American farang offered the boy double what i was paying him - right in front of me! The boy pretended to not understand and just smiled in the Thai way
  5. You look younger and better than some of the "boys" working in Boyzboyzboyz!
  6. i think that you are possibly missing out on the best part of the Thai BF experience... maybe time to broaden your horizons? From my perspective... hanging out with my BF and his Thai friends in thai style venues... is the best part about having a Thai BF!
  7. Thats exactly what i plan on doing when i get to pattaya at the end of the month! From myself and my BFs perspective - any boy that starts to haggle with us over price or negotiated what is "expected" of him in the bar does not get offed... we simply like to go with the flow Like Anonone we like to off a boy or boys(s) and go to a pub or disco with them and just see how the night goes... BF just says put on your clothes and lets go drinking/dancing... Of course the whole "who is top/bottom" "how big is your cock" "are you a good kisser - prove it!" questions happen later in the disco... but always in a more relaxed atmosphere where the questions are more flirtation than a negotiation...
  8. I think that Vinapu is referring to one of the biggest fallacies of these boards... The oft mentioned but seldom seen superstar boy The fact is that these superstar boys that have multiple offs day after day are few and far between... most boys struggle to get 4-5 offs per month to pay the bills and keeep food in their stomach Saying that, One thing that my BF has often noted from his time in the bars was how it easy it was to get offed... after you have been offed already that night... The problem is to get the ball rolling in the first place When a boy is finished a short time off and comes back to the bar... the reason he goes back is usually to see his friends - not to look for another customer! However the farang customer sees a boy walk in, fully dressed and looking happy - the boy is smiling/joking and has enough money his pocket for food for a few days or to bring his friends to the disco... he is absolutely not looking for a customer... However the farang sees the smiling, clothed boy and suddenly decides he wants to have him...above all the other boys in teh bar... thus the next off is initiated... the customers come knocking on the door when you are not desperately looking for them! Certainly from my point of view I am always more attracted to the well dressed smiley (and possibly even cocky)guy that comes in to chat and joke with his friends... over the guy standing there in his saggy underwear!
  9. As far as i know each coyote is expected to work the crowd and get 2 x coyote drinks per night (actually i think its 60 drinks per month- which means that once they get 2 drinks their quota is filled for the night) If they don't reach their quota - then their salary (12-14,000B per month) is cut by 200B per drink Normal coyote drink is 200B and its usually a shot of tequila these days, the mamasan usually tries to push for a double coyote drink @400B and usually means the coyote can have something nicer like a Kaluha-milk... Seems in the case of the NAB coyote above - the guy managed to pull 10 of his drinks quota (2 x 1000B cocktails) in one night...nice going for him! There is nothing worse than being near the end of the month when coyotes are trying to scrounge drinks from everyone and anyone over and over
  10. Great report so far anonone... Only 4 weeks till I head back so its nice to hear you are warming up the greedy coffers of Dave and NAB before i arrive! I notice the Guys from Dave posting a lot of pics of Live bands in Dave recently... Have they started to have it as a regular feature i wonder? Maybe something to lure the gay customers away from Tum Nan Chon and Pluang Mai? You didn't mention where you are staying this time around... Or maybe you did and I am blind! Where did you settle on this time? PS. If you don't already get it... you should get your BF to ask for a discount when the bill beats 4K in Dave... Might only save 2-300B - but it will pay for Songtaew home or make a nice bonus if the waiter is any good!
  11. Unfortunately I'm not there to celebrate with him... Actually i don't think i have ever been back to Thailand in November since 2002!
  12. for me anything but the current brown on the header and footer,,, reminds me of brown licourice allsorts... the runts of the litter! Blue, blue, blue and blues always works for me!
  13. Thanks for the report Vinapu... really enjoying it! You really DO like to get massaged... i usually manage 1 massage per week when i am in Thailand! It strikes me that as you have a preference for larger guys... then you are more than likely getting straight boys in your bed for the night... I actually hate body contact when sleeping... and usually push a boy away from me to try and get a decent nights sleep... but then again i prefer twinky gay boys... mybe next time you are in pattaya you should try a few of them?
  14. Today is our 11th anniversary... so he goes for free these days :-P
  15. on my last trip BF aad a 4some... None of them was an "off"... Although one guy works as a coyote The coyote went home happy with 2000B at around 11am the next morning The other guy never went home and was just happy to have had the coyote... in fact he has asked me if we can do it again next trip!
  16. We had one guy that we offed - who ran off with a ladyboy one night.. and boy was she ugly! We were glad to get rid of him!
  17. i pretty much pay the same +/- 100B for short time or long time... For me short time is offing the boy and back to the room for a quickie Long time is going to the disco, back to the room for sex either before or after sleep (or both) What about that other scenario which doesn't work out for whatever reason and you send him without sex... What do people pay in this case? Might be worth another poll! (example reasons for no sex: 1.Boy Mau quickly and wants to go home before its time to leave disco. 2. Boys GF/BF demands they come home from disco. 3.Boy has to take key home to friend 4. Boy is obnoxious/ignorant/unfriendly/aggressive and you want rid of him. 5. Boy is stolen by another farang, ladyboy or thai customer!)
  18. Usually when we off a boy for a 3some our rate is 2000B... BF reckons the guy has to service 2 customers so the rate should be double...
  19. colmx

    Gay Romeo

    GR is crawling with adverts... every page has a 1 inch banner advert... Maybe you have some sort of ad blocking software? Agree that the site has been very slow recently... especially today (Sunday Nov 17th)
  20. They prefer not to do over nights as they have to go back to their GFs or wives I don't normally comment on barboys directly... but the one in question is pretty lousy in bed... In the dim distant past he was a coyote in Dude and worked in cartier boys Unless you are into body worship there is very little else he is capable of doing... certainly not a bottom or top...
  21. I was in WWB 10 days ago and there were 4 offable guys for me... Its quite unusual for me to like that many guys in a bar... and BF liked 2 there too... which is even more unusual... I liked one so much that i had to off him 2 days in a row... The same guy made a big impression with a farang friend who i think may now be shacked up with him! So it may be that Firecat got there on a bad night?
  22. There has been 2 incarnations of Blue house since the one in the weblink posted above.... Both later versions were/are on Soi Day night... The PattayaCity website could def do with an update!
  23. Boots or watsons Durex Comfort are usually Farang size
  24. Of all the times BF and I have ever brought thai friends along to X-boys or x-boysland... the only thing that they ever want to go back for is the B-boys show... F*ck shows and big c*ck shows... well they can get those in their own rooms (and mostly for free!) But the athlethicism seen in the B-Boys show is something that always seems to impress my guests..
  25. Seems to work better for me now... Before, everytime i tried to open a topic in a new tab i got re-directed to a "not found" page and then automatically back to the homepage... By pressing "Back" twice i was able to get to the thread i was interested in... but it was a bit of a pain-in-the-ass!
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