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Everything posted by colmx

  1. Funny - I'm 100% not a beach guy but my memory of Jomtien from 10-12 years ago are: Being squashed in like sardines Listening to the guy 10 rows over bellow at his friends and boast abouut the "number" that he had last night Being stank out of it by guys smoking cigars Being stank out of it by farts that can't escape through the umbrella canopy Cringing as a very over weight guy takes off his trousers to reveal a thong or g-string Cringing as the guy next to me gets his once a year toe nail cutting done Cringing as the farang next to me kisses his straight moneyboy and the boy wipes his mouth seconds after Cringing as the farang next to me forces his boy into skimpy outfit that he simply doesn;t want to wear Being forced to listen to the MP3/Walkman of the boy that was bored shitless with his farang du jour Being forced to listen to the hundreds of ringtones as the bored shitless guy above cycles through his ringtones, trying to kill time Annoying Guy selling Ice cream that wont take no for an answer Smelly Squid and prawn sellers that stand there and won't move on Annoying people selling thai herbal whiskey and wooden junk Annoying people selling sarnongs and rubbing them off everybodies feet as they passed Annoying smelly breath moneyboys that plonk down beside you every day and won't move away The list of annoyances for me is endless! Thankfully though we all have different tastes in how we like to spend our holidays!
  2. I'm not back till end of Dec/Jan! Anyway BF has decided phuket may be more fun for a few days away from patts... probably as he has had good luck cruising there in the past LOL
  3. great minds think alike... i was just thinking of heading there... 14 years of visiting Thailand and never made it that far north... booked flights one time... but a night out in Dave made sure that neither of us were fit to wake the next morning for the flights! Looking forward to seeing what others suggest!
  4. Great reports GoldMember Can't believe that you thought the sauna in Ni-chome was the worst that you visited... was it 24 Kaikan? For me that sauna is second only to the Original Babylon in terms of a place where I left feeling like my mickey had been put through a meat grinder after all the (cute) action i got there... It might have been your cruising technique... The Japanese guys don't react well to western cruising techniques...i found when i was there that the best thing is to pretend to "sleep" and let the boys come to you!
  5. This place is nowehere near boystown - but the pics on their Short time rooms always makes me feel a little bit excited! http://www.pattayasweethearts.com/loveinn/tkresort.htm For anyone thats not familiar with Pattaya its right next to the Gay Mecca of Tum Nan Issan and just down from Idol/I:D - so I'm sure that Anonone and NIrishGuy are familiar with it!
  6. Agree, "Cool" is usually an euphemism for Ice aka Crystal meth/methamphetamine I usually steer clear of anyone with that in their profiles (or course that is not to say that the gentleman in FCs pic is looking for any thing other than genuine fun)
  7. More likely they were the Thai equivalent of the US Ambulance chasing lawyers Their job is to listen to the police bands - find an accident victim and bring them to the hospital that pays the most kick backs
  8. colmx

    Foot Fetish

    The boys in Powerboys and Nice boys are usually all barefoot Both bars are next door to each other, just outside Sunee Plaza, Pattaya
  9. Sad to report that Auto (stop68) from post #85 above, died earlier this week... Bacterial lung infection... but otherwise a very healthy guy From his FB posts it seems that he knew he was dying and posted some very touching posts before he died. I met him once at an Issan concert ad he was a very sweet boy RIP
  10. it's actually built in the original "blue house" location... Apparently a complete gutting and rebuild of that building (which i am told was well overdue!) No other comments to add except that it was open on my last visit at songkran.... And to once again re-iterate (on behalf of my BF) of his hatred of the mosaik security people... despite the comments above... Seems that his attitutude to privacy etc is the polar opposite of the members of this board!
  11. Don't forget the bit about hiding the remote control so they can't switch to the Thai soaps when you are in the shower and become too engrossed for sex!
  12. I think that most bottom boys prefer some alone time in the bathroom before an encounter When i get back to the room I usually offer them the use of the shower first This gives me time to switch on a music channel to hide any embarrassing noise they might make... and also time to hide my valuables,,,
  13. From my perspective Cambodia trip usually raises more eyebrows than a Thai trip... Cambodia has a worse reputationas a destination for child predators than thailand currently has... (certainly here in Europe anyway)
  14. From my recollectio the sign used to say "White guys with young boys are not welcome in this bar" Where i believe that the emphasis was on young... By the way i am very surprised at Bangkokbois making light of a genocide that wiped out 25% of the population of Ireland in the space of 5 years... Just because it happened 160 years ago does not mean its ok to make a joke of it...
  15. Funny Boys is open at least 13 years now! (i met my BF there 12 years ago!) So i guess like most farang on Gayromeo...they lost a few years some place along the way!
  16. RIP Darkdays... And to all the rest of you multiple handles too
  17. Can't name the hotels as both were quite recent incidents and woulnt want to fall foul of any Libel laws! First was a hotel in the Soi VC area the second was a hotel on 3rd road
  18. Same with me, I like to treat my visitors like Dates, and having them check in and leave their ID card is not something that i like (especially as not all my visitors are offs or MBs) Now i do not stay in hotels that retain ID cards, ID checks or sign in to guestbook is fine, but find the retention of ID cards to be quite unpleasant, especially as i know several boys who did not get their ID card back from hotel reception/security staff after refusing to pay "corruption" money over to them
  19. You are forgetting that the streets will be closed because people will be "playing" songkran... Travelling down a packed silom with your backpack/suitcase and possibly expensive electronics + Passport is not advisable... especially when 2 our of every 3 people will be looking to shoot you with a water gun or plaster you with powder! Don't get me wrong... i LOVE songkran... in fact i am flying in especially in for it on Sunday... but there is no way i would risk trying to make my way through Silom with luggage on the 13-15th! Suriwong will be easier to navigate but still a fair danger of getting wet there too...
  20. You are leaving it VERY late to book accomodation! This weekend is an extended bank holiday weekend in Thailand. Its also the Thai new year and Songkran... You won't even be able to get a taxi to silom, it will be closed to traffic 13-15th... so i suggest you do not stay there... Possibly Sathorn would be better for traffic and you could walk to Silom for the night life Hostels in Thailand tend to be poor value, expecially as there is little price difference between decent 3* hotel and a hostel... The S1 hostel in Sathorn has a few rooms left: http://www.agoda.com/s1-hostel/hotel/bangkok-th.html But to be honest you would be better trying some where like the Ibis, Malaysia or Pinnacle, all in similar area to S1 above
  21. From my recollections the big days on Silom are the 13th and 14th... and 15th is a bit of a wind down in terms of Songkran? So have no idea why he would want to go there on the 15th and not earlier! BTW i suggest you either find a new BF or get him to find new friends as there is no way i would let my BF or his friends "permit or "deny" my rights to attend any event with him (beyond religious)
  22. If you are that skint - you can get a bed in the S1 Hostel on Sathorn for 280B: http://www.agoda.com/s1-hostel/hotel/bangkok-th.html This is not much more than the cost of entry to the sauna... so may be a better bet... Seems like the S1 used to be the Honey house - a place that i have stayed many times in my younger days... It is located approx half way between Babylon and the Pinnacle
  23. Are you ure about that? As far as i remember the boy called Phet never had all those tattoos and they are all a new thing Yes there are lots of old videoes... but there are new ones interspersed with the oldies... FC: if i see him on GR again i will send his profile name to you
  24. BTW "Set" is known as "Dam" on boykakke: http://fhg.boykakke.com/tgp/swimteamboys/?nats=ODM4NTgwMDoyOjQ
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