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Everything posted by colmx

  1. alkoe - I don't think anyone is judging you... but you do seem very naive to me (and i am sure others) So most of us are hoping that you don't take taken advantage of... Sunee plaza is very gentrified these days and probably more safe than any gay ghetto of any european city! BTW going to BB every day is like visiting Disneyland and not going anywhere except the magic castle... Ye sit may be the "Jewel in the crown" - but there are plentyof other pearls to be found in Pattaya! {By the way this is not a personal attack! Love your reporting style and would love to see your reaction (hopefully positive) to visiting the other great gay places in Patttaya!}
  2. by N Club - do you mean N.boys? aka Nice boys on the main street outside the plaza? Both Nice boys and Power boys next door get a lot of problems with Arab/Indian customers from nearby streets... so they do some good old fashioned racial profiling and charge non White/Asian to enter the bar... Unless they know you from previous visits Unfair i know... but I guess they have been forced to have this policy due to past issues (Bucknaway over on SGT often posts about issues he has entering these 2 bars)
  3. I feel like a drug addict! Drip fed by Vessey for days... and now withdrawl symptoms with no report for 24+ hours! Come back soon.... We all wanna know the next chapter!
  4. buy a pack of decolgen or tiffy in the 7-11 or pharmacy, will cure the dripping nose in a few mins Other cure is to go for a longis motorbike trip along the beach... Say all the way to na Jomtien and back, sea air usually clears a runny nose (tip courtesy of my Thai BF!)
  5. Not preaching or anything - but you do know that massage oil is very bad for condoms and rots them? if you are going to fuck, then you are better off to shower off all that oil first and use proper lube Oh and by the way, there are lots of better lubes than KY out there too... You should try some of the silicone based ones (ID millenium) or Liquid Silk... for me they give a much better experience... no stickyness!
  6. Loving the reports Vessey, Thanks! I think Mr.Vit may be a busy man this forthcoming high season! Soi 6 used to have a few gay bars back when i first started visiting Pattaya in 2002, i even recall one bar that was mixed with guys and girls! Do you know that NAB Man club (Pattaya biggest gay club) is very close to Soi6 (its behind your local McDs!) You should try there sometime - or maybe bring one (or more) of your LBs for a night out Loads of eye candy and sexy coyote boys for you to decide if you want to explore your gay side a bit more!
  7. And thats why a lot of us prefer Pattaya over BKK The gay boys of Pattaya are rarely in a hurry to leave compared to the cut-throat mercenaries of Bkk!
  8. Tao is the only boy I have ever considered offing from Eros - told me he would kiss and smoke but not bottom... Interesting you mention his amazing ass... does he perhaps do more when he gets back to the bedroom? Sad to hear he has retired too as he was a great personality there!
  9. I have posted some pics from App arena in this thread: http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/post302205.html#p302205 Its basically a Giant Bkk version of NAB... but with a loss less farang dancing badly and knocking over tables!
  10. Anonone: The Hotmale Beer bar has quite a few Ex-Sunee Beer Bar boys working there... so you may even recognise a few of them!
  11. DJ is more akin to a western stye club - and perfect for you seeing as you will be alone You pay foryour ticket outside, get a drink token and exchange it for a drink at the bar inside... you are then free to wander/roam around the entire premises and there are no table setups. When u want more drinks you go to the bar same as you would in a western venue... Ground floor is usually where non MBs hang out - whilst 1st floor is where the MBs go (not a hard and fast rule!) App Arena is more like NAB in setup... so probably not the best place to go without a posse - or at least one other farang friend (if u go with a Thai - they will assume he is your BF!) It is hard to miss when you come out of the MRT station Agree 100% - Bkk is where i go when i get jaded of Pattaya!
  12. As have I! Thats why i was so sorely disappointed when i ventured back into the Bkk scene last 2 trips... bad and all as Pattaya currently is... Bkk is miles worse! On the other hand... if u make your way to App Arena in Rachada... you might find things a lot better :-) Sounds like a bit of a contradiction to me! It was unimpressive... but still the best thing on offer? Who wants to sift through 1-2 hours of dross (or axe murderers!) in the hope of finding that diamond! The only cute/twinky boys in DB on my last visit were all ex-Funny Boys (pattaya) and they were certainly not even worth a 500B drink! Especially when they will come with tonnes of attitude....
  13. They may have 50-100 or even 500 boys But the majority of the pudgy guys working in DB would barely even qualify for a job in BBB in Pattaya Most of them shoud have been pensioned off years ago! At at 500B entry fee the last time i visited - I left very disappointed! I suggest Screw Boys, some real cute boys working there and lots of sleazy opportunities :-)
  14. colmx

    Porn star Oliver

    He used to be Blackmoon on GR - but that profile seems to have been deleted BF met him for a quickie in his house at the edge of "russia beach" 5-6 years ago - my understanding is that a lot of the Asiaboy movies may have been filmed there? As per Anonone's post above i have not seen him around in several years either...
  15. Its been so long since any new content has been posted on PBM... I would be very surorised if teh owner is still in Thailand.. I notice some of the other Thai boy porn sites(doctortwink, boykakke, GayAsianPiss, AsiaBoy, GayAsianUniforms, ThaiGayBoys etc) have nowchanged to using Fillipino models They now make far inferior porn in my opinion...
  16. At songkran, a very cute BKK boy messaged me on GR offering his ass for 3000B When i told him no way i could afford that, he dropped his price to 2000B (for me only - LOL) Later we started chatting on Line, where i saw his pics, he lives in an ostentatious mansion, and can choose between his parents Audi TT, Porsche, VW convertible and a rake of other cars when he needs a set of wheels. Avery 2nd pic is of him in a tuxedo at some sort of gala or family event. When i asked him what his parents would say if they knew he was selling his ass - he said they would kill him But he needed the money to be able to go to RCA the next day to party and as a bonus he likes farang cock! Unfortunatey we didn't get to meet that time... but he is still on my to-do list! So not all Thai MoneyBoys are poor! In fact most of the MBs that i know in Pattaya are in in for the parties, mobiles and the clothes... not for their elderly parents!
  17. I find these days that i am lucky to get by on €300 in a day in Pattaya!
  18. I think a more apt proverb might be "no Money, No honey" Saying that my Irish friend is in early 40s and rarely pays when in Pattaya... and he gets loads of 18,19.20 year old guys Of course the draw with him is that he visits reguarly and is single... so the boys are all giving free samples in the hope of drawing him in!
  19. European flights always used to depart between 23.00 and 02.30 - but recently a lot of carriers (BA, EVA, KLM, AF, LH) have moved to a morning (10.00-12.00) flight Awful timing in my opinion... You can't have a decent night out on you last night, knowing you have to wake so early... and with the return flight being a day flight, there is no dimming of cabin lights etc. This eans that children don't sleep and restless people move aound the cabin more I loathe day flights! Unfortunately i am slowly running out of night flight carriers except CI and the Middle east airlines!
  20. Thanks again for all the suggestions above Happy to report that i have managed to secure 2 suites in Baan Saladaengs "new wing" for the dates i was looking for Thanks to NewAlaan on Sawatdee for the suggestion to correct BaanSalaadeng directly... and NIrish for backing up that premise No pics available of the new suites so I have a feeling that the paint may be still wet when we get there... but at least we have rooms in a central area BTW one room is called the "Brick Suite" the other is the "Third Suite"... I am looking forward to seeing what their themes will be!
  21. Thats why we want to stay as close to the action as possible Last time around we nearly froze to death waiting for an MRT to arrive at Silom MRT Station!
  22. Thanks to all for their comments so far I thought i had secured 2 rooms in one of the suggestions above, but they have gone quiet and not responding to my e-mails, since i politely declined to supply them with my Credit Card details by e-mail to a generic hotel address... So once again its time to start a new hunt... especially as other open options have since closed out.. We have decided to stay in Ladprao area on the 11th so we can hit Ratchada clubs that night, so are now looking or April 12+13 only New HI express is unfortunately booked out... Both Furama's, Amber and Bandara are both way over budget at this stage and costing in excess of 4000B per night.. Silom Convent Gardens is still available as an option, but ned to run that past my travelling companions.. Any comments as to the guest friendliness of the Tawanna?
  23. i have never been to Korea, but did spend 4 nights in each of Shnaghai and Beijing Gay scene in BJ is better (Destination night club is great), BJ obviously also has summer palace, forbidden City and great wall... so 1 day for each Shanghai for me was much more interesting, loved the mix of old and new there. And the people were less "crude" and more softly spoken... For example You are unlikely to see as many people spiting on the streets and subways of SH versus the streets of BJ Never spent a night alone in either city... and that was 5 years ago before Grindr et al... So great for pick ups!
  24. Ballys is now renamed the Catchy "D Varee Diva Bally" and is sold out As is silom Serene And BF say NO to BBB inn... So looks like we are still on the hunt... (to complicate matters, i need a 2nd room for a Farang travelling companion)
  25. Thanks Vinapu Did consider the BBB, but some of the pics on the various sites make it look like something out of the 80's! Think BF would be ok with there, especially if the boys hanging around reception are cute! Will add it to the list for consideration...
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