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Everything posted by colmx

  1. Drinking anything less than JW Red or Chivas in a club like NAB would bring a lot of face loss to the people at your table in a place like NAB. Blend 285, 100 pipers etc are fine in Tumnan Issan, but in one of the more Hi-So places (NAB, Hollywood, Noir, Differ etc.) it is expected that you would drink imported spirits in order to keep up appearances. I can't say i condone or agree with it... but have to go along with it Be thankful that the days of JW Black being the minimum face saving whiskey are now gone! As for the fake booze, one of my friends says you can tell the fakes by the color of the import seal.. but i have never verified that. There were also pics floating around on FB a while back of workers in a well known pattaya club refilling empty JW Red bottles from a big vat of imported Laos whiskey, it seems that they have a method to refill the bottle whilst keeping the plastic pouring cap intact!
  2. I've probably been to NAB 100+ times over the last 6-7 years.... It has stagnated and declined remarkably in recent years (no competition since Dave and Idol closed) but still seems to get crowds at the weekend. At one stage maybe 5 years ago there would be 30-40 coyotes on stage on 2 rotations I have never heard of a VIP table there, usually we either order a bottle of Johnny Walker Red @1400B plus mixers @60B and Ice @100B as soon as we arrive and run up a tab which we pay on leaving (although that depends on the waiter, sometimes they ask you to pay as soon as your drinks arrive if they don't know you or the company you are with) They also run a promotion where you can prepay for 5 litres of JWR @5000B and use them at your leisure over a number of nights. Best time to go there is around 12.45... that way you get there before the bar boys knock off at 01.00 and can get a decent table. If/when you become better known you can ask the mamasans to pre-book your favourite table for the next night for a 100B tip Recently a lot of people have started bringing their own bottles in from 7-11, they charge 300B corkage fee, so there is no price difference... but it is rumoured that the quality of JWR in 7-11 is better than the NAB(read into that what ever you like!) If you don't finish your whiskey they will keep it for you and issue you with a card that you can use the next visit... this is very useful when you have finished the 1st/2nd bottle... and would like to drink a little more... but not another full bottles worth! It terms of pulling there... its always the same... when you are in company its really very cruisy and loads of guys are giving you the eye... When you are looking for company... they are nowhere to be seen! I find I get a lot of guys coming up and saying "I remember you, you come my bar"... which can be a good way to start chat-ups... or simply come to do a cheers with you By the way you should also try Tum Nan Issan next time you are in Pattaya, its similar to NAB in terms of gay crowd but plays mostly Issan music... with the odd farang dance song thrown in. I arrive back next week and usually switch between NAB and Tumnan Issan (or sometimes both!) on alternate nights
  3. Looks like the new form is actually looking for more information than the previous one... That's a GREAT way to improve efficiency in Immigration!
  4. lets hope at least that the new TM cards are passport sized and fit neatly inside your passport - like those of neighbouring countries!
  5. Off the boy, bring them out, talk to them, make small talk and get to know them, flirt with them, if you are with a farang friend make an effort to all chat together and find mutually interesting topics to talk about. You will be rewarded with sex two three times as good as the "booked Prostitute" waiting for their next customer for sex
  6. I'd say another likely scenario is that the boy had a party to go to after closing time so inflated the LT tip in the hope you would do ST only. Next time you are in ask to speak to Mena (mee-na) - he is the Mamasan there and is a straight-up guy. He will tell you the truth about tip expectations
  7. I haven't offed anyone from BBB in 10+ years... but recently hasn't the Micro-phoned captain always announced every 5 mins: "which one you want, which size you like, boy can to sit with you... no cover charge" So it seems to me that you don't have to buy...but if you do you get screwed!
  8. I usually have a 10-14 day holiday in Sept or Oct every year As others pointed out on another thread you usually get an hour of rain in the evening on most days Of course the odd day you will get considerably more... but it certainly won't ruin your holiday The worst part of rainy season is the gigantic drops of rain that fall off the shop house canopies hours after the rain has finished. One stray drop and your head/shirt looks like you were hit with a water balloon!
  9. Drinks in gogo bars in Phuket run at 100-120 as far as I remember... A lot cheaper than Pattaya or bangkok Tip expectations are also on the low side (same as Sunee/Jomtien Complex)... Hotels can be got at the same as Pattaya rates On the other hand transport is a ripoff 200B tuktuk minimum and expect to pay 450B for a meal which you could get for 300B in Pattaya If you stay in and around the Paradise complex you are in walking distance of most place and no need for transport - except airport transfers
  10. Two days before I was due to travel home in May 2016, I was hospitalised with Salmonella which in turn led to Septic shock and spent 6 days in Pattaya international hospital Total hospital costs ran to 112,000B with another 30,000B in associated costs (flight changes, calls to home, work, insurance company, taxis, additional 7 days of recuperation time waiting for fit to fly certificate etc) I for one am glad that I spent €53 on my multi trip travel insurance and will happily pay it in future
  11. The rate i see online for Welcome Plaza in August is 1500B, whilst on the same dates for a deluxe room in the Ambiance is 900B When i first started staying in Pattaya in 2001 the Welcome plaza was 800B and the Ambiance was ~1200B per night... its amazing how they have flipped in their pricing structures... My guess is that the Welcome is full of chinese tourists these days and therefore the price has risen
  12. Hi Vessey You could also try Mosaik apartments: http://mosaikpattaya.net/home.html They are located half way between Sunee and Boystown... so best of both worlds! Entrance to Mosaik is opposite entrance to Tuk.com, so plenty of food and massage options in the vicinity
  13. isn't there also usually a ridiculous cc limit (50cc) on a lot of those insurance policies?
  14. a timely trip report as BF and I just decided that we are going back to PP in late august... We were there in January and can't wait to go back... Really loved Heart of Darkness (and space bar!) Also good to hear about a new venue Toolbox.... Looking forward to reading the rest of your report!
  15. my experience - and that of my friends is the exact opposite to above I have gone from 1 in 100 suggesting we don't need a condom... to 1 in 2 suggesting we don't need one In fact a lot of guys just go ahead and try and sit on me raw without even asking for a condom... they grin at you and start to slowly glide you inside before you even realise what they are doing.
  16. Some would say that they already have access to that, so no need to ask for it!
  17. Issan = Wake at 6am, do a Monk & Parents tribute, open the loud speakers, do a village parade, drink Lao Khao (Rice whiskey) and knockout by midday. Sleep the rest of the day and start again the next morning. Suggest you stick to Bkk (Or maybe Chiang mai if you want to experience something different but still lively)
  18. In my experience the waiters will be pretty spot on when your allotted time is over Boy finishes drink, waiter approaches and asks will you buy the boy another drink.... Your options are then to either: Buy it, hence expressing an interest in him staying longer Say no, and most likely the boy will go back on stage Say no, and off the boy, go elsewhere for more drink/food or back to hotel
  19. My Parents are in Late 60s/Early 70s and have also threatened to visit Thailand at the same time as me on many occasions I could see my mother happily passing a day in Central, Royal Garden and Mike, the floating village, the orphanage, Sanctuary of truth,an evening in Theprassit market... However I could not imagine my mother climbing into the back of moving songtaew... and certainly not on a motorbike taxi! So I think the Taxi Meters would be making plenty of money from us! My biggest fear would be some nelly or LB calling out my name and chasing after me as we all walked down walking st! So if they do decide to join me... Pattaya will definitely not be on the itinerary!
  20. What time was this at and where did it happen? Yes some farang get a bit carried away with Songkran (especially the Arabs in recent years) which is a real pity. So the real advice here should be: -If you don't like songkran, get the hell out of Thailand for that week! - And don't complain if you get wet if you stick around If you like it come and enjoy - But please bear in mind that the water play should stop after 7 (on all but the 18th)
  21. As other have posted the official days in Bkk are 13-15 The official days in pattaya are the 18 & 19th North Pattaya Celebrates Wan Lai on the 18th and it becomes a mini Silom all day no.18. Pattaya itself plus Jomtien celebrate on the 19th and most traffic is practically at a standstill. Of course there is water play all the way from 12-19 in Pattaya, mostly on Soi Buakow and beach road near Soi's 6/7/8 + parts of Jomtien. But its sporadic and tends to keep to day time hours (the songkran haters will claim it goes 24/7 - but it doesn't!) Whilst North Pattaya has a heavily German and Scandinavian population... it also draws the Gay boys in the afternoon of the 18th. Choose from one of the many bars along the strip and buy a few beers there. You can then use their water as long as you keep drinking... And of course meet the gay boys as they stroll past! (note that some of the real German bars are not welcoming of anyone but Germans, and are pretty vocal in telling you to clear out!) In the evening of 18 there is always an Issan Concert/Morlam on 3rd road, and it's always jammed. Unlike normal Morlams, this one often turns into a Water & powder fight as the night goes on. Given the April heat, the cool water is very welcome! NAB usually has a foam party on the night of the 17th/18th too - but closes on the 19th. The night of the 18th walking st is normally a 24 hour water fight. Just watch out for the Russian hookers - who don't like to get wet! All day no.19 is usually madness all over pattaya, in previous years crowds tended to gravitate towards Jomtien, but recently they gravitate towards Central instead. Jomtien Complex usually puts on a stage and foam party at its main entrance. A recent phenomenon is that songkran now extends after sunset on the 19th... It used to be that it would end pretty sharply at sunset (with a rain shower!) and everyone would go home to bed. Nowadays the party goes on and last year I was at a very busy "wet 'n' Wild'" party in Tiffany car park, followed by further mayhem in Tum Nan Issan (where thankfully the AC was off!) until 4am 23 days until i fly - can't wait!
  22. OMG, Forrest! I haven't seen you throw such a hissy fit since my Filipino nursemaid (Jay?) offered you a bed-bath! Funnily enough he never offered one to me!
  23. AFAIK 9Monsters is the most popular gay app in Japan Its a bit mad as you have to categorise yourself as one of nine "monsters"!
  24. Note that your preference is purely physical, whilst BFs preference are emotional. As above for me (and BF) there has to be "a connection" between us and the boy... if not hes dispatched home with a polite excuse and a (smaller) tip. Others end up moving in with us - and that works fine... until one of 3 started to get fed up with one of the others! Agree with Chillnorther also - that the unplanned threesomes are always the best ones... when something just happens organically. e.g. Boy comes to disco as an extra with an invited friend, some flirting, some joking, an offer of a lift to South Pattaya... suddenly you are all home together...
  25. I am talking about the difference between having sex and making love! Yes a MB guy that has a BF will go with a customer for money. Similarly a straight MB that has a GF will go with a customer for money, But at the end of the day you are not going to get a BFE (Boyfriend experience) from them... the sex may be good, or may be just satisfactory or completely crap... But it will be missing that special something... As they are keeping it in reserve for their BF/GF. Also remember that the MBs BF/GF will be a lot more jealous knowing that they are going with a Thai & farang customer.. Versuss going with a farang customer only. The single guy on the other hand is more likely to give it his all... especially if a genuine connection has been made. Remember the boys are not robots... They are like diesel engines and need to be warmed up a bit in advance if you want good performance! e.g. I was with 1 particular guy 3 times. First time sex was amazing (he was single), Second time was so so (and he left as soon as I came... to join his BF) Third time he was single again and sex was back to amazing By BFE I mean sex starting with making out in the lift, both stripping off as soon as you get in the door, no time for shower... it would ruin the moment - just get straight into the action. Wild passionate sex. Cum 2-3-4 times in the night etc (And I'm not saying that i get this every time! More like 1 in 8 times - if lucky!)
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