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Everything posted by colmx

  1. Toilet boys are toilet attendants.... The guys that hang around the toilets giving unwanted neck massages when you are at urinal or try to sell you toilet paper if you go to the cubicles They usually have a rice cooker to give you a heated towel to dry your hands after you have washed them.
  2. I know of a Viet boy working in Cupidol & Prisma (Both were at my B'day party last week) Also know one working in Power Boys and of one that works in Toyboys In addition most of the "toilet boys" in Tum Nan Chon and Tum Nan Issan are Vietnamese So plenty Vietnamese guys in Pattaya!
  3. There have been loads of Mamasans in Powerboys over the last 2 years: Jojo (Fat and long hair), Nat (Short Hair), Neung (Taller, slim with longhair), Jim (Butch female) and another whose name I have forgotten Which one are you staying is the bad one!
  4. Bacterial infection perhaps? Have you tried Nizoral? Or could scabies be an alternative diagnosis? Alternatively may be paranoia? (especially now that your effective hatchet job on sansuk is complete!)
  5. Of course a gay MB has more fun than a straight boy... or at least he doesn't find the thought of sucking a cock or kissing another man repulsive (even if he finds the customers cock or face repulsive!) Have you never had great sex with a gay MB? Lets face it straight MBs are in it for the money. Gay MBs are in it for the money too... but a lot of them are in it hoping to find a decent BF, Sponsor... or pure and simply a good f*ck
  6. Jones: Please don't take this the wrong way... but: Could his poor performance be anything to do with the 100+ bites that you said you have on your body in the Bed bugs thread? I for one would find it pretty distracting to have to go with a customer full of such bites... especially as you only ready see them after the customer has stripped off?
  7. Thanks Aux1010 Any idea of opening hours? Do they have host boys same same Pattaya Karaoke bars?
  8. sounds like me 6-7 weeks ago... In my case it was a gallstone that escaped the gall bladder and blocked my bile duct... Started off like heartburn, sweats and ekg type chest pain... ended up spending 12 nights in hospital... and still not cured :-( Are you suffering from any jaundice or darker pee? If so..head back to the hospital...soon!
  9. NewAlaan: Cham issan was on the junction of south Pattaya road and third road. It is now the open air Tony's Gym. My understanding is that Tumnan issan is its spiritual successor (same owners). And probably like you it was my first exposure to Morlam. The new Issan pub in Aussies pics opened around Christmas last year. It seems to have moved 150 meters north since then to their new venue.... We tried to go there twice before but it was sold out due to "superstar" visitor being there... And YES very difficult to sleep in MyView condo with the noise from there... Luckily I usually only get home around their closing time!
  10. The other bars have had their Cambodian boys in jeans &/or t-shirts on-and-off for the best part of a year now. So it sounds more like 360 failed to meet their part of the arrangement... As for the roadworks... They were absolutely needed... there were craters on that street that a bar boy could drown in!! Hopefully the pipes will be laid and the road resurfaced this time next month - in time for peak season...
  11. I always thought that Screwboys converts into a Karaoke after the show finished at 1.45? Are you saying that there is a separate karaoke bar to the gogo bar on Patpong Soi2?
  12. its a pity that the flights are on their Dreamliner/787, the Qatar 787 experience is a very poor product according to most review sites (Saying that I have chose to fly it on the DUB>>DOH leg of my flights to BKK in January!)
  13. Thanks for the Tip Jason1975... Just finished watching episode 6 and really enjoyed it I found the first episode a bit tedious... but after that I loved the relationship between Jack and his 76 year old father... I would imagine that the uncut scenes are also very funny!
  14. colmx

    Jet Lag

    I have never been affected by jetlag in 50+ trips to thailand Granted I am only travelling from Ireland, so I don't have that 24 hour trip that US people have, but its generally 16 hours of flight including a stopover (no direct flights from Ireland to Asia - yet!) I tend to take a night flight (22.30) out of Dublin on my way, arrives around 21.00 the next day And prefer to take a night flight back also (1-2am), arriving home at 11AM same day... When in Thailand I sleep at 4/5AM after disco and food and wake around 2PM for Brunch (This is the equivalent of sleeping at 11PM and waking at 8AM Irish time) This way my body clock never has to adjust... So there is the solution to jet lag, party more and keep to your normal waking hours!
  15. Errm, when was the last time you updated or were online on hornet? In the last few weeks they have started restricting the number of visible profiles... Depending on some random algorithm (Not sure exactly? Time of Day? Location) they are limiting users to around 9-15 lines of profiles (i.e. 26-44 profiles including your own)... I notice that users have abandoned it in droves and gone back to GayRomeo in the last few weeks Personally i hope that Hornet goes the same was as gay.com and fridae after their despicable attempt at monetizing their app (as if the ads were not intrusive enough already)
  16. This is a common scam - this time carried out by the receptionist He claims that there is a bottle missing... - If you pay he issues a receipt from a "shadow" receipt book (20 B in Friendship supermarket) and pockets the money - If you refuse to pay, he waives the charge and makes you feel happy and everyone seem professional On the missing whiskey - one other possible scenario is: Previous occupiers in room used the whiskey, dozey house keeper never noticed and never replenished it between stays (or noticed it after the occupiers moved out and it was too late - so is now trying to pawn it off on you)
  17. If you are staying in the barracks, make sure you order the large room and not the standard, the standard rooms have single beds... The beds were were either at right angles to each other or head to toe (like 2 carriages on a train) None of the beds would have enough room for 2 people to sleep in (maybe 2 thais)... and i would not like to take the chance of being pushed out of the bed unto a hard concrete bed by a "space" greedy Thai guy at night! Mind you at the price they charge for a large room... you could probably get a Grand Deluxe room in Raya
  18. He was unwell with stomach problems for years... was not much of a drinker so not alcohol related.... Seems that his time in the monastery cured him of his ills... TBH both BF and I thought he had died.... as he was gone from the scene so long... its good to see him back as hes one of the good guys!
  19. police orders- pretty similar to what happened in bkk with the Viet boys
  20. My understanding is that the shirtless boys in BBB are Thai The guys that wear shirts are mostly Khmer (with a few Laos thrown in for good measure) Mamasan Lek is working there now... He had been away in the Monks for the last few years (Some may remember Lek from Dave Man club and Holiday 2 and 69Boys (?) in years gone by)
  21. There are at least 2 Arab MBs in the Tukcom area working Hornet and Grindr One guys sends 5-6 pics and is quite direct about being a MB The other says he's looking for fun... but then hints that he likes generous guys As soon as you block them - they turn up again with a new profile... Very annoying!
  22. there is a Morlam on Fri August 25th on 3rd road... if that happens to coincide.. Bring a gang of boys and make sure that the birthday cake is kept away from the dust from the dancing Lady and Fem boys!
  23. Buy a True Move SIM, that will cost $10 USD including data and last the entire month Save the rest of your $10 per day roaming costs on entertainment!
  24. I would guess from the line up that he was one of the NAB "models" They do a parade twice a night with the "models" first fully dressed and then in their underwear The "models" then circulate around the crowd hoping for an invite to join a table and claim some inflated price "model" drinks The reason I put "model" in quotes is that most of them are pretty damn ugly! PS. Vinapu - does he look scarier or more gentle than your Axe murderer?
  25. Those dots in the background look like the stage in NAB As does the car park in the interview
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