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  1. @12is12 Its been a pleasure to join you on your show hopping journey. Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did. Looking forward to future meets and explore the seedy streets of Bkk further if you are there for Songkran. Thanks @anddy for guiding us on our virgin tour of new Twilight. The layout is a lot better in comparison as all the bars are adjacent to one another. Dreamboy show is highly entertaining but the boys line up is a disappointment with only 9 boys on stage to choose from, which might be due to it being the second show. Freshboy has a more twinky line up with circa 20 on stage and a few fairly stunning ones.
  2. @12is12 I am arriving and departing at the exact same dates as you are. More than happy to meet up and explore together. Solo here too.
  3. Paul always know how to enter and finish with a bang! My almighty mentor who showed me around my first gogo visit many years back!
  4. Boo!!! Korean boy is one hot produce!!! Glad you managed to reel that catch in. Great narrative Numazu. Your adventures are incredibly fullfillng to read and I cant wait for our next exploration trip together. Till next time.
  5. This kind of behavior is totally unacceptable!!! How dare he!! Exploitation of hard working boys who needs the cash to feed their family. Outrageous!!
  6. Awwhh thats such a sweet post。 We all miss u buckets too!!! I shall get my last report on as well once i have typed it up. Thanks for the great time!!
  7. As promised, trip report as below:
  8. Oops totally forgotten that we went to Dj station as well for a few drinks right after Freshboy. Dj station was suprisingly busy for a Sunday night. Highly recommend it.
  9. Newbie in Bangcock Day 1 I was trying to figure out where to post my first trip report (as promised in my earlier post) but have decided to conveniently highjack Numazu's page since he has introduced our trip together nicely in the post above. (Sorry Numazu, will buy you a drink tomorrow). Prologue I'm a 28 year old gay, British Asian with a 4 years relationship with the sweetest and most caring guy I have ever known. Perfect husband material. Why Bangkok then? I am craving for the perfect boyfriend experience, fuelled with hot, sweaty sex, butterfly feeling in the stomach during the first meet and the lust of meeting boys (note the plural) with perfectly chiselled six packs, bulging pec and an angellic face to die for. With that in mind, I haphazardly booked a flight to coincide with the Songkran weekend and Gcircuit parties, packed my best fitting vests and underwears and off I go to the land of smiles. Prior to flying off, I stumbled upon this forum, and practically digested the past 100 pages in a couple of hours. Was lucky to have Numazu as my travel companion since he is heading off to Songkran as well, who better to lead the trip than the man who inspired me to take the leap. (Thank you Numazu for the enlightenment) Day 1 and 2: Touristy me Given that Numazu will only be arriving on day 3, I have managed to slot into my intinerary, a short meet with a few of my best mates from England. Custom clearance at the airport was swift with no hassle. Day 1 was filled with the usual touristy shopping trip to MBK, Siam Paragon, Terminal 21 and Platinum. I would highly recommend the food court at Terminal 21 given the sheer variety of local cuisines, unparellel quality and exceptional value. And they are ranked in the top 50 restaurant destination in Bangkok on Trip advisor as well. Not technically a restaurant though as it is laid out with multiple stalls with a prepaid card concept when you can order from individual store and pay using a pre filled cash card. Day 2 includes a visit to the Skybar at Banyan tree with views to die for and instaworthy scenes. Fastforward to Day 3: Soi Twilight With the usual touristy checklist done and ticked, it is then time to explore the sleazy side of Bangkok and await for Numazu's arrival to lead this remarkable journey of self realisation and exploration. The night started with dinner at G Bangkok on Silom Soi 4. Food is of decent quality with a good selection of German beers. Walked into the restaurant and met Namazu and Burrboy for the first time. For those who were wondering, Burboy was exactly as how Numazu has decribed him - Boyish face with bulging pecs and arms the size of a tree trunk, coupled with a beautiful smile and smooth tanned skin. By then, i know I am in for the ride of my life if all the other boys were of similar quality. After dinner, we headed off to Soi Twilight to meet Pausf and Samebb (a pleasure to meet you both) for a drink. We were seated at a bar near the entrance of The Soi called HotMale2 i think (correct me if I am wrong Paul) and the first thing that caught my eye was the Burmese waiter with a white vest on. Boy was he hot!! Perfection at its finest. An adonis body with the cutest face and a boyish charm. God must have created him to make all of us mortals feel inferior. It was a great experience, meeting up with the forum members and be introduced to Soi Twilight by both Paul and Samebb, who were sharing their stories about life and suggestions on where the best boys are and which one has got the best show in town. Dreamboy as recommended by Numazu in my previous page linked below, is probably the best bar for a newbie like me given the sheer number of boys to choose from and is also the most famous amongst tourists. Then, there is the other options such as Freshboy, X-boys and Jupiter with varying boy numbers. http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/10919-songkran-2017-suggestions-and-advice/?p=106169 After finishing up our drinks, Samebb excused himself and bidded goodbye while Numazu, Burboy, Paulsf and me headed off to Fresh boy as he knows the mamasan in there and was happy to show me around his second home. Drinks was 300-400 bath each ( just paid for all of them at one go, so Paulsf, do feel free to clarify) but well worth every penny. There were probably 25 boys around, most were of superior quality, gym fit but not overly muscular and very offable. The show started at 10.30am with suprised new soundtracks and interesting numbers. A shower show was also slotted into the middle with two gorgeous looking boys soaping each other up, a fucking show behind a fish net and a big cock show where the guys would take turns and hit the metal pole with their erected dicks, all of which have massive dicks. One of the dancers on stage caught my eyes with his killer smile and adorable face. He was in his early twenties, with spiked up hair, a toned body. Paulsf then approached him and got him to sit by my side. The usual policy was to buy the boy a drink but since Paul is a regular, the mamasan was happy to let me off without buying him a drink, which i then compesated with a bigger tip. He was very friendly,and was smiling all the time . I almost died. We chatted for a bit and he proceeded to putting his arms around me and my hands on his thighs. I almost died again. My heart was pounding furiously and at that moment, i knew I was in heaven. Given that this is my first trip to a proper gogo bar, I didnt feel ready to have my first off just yet and had to leave with a heavy heart bidding good bye to him and tipping him 400 bath in the process. The usual tip for having a boy to sit next to you is around 100 and the cost of a drink of 350 i think. But i tipped him a bit more, one because I have managed to skip the drink buying this time and two because he is f&@king hot. Those smiles are to die for. According to Paul, standard off fee for short time is 2000 and 3000 for long time with slight variation on either side. We then bid goodbye to Paul after the show and headed back to our hotels. And then it begins.... Some say Two's company, 3 is a party? And this is exactly how i ended my night. Got back to the hotel and turned on Grinder to check whos around and say a message from a boyish 21 yo Thai boy. Student. Toned boy with well defined pecs and a bottom. Coversations were exchanged and 5 minutes later, he was in my room, lying naked on the bed with his perky ass facing upwards. Thats was one amazing sight I will never forget. We proceeded to fondle one another and chatted about our preference. Apparently, he has not tried a threesome before and would like to give it a go. I wasnt expecting that but the thought of having a third one to spice things up a little made me real horny. As i was feeling a little tired with little sleep over the past few nights, I suggested to take a nap and cuddled him to sleep. A few hours later, i woke up with a full hard on and Thai boy was fondling my dick. We then browsed Grinder together and instantly laid our eyes on a charming 30yo Asian american who was staying at the hotel right next to ours. Pictures were exchanged and 15 minutes later, the room had 3 people in it. I was in for a good one. For ease, lets name thaiboy at TB and American boy as AB. It was AB's first night in Bangkok and first trip as well. Being the hospitable me, I felt the need to help him ease the jetlag by stripping his top off, revealing a bulging pecs and a well toned torso. We then proceeded to a three way kissing and boy was it hot. AB then gave me the best blowjob ever whilst receiving it from TB. I reached over and opened up a new pack of condom. TB got the hint and laid on the bed and jerking offt. I hinted to AB to top TB first by guiding his dick to TB's hole and helped him put on the condom. the sight of a muscled boy pounding a boyish thai boy turned me on even more, and he was massive! AB's dick was probably one of the thickest I have ever seen, on par if not bigger than those in the big cock show at Fresh boy hours before . TB started moaning as AB was inserting his 7 " dick in, and that turned AB on ever more and he started increasing the pace whilst TB was sucking me off. I couldnt help but to stare at AB's well defined body, slightly sweaty as the aircon wasnt switching on and having a cute boy sucking me off at the same time. After about 10 minutes of pounding, we flipped TB around with his back facing up. I then got AB to swap position and proceeded to pound AB doggie style. The feeling of fucking a used, wet hole turned me on even more. We swapped a few more positions and ended with AB licking my nipples while I was fucking TB as he was lying face up on the bed with both legs lifted up. We then licked TB's nipples while he jerked off. After TB had cummed, AB and I started fondling each others nipples and jerk off while kneeling, facing each other with TB laying down in the middle. It was an amazing sight as AB was all drenched in sweat with droplets of sweat flowing down his chiselled chest and abs. We both then cummed on TB's chest , and flooded his chest with more cum than I expected. TB was smiling. We then proceeded to soaping each other up in the shower washing off the stains of the encounter Whilst giving me another chance to fondle TB's perky ass and AB's toned chest. I looked at the clock and it was already 10am. Shit!! I was supposed to meet Burboy and Numazu for our getaway to Hua Hin at 11am. I quickly packed my bag while TB and AB were still in the shower and invited them to join me for breaksat with Numazu. TB had to excude himself as he has got a lecture soon and AB, who lives in San Fran was in for a coffee and happy to meet Numazu who used to live San Francisco too. Breakfast wasnt too great as Numazu had to leave halfway to meet our driver for the day and it was a little rushed. We then headed to Hua Hin which is 3 hours away by car. It was a great night and the perfect start to a nice beach outing. And this brings us to Numazu's post as above.
  10. Hi Britstar, Glad to know that you have a similar agenda as I do. When u say gstar do you mean Gcircuit parties?
  11. Thanks for the Arena post!! As always your reports are so well written and really makes us feel like are are right nex to you as it unfolds. Will defintely try Arena now. Its good to know that Dj station will be busy that time. As much as I would enjoy Gcircuit, being able to experience Dj at its prime is always an experience to look forward to. When will you be in Bangkok? Will we get to meet the legendary Burboy in person too?
  12. Hi all, I will be visiting Bangkok from 6th April to 16th, and Have promised myself a well deserved holiday after a stressful few months. will be departing from London in a week's time ready to explore all that gay Bangkok has to offer. Being a relatively young but no longer a twink gym fit Asian guy living in the UK, It would be an eye opening experience to explore what Thailand has to offer, and compare it to the gay scene over here. After all I have lived for the past 28 years in a fairly dull cycle and its about time to add some spice to it. Thanks Numazu for your informative posts and inspiration. And so we shall begin. 1) I have not been to a gay massage place before and would definitely have this on my to do list. Am into fit muscular boys, not the body builder type though. I have seen Arena and Prince being mentioned a few times so might choose one of those two to break my massage virginity. Any recommendation most welcomed. 2) Dj station is going to be on my list as well but will probably visit it on a weekday as weekends will be for GCircuit. Anyone can recommend the best weekday to visit? 3) Since I am going all out this trip, I shall aim to tick off another from my bucket list by offing a boy from the bars. Tawan and Dream boys seem to get a lot of mentions for gym fit boys so I shall try those too? 4) Would love to meet up with any forumers who are free over the period and hang out as you guys have inspired me to go all out this trip. And of course, trip report will follow in due course.
  13. Your posts were very inspiring and well written!! Glad to have you back. Ill be visiting from 10/4 for a week as well from London. Would love to hang out and meet the legendary Numazu in real life and hear about the adventures. When will you be there?
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