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Everything posted by spoon

  1. i am more of cash person too. i usually will try to not use my cc when travelling except for hotel bookings. I usually only use cc for emergency, and also carry atm for such case that i needed extra money for shopping. I am in the camp of always paying off my cc as well, and use it to get points locally but have not use cc overseas due to bank fee, and poorer exchange rate. Also, i have two wallets when travelling. I put the money i needed to use for the day plus some extra in one wallet that i carry around and the rest of my money on a different wallet that have most of my cards and my local currency money as well, which i store in the safe back at hotel.
  2. Impressive trip down a memory lane by PeterRS! I havent even borned yet in 1982, so your recollection of the scene back then is definitely new to me. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Funnily enough i thought he meant that he brings gifts to behaved boys when he travel like santa lol
  4. From reading here and christianpfc's blog, free sex doesnt come easy when you want to be picky. It can take a long time to find them, court them, chat with them, even vefofe meeting them, then there's always strings attached to it as it has to be mutual, there's distance issues too, chemistry, etc. It can also be very expensive endeavor too. And if you are dead set for thai, language barrier will be there as well. If the good looking customer of gogobars are not picky at all, and the sex doesnt have to go his way only, yeah, i bet he can get free sex anytime.
  5. I do agree that a lot of asian mb arent photegenic, or maybe they dont have talented photographers taking their pictures. Though i still feel tam pictures are actually attractive to my eyes, but of course ive seen him in real life too and he is gorgeous as wel lol
  6. if you are looking for other places, there are few more places to go like vck club, nine spa, banana for the gay massage. For mixed massage place, where u can still choose the guy from ipad (usually 5-6 only) with low possibility of HE, Prime is my go to. I usually choose the best looking or guys with best arms, since they are all wearing the uniform and most of them looks better in person. I also go for wat pho massage if i were to take the boat as those area, ill do lots of walking and their foot massage is really good and makes my foot feels like new.
  7. Going up there with a boy perhaps will make it more interesting? Lol
  8. Apparently boys who work in bars always tend to tlell their friends back home how they are making money and tempted their friend to do the same. Either out of concern to share their wealth with their friends or maybe bars are giving incentives like refferal programs. Its true for those from other countries too like vietnam, cambodia, laos etc. on issan, why a lot of them have been mentioned here is, the boy who came from there are somehow related to the size of their appendage. At least this is what i saw from various comments here. Funny thing is, one of the guy in my office, who are known to go to thai for girl, also mentioned issan one of the places he probably want to spend time during retirement, where he would stay in a place 2-3 month at a time lol guess a lot of the thai girl gogo bar are also from there it seems
  9. Funny how so many people afraid of crossing road in thailand. Try crossing road in vietnam lol
  10. Pretty sure that could be the case too. Either way, we are making bunch of assumptions and speculation but the fact is only the boys know why they do what they did
  11. Maybe yours is the reason and mine is the motivator lol either way, i can see how money can motivate the boy to be in the bar as long as they can.
  12. Reading all the experiences share here about individuals throwing money like crazy in bars might explains why some boy are rushing to go back to bar on certain nights.
  13. Seems like itll be accessible by the boat?
  14. You need to make sure to ask then to make spicy only at a place where they tune the spiciness down for tourist. In the states, some chinese/thai restaurant have 3 level of spiciness, but with asian, they have lvl 4 and 5 lol. I wouldnt ask my dish to be made spicy in an east java, in indonesia since their dishes is already spicy. But then again, i am not farang
  15. The tourist area restaurants usually tune down the spiciness for tourist i supposed. I love my food spicy so i have no issues with thai food, and actually preferred it when im there. There is a good and cheap pad thai place behind silom complex, only 50b for a shrimp padthai and i enjoyed it. They cant speak english at all so i just point out what i want lol.
  16. I have yet to get any request for help yet both from thailand or from other mbs in other places. It could be because im asian, or youngish or i dont show that i have a lot of money to spare? But i do tip accordingly to their quality of services on top of the agreed tips, especially if i want a repeat. Ive only share with one guy about what car i drive, how much money i make etc, simply because he asked, and i rather fond of him. But again, no money request or tales of sick buffalo. But then again, he has a degree, day work, a car, a bike, etc. so he isnt poor by thai standard.
  17. High season lived up to their hype after all. I still have vacation leave to take this year but cant make up my mind when and where to go. Thailand is high on the list but i hate going when its high season. With the amount of tourist, and sex tourist, id be in competition to get boys i want lol.
  18. I just saw very interesting snippet from zombie soldier in fb, thai movie in asian crush i think. Go ahead, watch it. Very entertaining and not to mention potraying the exact things we were discussing here about the photo, except now its a movie, didnt see any nudity but people in underwear and gays are well represented too lol
  19. If anyone is into stocky/cub manly type, this is the place to go i supposed. Not a popular type but ive seen many in other forum actually prefer this for massage. But i agree i have yet to find/read someone here asking for where to find this type around here
  20. I get the impression than mehkin behaves differently inside the room vs in the bar/public. Or maybe sober vs drunk lol. He definitely has his own pool of fans, both men and women.
  21. Lowest voice tone? What do u mean? I dont recall that hehe, maybe too busy oogling his body.
  22. You are very right about colloquial/slang between natives, especially the young generation. Even a native speaker from older generation cant understand some of the new words being created and used differently. Malay and indonesian language have evolved a lot throughout the history that one of my Indonesian friends said to me once, she couldnt understand malay as we talked to fast, even when we speak languages that are pretty much from similar origin, not as similar as english/american, but not as far as cantonese/mandarin.
  23. Thanks for pointing out about homonyms and homophones. I googled it and both of them are actually correct though both have different meaning. Homonym is words that sounds similar and can have same or different spelling while homophone is a type of homonym, which must have same sound but different spelling. The other part of the equation is homograph and heteronym, the former is same or different sound but same spelling, and the later is a type of homograph, that have different sound but same spelling. Love it that each day i learned new things by reading the forum. Lol
  24. Had tiger before, he was very affectionate when in tawan and otw to hotel, holding hands even in taxi. But he was a bit rushing in the hotel, though i cant blame him since he already told me earlier until when and he did left my room at the time he said. Body is definitely great, but he demand tip a bit more than i thought id pay, which id love to pay if he didnt rush, alas, its my own fault for not negotiating the fee upfront lol. Will i take him again, yes but only after i set all the terms upfront, as i really like his body, and he knows it lol.
  25. As i speak more than a language, so does many of the members here i bet, i can understand that those who only use one language will have trouble to learn a new one when they aged. and learning languages requires a lot of practical applications or you will never become fluent. I study 4 languages in high school and fluent in only two. No doubt that living in a place that didnt speak your mother's tongue helps a lot in learning the local language. And its fun to bad mouth the local in your language in front of them and they have no clue what we say. And i bet the thai also do that in front of farang as well, which could also be a reason why they dont have farang to learn their language lol
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