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Everything posted by spoon

  1. At bangkok? None. Pattaya, xboys.
  2. For the beach, phuket is much much better than pattaya. For the gay bars, massage and boys selection, pattaya wins by far, as phuket gay scene is really small. What i did for my phuket visit is to bring a muscular guy with me to phuket lol. You can still find muscular guys in pattaya though, specifically in dreamboy and boyzboyzboyz, but only a few are my type. Beach wise, ive never even tempted to swim in pattaya beaches, but i still go because of one guy i like who work there as beach chair attendant lol.
  3. Not in any of the bars i think. Freelance in rentmen
  4. Good news for you since he is in the business hehe
  5. No idea, but at least he took the effort to color his armpit hair blond too lol
  6. Found the guy. And yes, he is thai hehe.
  7. I imagine the BIB bringing a tape measure or ruler to enforce those rules!
  8. Only one way to find out!
  9. Package deal means shops gets more money upfront. Especially during low season, this is crucial to keep the shop afloat with rental payment etc. Make sense to me.
  10. I know some actually goes to bangkok and focus only getting guys from massage centers. Given that massage is something we both like, i dont think thats a bad thing. If lucky enough, those massage encounters can leads to overnight session too. And there are more massage centers in bangkok than gogo bars. Should be plenty of massage guys to keep you entertain hehe.
  11. Thats promising, finally a gay bar in walking street. Would love to hear reports from forum members soon!!
  12. I can confirmed that you could choose to sit upstairs even when its not full. Ive done that in my previous trip, where other than me, there is another farang lady sitted upstair, opening bottle and boys keep coming to have a glass.
  13. spoon


    Ive had few occasions where when it comes to money missing, i chalked it up to lesson learnt, expensive but whats done is done. Count my blessing as those missing money wasnt a lot, and barely interfere with my life as it is, but nevertheless, couldve been spent better on more deserving guys. Very recently, i have two incidents, one i belief happens in thailand, while another happen back home. Both incident happened during a massage. While what happened in thailand couldve been worst as i was only missing few pieces of notes, rather than whole wallet, the one happened back home was much more significant. However, in both cases, i did not realized that they took my money until i was back home/hotel. In thailand case, i cant really pinpoint if its really happened during massage, or maybe i just dropped it somewhere as ive been using my wallet few times that day. But the one back home, its much more obvious coz i havent use my wallet at all before or after the massage. Anyway, bringing just enough cash with you whenever you go to massage place, or any place where you will have to remove your pants and wallets, out of sight, is the lesson learnt here. Silver lining is, both massage session was actually great. Both cases, the guy lost what id say a steady stream of income as i tend to go to the same guys of known quality (become regular as they say it), for their "quick income". I expect neither guys will have much luck having repeat customers and soon enough, wont be getting any customers at all if that is how they operate. While ive let bygone be bygone, doesnt mean what they did is forgiven. Hope karma bites then back in the ass some day. On the other hand, ive had guys who told me they had been cheated by customers too. Also, for the case that happen back home, I did share the story and info on the thief in a local group to warn others about him and avoid them. As for the one that happened in thailand, since i cant be sure what really happened, i wont share the details.
  14. spoon


    Did he not have your contact info? Seems like he is very desperate and that is scary.
  15. That would be almost all hotel in silom.
  16. Also available at jey spa. Somehow i think jeyspa and glam are related as some of their boys overlap
  17. Its babe.
  18. Will ETA be a deterrence for tourist to come to Thailand? Im pretty sure it will have some role in this. While for those like me who have been to thailand many times and love it, maybe not so much. But for first timers or those who has not had their heart set on visiting thailand once or twice a year, perhaps itll be a factor. Im hesitant to visit south korea again due to K-ETA requirement as i usually dont plan my holidays ahead of time due to uncertain workloads. And if i wanted to brings boys to travel with me, that adds another layer of complication.
  19. Yes, for beers and non alcoholic drinks its normal 500. Cocktails like margarita or sex on the beach etc is 650
  20. Not similar. No approval required for malaysia digital arrival card, which can only be filled up to 3 days before arrival. Probably similar to K-ETA done by South Korea, but they do charge small fee.
  21. There is a diff between digital arrival card and ETA. ETA is almost akin to visa, and you need approval before allowed boarding. Digital card, even if you forgot to fill it prior to boarding, you can still do it at arrival. At least that is my understanding.
  22. I think they have diff drink price for non-alcoholic/beers and cocktails. 650 is for cocktails.
  23. Actually, jeyspa do have several boys (around 4-5 at least) on premise for the walk in, and ive seen the boys lining up when the walk-in customer comes to choose.
  24. Vck guys will line up in a sort of platform stairs, similar to seats u see in small school gym for spectators. No glass in between you and them though but your seats are quite a distance away. No glass walls at arena too, but guys will line up across the room where they relax/workout. I share the same sentiment as your friend unfortunately lol
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