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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Anyone excited about this? Its coming in my country 1st of June and in Thailand 30th of June. I cant wait to see what asian focused series will be in disney+. More BL series perhaps?
  2. 2 months to vaccinate all thais?
  3. It says if time slot are full, can transit at bkk airport. My main turn off is the cost of 7 days in phuket. At 150k-200k baht, thats 22k - 28k a day, way above my budget.
  4. Phuket is set to welcome 129,000 international tourists in the first three months of the quarantine-free programme, while the government will team up with airlines to subsidise 100,000 one-way domestic air tickets, says the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn said the reopening initiative -- Phuket Sandbox -- is expected to attract 30,000-40,000 tourists per month with long-haul markets being the main target People receive Covid-19 vaccines in Phuket. The island is rushing to vaccinate locals ahead of the reopening initiative slated for July 1. (Photo by Achadthaya Chuenniran) Phuket is set to welcome 129,000 international tourists in the first three months of the quarantine-free programme, while the government will team up with airlines to subsidise 100,000 one-way domestic air tickets, says the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn said the reopening initiative -- Phuket Sandbox -- is expected to attract 30,000-40,000 tourists per month with long-haul markets being the main target. He said seven-day tour packages in Phuket will cost around 150,000-200,000 baht per person, which is significantly higher than average spending per of around 50,000 baht per trip prior to the outbreak. Tourists have to board a direct flight to the island to ensure safety, but if time slots at the airport are fully booked, tourists can transit at Suvarnabhumi airport via a sealed terminal. Continues below Source
  5. The many vaccine they got is actually donated by UAE to the country. Since then, they also receive some vaccine from covax (3% of population only). Im not sure if the gov themselves have procure their own vaccine yet or not. Apparently, egen at 62% vaccinated, they are now experience a surge in new cases. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-04/world-s-most-vaccinated-nation-reintroduces-curbs-as-cases-surge
  6. Temporary closure doesnt mean it is out of business. Not sure how recent the pic of sansuk sauna is, but thailand have been having two recent covid outbreak that resulted in closure of businesses like sauna, bars, hotels and massage places.
  7. All i care is i saw malaysia in the list lol. Hope that ill be one of the first to enjoy the travel bubble.
  8. Thats the game, resident evil village
  9. For tiktok, find the user by their id, and follow. The more user u follow, the better will the random tiktok theyll show as they know more about tour preference. Otherwise, u can also view new tiktok from those u follow only. There is also discover, where u can search user or #hashtag topic
  10. Hopefully when their own vaccine production started, things will speed up.
  11. I dont know if there is any, definitely not something that is allowed to be operating freely. I do know of a masseur that provide male massage and he is also working as pilate instructor at a gym. He might be open for a male yoga session? Lol
  12. Read this news yesterday and i immediately share this with one of my favorite boy from indonesia. This is a good news indeed, as i know for a fact some of his friends has been a victim of this random checks and were threaten with jail unless they pay a bribe. Despicable indeed but the boys also knows they are here to provide illegal services, so they reluctantly just pay the police even though i told them the police have no proof that they did something wrong. I do hope that this directive is fully enforced, however, i dont see any mention of what should foreigner do if they still being questioned randomly.
  13. Sometimes i wish that my country have had the covid cases high enough so people here (especially antivaks) will be begging to be vaccinated. Then maybe the registration for vaccines right now wont be as low. Currently vaccine registration is as low as 16% of the population is some states, with overall registration at 30% of total population. My own state and the capital each stands at slightly over 50%, and registration has been opened since end of february. Vaccine roll out has been slow initially as the roll out is by phase, but so far it has been on schedule, at 3% of population have received 2 doses of vaccine. Yes, vaccine supply is still an issue, and we have more people registered for vaccine than the vaccine doses so far, but it will comes to the point where we will have vaccine surplus and not enough people opted to take the vaccine, making achieving herd immunity impossible. Thats why i wish that my country will make it mandatory, through a blanket order or via relaxation of restriction. Our country have already compulsory vaccination program in place for kids though. I guess the main reason is due to current vaccines was still not a fully established vaccines, and there are still who prefer lockdown vs uncertainty of vaccine safety. Hopefully this will change as time goes and more and more vaccinated people shows that the vaccine is indeed safe.
  14. Yup, it is not a sure thing that vaccine will prevent 100% severe cases/death at the moment, especially when some people doesnt generate enough antibody even after receiving the recommended dose of the vaccine. What the article is highlighting for me is even if you are fully vaccinated, currently the virus is evolving, and the efficacy of vaccine might also reduce over time, as no one knows the long term immunity of vaccine yet. So if you are in a heavily impacted area, always be mindful to observe the safety protocol.
  15. Same situation for me here. Although the gov have said that vaccination is key to opening border but that might only happen when herd immunity achieve.
  16. Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines have been dragged into the spotlight over efficacy concerns against the new double mutant variant first found in India after an infectious disease specialist from the US, who had received two Pfizer shots prior to his arrival in India, passed away after testing positive for coronavirus at the age of 81, local media reported on Wednesday. Although there is no direct evidence showing reduced efficacy of Pfizer vaccines against the new mutated strain, previous studies suggest a reduced protection rate against other variants, health experts reached by the Global Times said. Dr Rajendra Kapila, a professor at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey specializing in infectious diseases, arrived in India in late March and was scheduled to fly back to the US in mid-April, but he found he was infected with COVID-19 on April 8 and was later admitted to Delhi's Shanti Mukund Hospital, local media the Hindustan Times reported on Wednesday. He died at the hospital on April 28, the report said, but no details on the cause of his death have been disclosed, nor has it been specified if Kapila was infected with the double mutated virus. "For the last one year I have been working at a COVID-19 lab in New Jersey and had ensured a safe environment at home," said Dr Deepti, Kapila's wife who traveled with him to India. "It is ironic that we came to India for two weeks and he contracted it here," she said, Hindustan Times reported. Continues below Source
  17. My country havent made it compulsory so far. And anti-vaccines have been scaring people off in certain states. Sooner or later, any relaxation of restriction such as interstate and international travelling will require you to show your vaccine certification, so hopefully those will encourage more people to vaccinated. Another obvious reason why its hard to achieve 80% is we have excluded a major chunk of population from being eligible to take the vaccines, those below 18 years old. Once vaccine trials or providers assure the publiv that these group can safely take the vaccine, those percentage should go up drastically.
  18. Malaysia is giving free vaccination to all foreign resident as well, and priority is bases on risk factor only. Recently, the gov decided to allow volunteers to register for astrazeneca vaccine due to the blood clot reason, and slots were gone within 3 hours. I and several of my families managed to register, as well as several of my expat colleagues. The gov decided to continue to do this for the upcoming astrazeneca vaccines. Like everyone mentioned already, the virus doesnt care what status u are, what race you are, what nationality you are, so it makes sense to vaccinate the population, including permenant resident and long term foreign workers/expat. However, when the vaccine supply is limited, priority should be given to those who are of high risk of exposure (health care, essential factories workers etc) and high risk of fatality (older population with comorbidities). Another risky groups are those who cant isolate in their home due to living in a cramp houses or hostels (khlong toey slum or factory workers hostels etc). Back to the topic above, expat residing in a country can be in any of the category in the priority lists. Putting the whole expat community at the back of the line does sounds to me a discrimination.
  19. I care to make the assumption that most of us here carry a higher risk of infection as long as we continue to seek random hot boys for sex. Getting vaccinated makes sense to me if it helps ensure our peace of mind, so i can focus my mind on the boy of the day lol. Of course if you no longer trying to find boys when u are in thailand, and stay at home, your risk is definitely lower than most.
  20. Only worth the effort if you can get the one dose j&j vaccine, or if u really like staying in guam for a longer term.
  21. There is another way, fiance visa or marry a foreigner lol
  22. There's a line acc for everything in thailand. Hopefully this will help facilitate and expedite response due to covid emergency.
  23. In just two days, over half a million Thais have joined a new Facebook group called “Let’s Move Abroad”, amid increasing criticism of the Thai government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic and political issues. Countless posts by over 524,500 members of the group ask for tips on studying and working abroad in certain fields, while those who have lived abroad promoted countries where they stayed with beautiful photos. Among countries of most apparent interest are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Malaysia. Many members also sympathise with the current anti-government movement. “I really dislike this country in terms of its system of governing and certain people. I want to change the country, but I think relocating is easier,” said Piyawat Janta, a member who is looking to the US. “The group was created to compile information on life in other countries and to exchange tips on how to move abroad, like how to obtain visas etc. It’s not aimed at taking political jabs, although it’s undeniable that this interest in moving abroad also political, otherwise there wouldn’t be this many members,” said the creator and administrator of the group, who wished to remain anonymous. Continues below... Source
  24. Its like saying the perfect medicine is no medicine
  25. What u see in the videos vs whats on offer in bar is very different. the videos only shows those outside the bars, but most of the boys are inside. Go to specific bars fb/ig/twitter and some bar does shows a bit of what u can expect. I believe that very same website also have dedicated page on some bars with more pictures of boys.
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