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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Since when showing middle finger is a sign of intelligent? Since it is directed to deserving nitwit hahaha.
  2. Isnt it just a russ to further use gov money to another one of their cronies? New website means new contract to be awarded, for whatever reason.
  3. A quick search on the forum, this sauna/community center for gay has been mentioned, although not on a specific thread like this one. Seems like it is more than just a sauna, as they also offer counselling for the gay community on chem sex as well.
  4. Did u use the correct technique to engage with them? I think those who have been succesful might shed some light on how to be lucky?
  5. Now that u mention your term boyfriend who still took care of you in thailand, i think that is one thing that i noticed early on when comparing asian culture and western culture. Older generation are greatly respected in asia. We give our money to our parents, grandparents, so your ex taking care of you while very sweet, not unheard of here. Itll be very hard to find retirement housing or community in malaysia, and i bet in thailand too, except for those catered for expats/foreigners as most of the parents/grandparents, live with their kids/grandkids. There are house by the goverment for those who needs it but its not a norm. Now, im not sure about spain, argentina nor brazil about this culture. Money speaks everywhere though, so as long as u have them, im sure its not an issue hehe.
  6. I dont know what to say to my 18 self as i dont think its any better now. Maybe, just be yourself?
  7. Another reason for spain, u can get brazillian guys too especially those working in thermas. Not so sure if the reverse is true.
  8. I guess if u want western amenities, Spain is a no brainer? Brazil and Argentina high inflation brings a lot of uncertainties to stay there longer term. Im sure Spain wins on healthcare facilities too. Not sure if Brazil and Argentina gov will treat foreigners any better. But stay in thailand, u dont stay in thailand to have a gov that treat you well, u stay there to have a boy that treat u well lol
  9. My bank balance is zero
  10. My annoyance is really not the amount but rather who will be benefiting from this collection. Like i said, many countries do this in one way or another, through hotel, or airport, or dual pricing etc. One could argue to visa fee is part of it too. The article mentioned it is to ensure the tourist that comes to thailand are the quality type, but i doubt 500 baht charges will be a solution to that. For most with limited disposible income, this might very well mean they will spend less elsewhere, with the their total spending for the trip remain the same.
  11. Many reasons to have multiple accounts, but u suspect main reason is games or used to be games.
  12. R350 for 30min-40min i think? Then the session was actually much longer and continue to a second session.
  13. There are better source for porn nowadays 😝 twiter is limited to 2.20min of videos, which is less ideals for full length porn.
  14. Few things to ponder, when did he gets his vaccine as after 6 month or so, effectiveness drop, and what kind of vaccine? Regardless, vaccine is not 100%.
  15. Thats a really funny story haha. Im guilty of this too, i often wonder if people are offended but then again, i have been really inactive in FB. By that i mean i dont really update or post myself, but i do use it for informations etc. This is true for all social media accounts i have, im more of a lurker, not really looking to socialize on social media haha.
  16. So basically 1.2k to the thai military gov outright just for landing and exiting thailand. I mean i know some other countries do it as well, but if u want to boost tourism, making it more expensive is not the way.
  17. Have fun reading the comment section on bangkok post. Someone mentioned there is a 700 baht fee to leave thailand too?
  18. Actually, that is what i expected from TIT. Lets fix whats not broken and say we fix it.
  19. I think hotel prices in thailand has been very competitive enough without TAT intervention. Unless this website can make the price even cheaper, then yes, it might be worth checking out.
  20. Bad publicity also publicity lol at least they did call me awesome traveller!
  21. Doesnt see bolt taxi in the list. Hope they qualify.
  22. Not much hotel featured yet, but to be fair, it does says beta. Another error when pressing booking shows that it will be available October 15th.
  23. Not sure about thailand, but its pretty common here in malaysia and most of it are from either china or korea. We have 22 diff brands approved here already lol Btw, did a quick google, seems like there is at least one saliva type approved for use in thailand https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/pr/2181635/viraspec-sars-cov-2-antigen-rapid-test-cassette-saliva-
  24. There are saliva test kit that is painless too.
  25. Phillippines has the advantage of being and island nations and can easily open only the captial for tourist if they wanted too. Of course that would also mean they need to have extra check at any local departure airports and ports to ensure tourist doesnt venture away, at least 14 days if they want to follow sandbox model.
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