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Everything posted by spoon

  1. For first question, u can book hotel or airbnb that will take positive cases for isolation, similar to those who cant isolate at home due to many reasons. I dont recall any issues of finding hotels to book for quarantine so i assume there are plenty of options, but having no need to quarantine, i didnt make any search. U can also sent to quarantine centers if u cant afford hotel quarantine. If u are tested positive pre-departure before leaving malaysia, unfortunately u will have to quarantine for 7 days or airline would never let u board their flight. I think this part is true for any countries where pre-departure test is compulsory. But things might change once border open and we move to endemic phase. Im also waiting for more details as it also means i will not have to quarantine when returning from my "future" trips oversea. Below is the english version of the quarantine requirement.
  2. Current quarantine requirement here for positive cases is 7 days at home for category 1 and 2a if you are fully vaccinated. Close contact stay at home is 5 days if you had your booster, 7 days if fully vaccinated, and 10 days if you arent. U can also quarantine at selected hotels if needed. This apply to all, but im not sure if itll also apply when border is open. Bare in mind that the march 1st opening is still a proposal and not much details have been released yet. Can only find the malay version of the photo below. Can try to use google lens for translation
  3. Is test & go still only available to select countries or all?
  4. Is that always good thing though? Delayed ejaculation is the medical term. I guess it can be a stress if the partner cant last as long hehehe
  5. 1-1 engagement is still a low risk, compared to going to dj station unmasked jam packed with people. Similarly, eating in a full-house indoor restaurant with poor ventilation, is higher risk than your 1-1 session in the room. Self test kit is cheap, so u can always ask your boys to take one to reduce chances further. I agree, for some activities, wearing masks is just not practical, unless u like gloryhole haha
  6. That means u could be out by around midnight. Might as well assume itll be the next day as bars close early still. I do wonder if u get your negative result, will u able to bring visitor that night. If so, the day is not a total lost hehe
  7. Cheap hotel, cheap food, very reasonable luxuries. Im not surprise bangkok is top.
  8. Please make this happen 🤞
  9. Thank you so much! Now i can stop wondering haha
  10. Wet dream is a sign of sexually deprived hehe. Cant help u here but i think lusting over something we cant get is very normal.
  11. Awesome. Ill be waiting patiently like an obedient dog ☺️
  12. Just curious if anyone knows whether these two cam boys actually available for hire in medellin. Alex Demarco Johan Williams
  13. Yes, some hotels in bkk does provide express result at higher price. I believe u should contact the hotel directly and as for this. When i was researching during dec, i recall seeing this express test rates stated in marriot apps. I just checked 2 hotels, courtyard marriot says result in 6-8 hours if check in before 18:30, 12 hours if after. While the more expensive Le meridien only have 24 hours result... So check directly with hotels u want.
  14. spoon

    Vaccines in Asia

    We had 6 month wait initially for both pfizer and az, but was scrapped when vaccine supply was no longer an issue, but instead vaccine expiring was. Sinovac receivers had always been able to get booster anytime and it will be mandated here for all sinovac 1st and second doses as well as above 60 for any vaccines, to get booster by mid February or they lose their vaccine completed status.
  15. Ive always been frugal since young. Basically in my family, im probably the only one lol. Im sure its something that can be thought but most of it are habits. Based on your report, seems like bangkok guy is fitting those frugal molds hehe, and will do well if he has a good steady income. I wonder if thailand banks gives a good return on interest? If not, is there a place where thai naitional can put their money in that is low risk but gives returns of around 4-5% and allow him to take his fund anytime? Then maybe its wise for him to put a portion of the business saving there. Anything higher than a normal saving accounts really.
  16. I wouldve been useless advisor for businesses too. My own strategy is very conservative investing majority of my savings in low risk funds. My strength has always been in the amount of savings i set aside for those funds. Of course i can afford to save as i made quite a good income from my jobs and i live in a country with a very low cost of living and my lifestyle are what most consider as frugal. Im not sure how this will be feasible for the boys though.
  17. I actually view the sharks as those waiting to take advantage of those poor young entrepreneur haha.
  18. Is it true that the 5th day testing and quarantine doesnt apply if your trip is shorter than 5 days? And by extension, if your trip is within 5-7 days, u cab use the pcr test for your pre-departure pcr returning home too?
  19. Most onlyfans creator will have social medias to give the previews hehe
  20. Since he is not fully vaccinated, he is more susceptible to have a more severe complication from covid and potentially long covid too. I sincerely hope he will recover well, hopefully soon enough for u to see it yourself in your report 😔
  21. I might be ahead of your story and if i do, feel free to answer this when its happened in your report but did u find out why bangkok guy did not get his second shot yet?
  22. Such a complex solution for a simple issue. Couldnt they just waived the overstay charge instead if u show the hotel isolation order?
  23. I think he is on onlyfans before but now he deleted the account due to being harrases by the authority. The leaked videos have the onlyfans watermark.
  24. I hear there will be a promotion, each room comes with one boy of your choice that will quarantine with you lol
  25. My wish for one day that a gay hotel would collaborate with a gay bar/massage and get the SHA+ status and provide plenty of services for trapped tourist. So no matter what the thai gov decide, i can still have my fun.
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