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Everything posted by spoon

  1. I want to meet this guy too!! 🥺
  2. Most hotels in the silom neigborhood are very gay and adult friendly, W bangkok included. I once stayed at a 3 star hotel near Asok terminal and had a boy comes to my room, and the reception did call me when he arrived, and call me again when he left. It was awkward at first since most hotel in silom i usually went to my room together with the boy, but its actually done for our safety.
  3. Just enjoy the hospitality of the locals during ramadhan. Free food during iftar (breaking the fast) is common. There is no religious restriction on sex during the night though. Of course, gay sex is illegal all year round anyway hehe.
  4. spoon


    Things has gone back to normal time it seems. At least for hotmale.
  5. Be open minded and try new things. Cumming isnt the only way to enjoy your time with boys. 🙃
  6. spoon

    Thai Pass

    You are right. My information got mixed up with information i get from a local too. Upon further research i found this article that said negative pcr still required. Source
  7. spoon

    Thai Pass

    Bali only was outdated. Indonesia very recently scraped everything. U can now travel there without any restriction, similar to pre-covid. Source
  8. spoon


    U can hire those models in moonlight but itll cost u more than the regular boys. 1k off fee and 5k tips as i recalled. U can ask mamasan which model will do what. I believe some of the members shared their experience before in trip reports.
  9. Recently came across another hot guy who is from medellin in f4f. I wonder if he is available for more than that. His name is alex franko. Anyone have any info?
  10. spoon

    Thai Pass

    Id rather they remove the on arrival pcr and 1 night prebooked and maintain the pre-departure pcr. But thats just me.
  11. This is the current SOP. Not sure if they will keep this in april but any changes should be towards less restriction. I should add, only those requiring hospitalization will be quarantine at hospital. Otherwise, self isolation is the default, whether at home or hotel. By 1st April, below will be the standard SOPs And SOP for travellers arriving after 1st April.
  12. Im totally against drugs and tried to advocate that with the boys im with. Luckily so far, most of the boys i take fancy dont do drugs, or not that i know of. Sadly, some did. One actually shows some sort of withdrawal symptoms the night we were together, albeit mild. He did ask if i have ice.. No idea out of desperate needs or what since ive never give any indication that im into chem fun. On a second ocassion, a diff boys asked me if its okay for him to try drug with a diff customer. Apparently a customer is offering him chem sex for more money and i told him what i think of it. I advise him not to do it, but he said he already did it... And like it. I told him whats the danger of drugs etc, the whole thing i think he should know, and hope he listen. Apart from these, im pretty sure some of the guys i like took some sort of viagra to perform, as well as those bodybuilder taking steroids for diff reason.
  13. Im picturing your muscle worship session with nut. Similar name the the famous nut from moonlight, if nut is really his name
  14. @GoldMember should be there already right? 😏
  15. If u ask me to choose hot and humid thailand vs rainy thailand, id choose the rainy thailand any days. I lived nearby and during hot weather, we just stay indoors lol
  16. Im stucked with work as of now. Might have to wait until things settle down a bit. But yes, if there is less planning ahead required to nake a short trip, i might be more likely able to make a trip, but not so soon sadly
  17. I wonder what they mean by quick test?
  18. I believe it will be similar kind of arrangement with singapore. And its a two way agreement, meaning people from thailand can come to malaysia too. What it mean for me personally compared to test n go currently is the returning to malaysia part where currently i need to quarantine upon returning, and with vtl, i dont have to. Im sure it will definitely encourange more travel between the two countries.
  19. provision of lubricant and inclusion of instructions on how to use the product. This probably the reason for the condom trial is a success. So not really dont use lubricant but proper use of it.
  20. There are a few ways one can hope. The easiest is hoping that the guys knows about tawan bar and shows up there. Another is finding them on the apps. At least with these two options, you will probably know that they are indeed available for hire. Going to the competition and talking to them directly might not be wise in my opinion, but thats just me. I read few people who brave enough were actually successful in getting them that way. Though u might get in trouble too if they take offense lol. Fees always something you need to negotiate directly, but i believe starting with somewhat similar to what bar boys are asking is wise. Though if you are shooting for superstar, be prepare to up your ante.
  21. After the contest, theyll probably go crazy haha. But if u like muscle worship, then timing your trip during competition should be ideal. Its not cheap for those body builder to maintain their regime with the supplement cost, travel and hotel to enter the competition, and if they didnt win, they would not get back their investment. So they might be motivated to find some generous sponsors hehe. Having said that, i dont have any experience travelling to thailand during competition time.
  22. Luckily most nation now will leave the circumcision to clinics to be done by a proper doctor. For me, silicone dick is the worst offense, while mook, isnt as bad if its near the beginning of the shaft. Ive yet saw a pierced dick except in porn, and i find that ugly too.
  23. If just standing, i would remove the gogo title too. Maybe we should call them statues. Although, plenty of gogo bars still have choreographed shows. I think at least 3 gogobars that still open in bangkok with shows. Might be more. The two that i know still posting videos/live in social media are moonlight and jupiter.
  24. Anyone want to bet that it will be easily bypassed by the masses within few days of its launch?
  25. Glad that u make what seems like a nightmare for most to an actually the best way to deal with quarantine. I wouldnt mind to be stucked in a hotel with someone i adore enough to bring him travelling with me especially if the alternative is staying there alone. And yes, it is definitely worth the money to spend for that kind of luxury!. Though your experience definitely affirms my thought that a short trip to thailand is definitely not worth it at this time. Too much hassle and much less rewards.
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